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第 1 条,共 37 条
标题: A fast electron jet along target surface irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses 
作者: Li, YT (Li, Y. T.); Yuan, XH (Yuan, X. H.); Zheng, ZY (Zheng, Z. Y.); Xu, MH (Xu, M. H.); Ma, YY (Ma, Y. Y.); Chen, M (Chen, M.); Liang, WX (Liang, W. X.); Yu, QZ (Yu, Q. Z.); Sheng, ZM (Sheng, Z. M.); Wang, ZH (Wang, Z. H.); Wei, ZY (Wei, Z. Y.); Zhang, J (Zhang, J.)
来源出版物: JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV  卷: 133  页: 413-416  DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006133083  出版年: JUN 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 17 
摘要: We demonstrate a fast electron jet along the target surface in the interaction of a femtosecond laser pulse with a solid foil. Numerical simulations show that the jet is formed due to the confinement of the surface quasistatic electromagnetic fields induced by the fast electrons themselves. The results suggest an easy way to obtain a well collimated, highly directional and stable laser-based fast electron source with a ultrashort pulse duration.
入藏号: WOS:000239228900083 
语种: English
文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 4th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 
会议日期: SEP 04-09, 2005 
会议地点: Biarritz, FRANCE 
会议赞助商 : Univ of Bordeaux, CNRS, Commissariat Energie Atom
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Phys, Lab Opt Phys, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
 Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt Technol, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Zhang, J (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Phys, Lab Opt Phys, POB 603, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.


ResearcherID 号


ma, yanyun  A-9019-2012   
Web of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary
研究方向: Physics
IDS 号: 066KS 
ISSN: 1155-4339 
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J PHYS IV 
ISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Phys. IV 
来源出版物页码计数: 4 

第 2 条,共 37 条
标题: Spatial evolution of multiple filaments in air induced by femtosecond laser pulses 
作者: Hao, ZQ (Hao, ZQ); Zhang, J (Zhang, J); Lu, X (Lu, X); Xi, TT (Xi, TT); Li, YT (Li, YT); Yuan, XH (Yuan, XH); Zheng, ZY (Zheng, ZY); Wang, ZH (Wang, ZH); Ling, WJ (Ling, WJ); Wei, ZY (Wei, ZY)
来源出版物: OPTICS EXPRESS  卷: 14  期: 2  页: 773-778  DOI: 10.1364/OPEX.14.000773  出版年: JAN 23 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 20 
被引频次合计: 21 
引用的参考文献数: 31 
摘要: The spatial evolution of plasma filaments in air induced by femtosecond laser pulses is investigated experimentally. Several major filaments and small scaled additional filaments are detected in the plasma channel. The complicated interaction process of filaments as splitting, fusion and spreading is observed. The major filaments propagate stably, and the small scaled additional filaments can be attracted to the major filaments and merged with them. The major filaments are formed due to the perturbation of initial beam profile and the small scaled filaments are mainly caused by the transverse modulational instability. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
入藏号: WOS:000235012000037 
PubMed ID: 19503396 
语种: English
文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper
会议名称: OSA Topical Meeting on Signal Recovery and Synthesis 
会议日期: JUN, 2005 
会议地点: Charlotte, NC 
会议赞助商 : Opt Soc Amer
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Phys, Key Lab Opt Phys, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
 Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt Technol, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Hao, ZQ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Phys, Key Lab Opt Phys, POB 603, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
Web of Science 类别: Optics
研究方向: Optics
IDS 号: 008AG 
ISSN: 1094-4087 
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPT EXPRESS 
ISO 来源出版物缩写: Opt. Express 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 3 条,共 37 条
标题: The laser shaft alignment system with dual PSDs 
作者: Jiao, GH (Jiao Guohua); Li, YL (Li Yulin); Zhang, DB (Zhang Dongbo); Li, TH (Li Tonghai); Hu, BW (Hu Baowen)
来源出版物: 1st International Symposium on Digital Manufacture, Vols 1-3  页: 107-111  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 12 
摘要: Shaft alignment is an important technique during installation and maintenance of a rotating machine. A high-precision laser alignment system has been designed with dual PSDs (Position Sensing Detector) to change traditional manual way of shaft alignment and to make the measurement easier and more accurate. The system is comprised of two small measuring units (laser transmitter and detector) and a PDA ( Personal Digital Assistant) with the measurement software. The laser alignment system with dual PSDs was improved on a single PSD system, and it gets higher measurement accuracy than the previous design, and it has been succeeded in designing and implement for actual shaft alignment. In the system, the range of offset measurement is +/- 4 mm, and the resolution is 1.5 mu m, and the accuracy is less than 2 mu m.
入藏号: WOS:000244372300018 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 1st International Symposium on Digital Manufacture 
会议日期: OCT 15-17, 2006 
会议地点: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Inst Prod Engn Res, Chinese Mech Engn Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Hong Kong Polytechn Univ, Wuhan Univ Technol, Hubei Digital Mfg Key Lab, Natl Soc Intelligent Mfg
作者关键词: rotating machine; shaft alignment; laser alignment; position sensing detector (PSD); laser micro-displacement measurement
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Jiao, GH (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 122 LUOSHI RD, WUHAN 430070, PEOPLES R CHINA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Manufacturing; Engineering, Mechanical
研究方向: Engineering
IDS 号: BFS68 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 4 条,共 37 条
标题: An experimental study on the image quality loss of an objective caused by assemblage stress - art. no. 61493D 
作者: Duan, XT (Duan, XT); Bai, JG (Bai, JG); Zhou, RK (Zhou, RK)
编者: Yang L; Wen S; Chen Y; Kley EB
来源出版物: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6149  页: D1493-D1493  文献号: 61493D  DOI: 10.1117/12.674349  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 4 
摘要: Stress birefringence caused by assemblage stress can change the light through the glass into tow beams in different polarization mode, so the magnitude of the stress bireffingence can be measured by a polarimeter. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) curve can be looked as the accurate result of image quality of an objective, in this article, we make an analysis of the correlation in theory, and list the result of the experiment. The MTF curve shows the obvious difference before the stress caused by assemblage was released and after. The stress caused by assemblage produces the additive wave aberration of the light. This additive wave aberration then cause the image quality loss of the objective. Measurement data indicates another objective as contrast has no stress in any of its units, so the MTF curve was almost the same as it was designed. The most serious loss of the image quality by assemblage stress is the falloff of the vertical curve and the horizontal curve of MTF, especially at the edge of the view field of the objective, and once the stress of the lens was released, this falloff disappears at the same time. So our conclusion is before an objective was assembled, each lens must be test by a polarimeter. If the stress can't be accepted, the stress should be released forwardly. And, this kind of test should also be implemented before the stickiness of each lens of the objective for the final image quality.
入藏号: WOS:000236537700121 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: stress birefringence; optical assemblage; image quality; polarimeter
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Duan, XT (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Manufacturing; Optics
研究方向: Engineering; Optics
IDS 号: BEB02 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6188-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 5 条,共 37 条
标题: Fabrication of low-cost polymer microlens array - art. no. 61491P 
作者: Li, TH (Li, TH); Hu, BW (Hu, BW); Jiao, GH (Jiao, GH); Guo, XY (Guo, XY); Wang, LL (Wang, LL); Li, YL (Li, YL)
编者: Yang L; Wen S; Chen Y; Kley EB
来源出版物: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6149  页: P1491-P1491  文献号: 61491P  DOI: 10.1117/12.674251  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 16 
摘要: The fabrication technology of refractive microlens array (MLA) with self-assembly of drops of various thermoplastic optical polymer solutions is reported. In order to develop a conventional drop-on-demand type ink-jet printing method for fabricating high quality microlens array, Firstly, we tried to prepare a series of optical polymer inks. These inks compose of high quality optical polymers, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), dopant, and functional organic molecules such as laser dye, nonlinear organic dye, and rare earth ion chelates with a suitable organic solvent. Effects of surface tension on the polymer solution drops induced the self-formation of microlenses. This process exhibited a completely self-assembly characteristic without any chemical and photochemical post-treatment. The resulting microlens array displayed diameters varying from 1mm to 5mm and focal lengths from less than one millimeter to a few millimeters. Observation with an atomic force microscope reveals that the surface roughness of the lens is 0.9 nm. The transmittance spectrum of the lens is also measured.
入藏号: WOS:000236537700061 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: refractive microlens array; drop-on-demand (DOD); polymer; self-assembly; rhodamine 6G
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Li, TH (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Manufacturing; Optics
研究方向: Engineering; Optics
IDS 号: BEB02 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6188-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 6 条,共 37 条
标题: Fabrication of microstructured polymer optical fiber preform - art. no. 61491Y 
作者: Zhang, YN (Zhang, YN); Wang, LL (Wang, LL); Ren, LY (Ren, LY); Li, TH (Li, TH); Wang, XZ (Wang, XZ); Zhao, W (Zhao, W); Miao, RC (Miao, RC)
编者: Yang L; Wen S; Chen Y; Kley EB
来源出版物: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6149  页: Y1491-Y1491  文献号: 61491Y  DOI: 10.1117/12.674260  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 11 
摘要: We report a new technology to fabricate microstructured polymer optical fiber (MPOF, also named polymer photonic crystal fiber, pPCF) preform rods by in-situ polymerization of monomer in a mould. Series of pPCF preform rods including elliptic core fiber preform rod, single-mode fiber preform rod and ring-type holes structured preform rods have been fabricated. The optimum conditions for monomer-based fabrication of pPCF preform rods were investigated. Then, drawing from primary preform rods to secondary preform rods was carried out in a home-made furnace. Finally, optical and thermal properties of these pPCF preform rods, such as transmittance, a glass transition temperature, and the distribution of molecular weight were investigated. Optically functional dye-doped pPCF preform rods, rhodamines-doped PMMA preform rods were successfully fabricated.
入藏号: WOS:000236537700070 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: microstructured fabrication; optical materials; fiber design and fabrication; photonic crystal fiber
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Zhang, YN (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Manufacturing; Optics
研究方向: Engineering; Optics
IDS 号: BEB02 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6188-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 7 条,共 37 条
标题: Measurements of particle fields by in-line holography - art. no. 61503H 
作者: Gao, HW (Gao, HW); Sun, CD (Sun, CD); Qin, JJ (Qin, JJ)
编者: Hou X; Yuan J; Wyant JC; Han S
来源出版物: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6150  页: H1503-H1503  文献号: 61503H  DOI: 10.1117/12.676938  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 8 
摘要: In-line holography is introduced in this paper. It is one of the many methods that have been used for the precision metrology for objects in various fields of engineering. Holography is a modern powerful tool to measure and analyze particle fields. A 4-f optical system is applied in in-line holographic recording system. The information of a particle field not only is recorded on a holographic plate but also can be derived from the reconstructed images through a reconstruction system. In the parallel optical field, the analysis of a particle field can be done with different instruments and in different depth of field and different positions. This recording system makes every particle in different spatial positions in the particle field have a same amplification ratio. This will be benefit to the data processing and calibration of the particle field. The interferential patterns formed on recording plate and relationship of the particles and the noise of the background in the particle field are analyzed. Some experimental results of particle fields recorded by in-line holography are presented in this paper. The particle identification and the elimination of noise are discussed at the end of this paper.
入藏号: WOS:000236263300125 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: measurement; demarcating; particle field; pulsed-laser holography; 4-f optical system; in-line holography
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Gao, HW (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, 322 Youyi Xilu, Xian 710068, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
IDS 号: BDY85 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6189-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 8 条,共 37 条
标题: Development of the laser alignment system with PSD used for shaft calibration - art. no. 61500H 
作者: Jiao, GH (Jiao, GH); Li, YL (Li, YL); Hu, BW (Hu, BW)
编者: Hou X; Yuan J; Wyant JC; Han S
来源出版物: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6150  页: H1500-H1500  文献号: 61500H  DOI: 10.1117/12.676890  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 4 
摘要: Shaft calibration is an important technique during installation and maintenance of a rotating machine. It requires unique and high-precision measurement instruments with calculation capability, and relies on experience on heavy, high-speed, or high-temperature machines. A high-precision laser alignment system has been designed using PSD (Position Sensing Detector) to change traditional manual way of shaft calibration and to make the measurement easier and more accurate. The system is comprised of two small measuring units (Laser transmitter and detector) and a hand operated control unit or a PC. Such a laser alignment system has been used in some actual shaft alignment with offset resolution 1.5 mu m and angular resolution 0.1 degrees.
入藏号: WOS:000236263300017 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: laser micro-displacement measurement; laser alignment; shaft calibration; PSD; signal processing
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Jiao, GH (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
IDS 号: BDY85 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6189-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 9 条,共 37 条
标题: Analysis on influence of illumination in MTF measurement within infrared spectral bands - art. no. 61500J 
作者: Dong, W (Dong, W); Zhou, RK (Zhou, RK)
编者: Hou X; Yuan J; Wyant JC; Han S
来源出版物: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6150  页: J1500-J1500  文献号: 61500J  DOI: 10.1117/12.677989  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 7 
摘要: It had been proved that MTF plays a key role in evaluation the quality of imaging system even in infrared spectral bands. Two methods of MTF test procedures have been used widely in visible domain,i.e. the direct method which is based on measuring the response to sinusoidal; and the indirect method, which is based upon computing the Fourier transform of the measured line spread function. However it can also be used in infrared spectral bands even in the evaluation of the system with staring arrays. But there is still something different in infrared imaging system. The infrared flux will be influenced by many factors such as: optimum focus, not normalized to zero spatial frequency properly, signal out of linear region, blackbody or ambient temperature changes during the test, S/N ratio and the width of the slit on the sensor's surface. Concerning the applications of staring arrays system both MRTD and MTF are the main factors in the target acquisition characteristics in infrared wavebands. So the MTF test could be implemented on fixed special frequency, for example 201p/mm, We will deal with the influence of illumination on sensor with SRF (slit response function) method under a special frequency.
入藏号: WOS:000236263300019 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: MTF; infrared wavebands; slit method; veiling glaring
地址: ACS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Dong, W (通讯作者),ACS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
IDS 号: BDY85 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6189-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 10 条,共 37 条
标题: Two methods for CCD camera's image center measurement - art. no. 61504O 
作者: Feng, W (Feng, W); Cao, JZ (Cao, JZ); Zou, YX (Zou, YX); Zhou, RK (Zhou, RK); Luo, XJ (Luo, XJ)
编者: Hou X; Yuan J; Wyant JC; Han S
来源出版物: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6150  页: O1504-O1504  文献号: 61504O  DOI: 10.1117/12.676678  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 7 
摘要: Practical application of two types of method for CCD camera's image center measurement is researched. With regard to image center, pixels' distribution to image plane is still symmetrical even under the influence of lens distortion. Based on this, with direct optical method, the image center is determined by the symmetry of pixels' position in vertical and horizontal directions on image plane. With lens distortion based perspective projection method, a complete imaging model is built and image center is a key element of the model. Two kinds of main lens distortion are considered in the model. Test is carried out and the comparison is made for two methods. The second method's strong convergence property is verified.
入藏号: WOS:000236263300168 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: image center; camera calibration; camera parameters; lens distortion
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Feng, W (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
IDS 号: BDY85 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6189-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 11 条,共 37 条
标题: High-resolution & high-speed rotary Fourier Transform spectrometer - art. no. 61504X 
作者: Yan, XX (Yan, XX); Zhou, SZ (Zhou, SZ); Lu, QB (Lu, QB); Bin, XL (Bin, XL); Zhou, RK (Zhou, RK)
编者: Hou X; Yuan J; Wyant JC; Han S
来源出版物: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6150  页: X1504-X1504  文献号: 61504X  DOI: 10.1117/12.676756  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 4 
摘要: Rotary Fourier Transform Spectrometer (RFTS) contains a rotary refractor, which produces continuous variational optical path difference (OPD). This specialty makes RFTS suitable to high speed spectrum measuring. Maximal OPD can increase so easily through increasing maximal sampling angle from which the system can get high resolution reconstructed spectrum also. Depending on rotating refractor to produce OPD brings some important advantages such as good immunity to outside influences, light weight, small size, etc. The basic theory of this new kind of spectrogram measuring instrument is introduced. OPD is the most important aspect to be considered in studying or designing a Fourier Transform spectrometer(FTS) system. OPD formulas of RFTS are deduced. RFTS has nonlinearity of OPD, which brings interferogram periodicity drifting and reconstructed spectrum noise. The index of OPD nonlinearity is defined and important aspects of nonlinearity are analyzed, including relationships with the refractor's refractive index and the rotating angle. Replacing OPD in Fourier Transform with nonlinear OPD of RFTS can buck the error of nonlinear OPD in reconstructed spectrum, and computer simulation shows the method effective.
入藏号: WOS:000236263300177 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 
会议日期: NOV 02-05, 2005 
会议地点: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Opt Sco, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE
作者关键词: rotary Fourier Transform spectrometer; optical path difference; nonlinearity
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Yan, XX (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Optics
IDS 号: BDY85 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6189-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 12 条,共 37 条
标题: Shaping semiconductor laser beam with one-dimension gradient-index lens 
作者: Mi, L (Mi, L.); Yao, SL (Yao, S. L.); Li, Q (Li, Q.); Gao, F (Gao, F.)
编者: Tan J
来源出版物: 4th International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology (ISIST' 2006)  丛书: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES  卷: 48  页: 785-789  DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/48/1/149  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2 
被引频次合计: 2 
引用的参考文献数: 5 
摘要: This paper's main purpose is collimating, shaping and coupling semi-conductor laser beam by one-dimension gradient-index lens with parabolic-index profiles along the direction of thickness has been fabricated by ion-exchanging process. Introduced the ray matrix equation of One-dimension gradient-index lens and formation process of parabolic-index profiles. Measured distribution constant of refraction root A in varied thickness. Using one-dimension gradient-index lens with varied thickness replacing cylindrical lens collimating, shaping and coupling semi-conductor laser beam. Using two perpendicular one-dimension gradient-index lens shaping laser beam by two direction. Maked a mini and new semiconductor laser coupler. Demonstrated a coupling efficiency of 80% which from semi-conductor laser beam into single-mode fiber.
入藏号: WOS:000250567100148 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 4th International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology (ISIST '2006) 
会议日期: AUG 08-12, 2006 
会议地点: Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
KeyWords Plus: SLAB LENS
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Mi, L (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
Web of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Physics
IDS 号: BGU20 
ISSN: 1742-6588 
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J PHYS CONF SER 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 13 条,共 37 条
标题: Ultra-broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification by the matching of both the group velocity and pulse front - art. no. 634408 
作者: Liu, HJ (Liu Hongjun); Zhao, W (Zhao Wei); Wang, YH (Wang Yishan); Wang, HY (Wang Hongying); Li, XL (Li Xiaoli)
编者: Shcherbakov IA; Wang Q; Priezzhev AV; Pustovoy VI
来源出版物: Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6344  页: 34408-34408  文献号: 634408  DOI: 10.1117/12.693422  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 9 
摘要: The problem of phase-mismatch-compensation for ultra-broadband OPCPA is first studied theoretically by us, and a scheme for phasc-mismatch-compensation is proposed, which is based on the matching of both the group velocity and pulse front between signal and idler by the combination of the no collinear-phase-match and pulse-front-tilt that is accomplished by angular dispersion of the interacting rays. By this Scheme, the phase mismatch to first order in frequency shift can be completely compensated, and then an ultra-broadband OPCPA is realized. It is shown that the phase mismatch to both first and second order can be completely compensated simultaneously in some cases, and this leads to an extremely broadband spectral width. Therefore the important criterion for constructing an ultra-broadband OPCPA that both pulse-front and group-velocity between signal and idler arc exactly matched simultaneously. Finally, specific numerical calculations and simulations are resented for BBO-OPCPA with type-I noncollinear angularly dispersed geometry.
入藏号: WOS:000239452900008 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 13th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Gen Phys Inst, Gen Phys Inst, Ctr Laser Technol & Mat Sci, Moscow State Univ, Int Laser Ctr, Minist Educ, Engn Div, Tianjin Univ, Sci Technol Garden, Chinese Opt Soc, China Instrument & Control Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia, Russiann Fdn Basic Res, Russian Minist Educ & Sci
作者关键词: optical parametric chirped pulse amplification; group velocity; pulse front; phase mismatch compensation
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon Technol, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Liu, HJ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon Technol, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Optics; Physics
IDS 号: BET61 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6420-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 14 条,共 37 条
标题: Bit-wise volumetric storage in transparent materials by ultrafast laser - art. no. 634417 
作者: Cheng, GH (Cheng, Guanghua); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Chen, GF (Chen, Guofu); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Men, HN (Men, Haining); Sun, CD (Sun, Chuandong)
编者: Shcherbakov IA; Wang Q; Priezzhev AV; Pustovoy VI
来源出版物: Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6344  页: 34417-34417  文献号: 634417  DOI: 10.1117/12.693589  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 12 
摘要: We report on an experimental investigation into the recording and readout of 3D high-density optical data storage in transparent optical glasses using a femtosecond laser. A compact Ti:sapphire ultrafast laser amplifier as writing laser was developed to output 100mW 2.1ps at 1KHz with IW pump laser. Laser pulses modulation is realized by modulating two circuits of trigger pulses signal which are used to control laser pulses trapping and switching out from cavity, respectively. A formatted and coded writing was realized in fused silica and doped polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA) bulk. A phase-contrast and a reflection confocal reading system with software are developed for optical readout multi-layer data bits in parallel.
入藏号: WOS:000239452900043 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 13th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Gen Phys Inst, Gen Phys Inst, Ctr Laser Technol & Mat Sci, Moscow State Univ, Int Laser Ctr, Minist Educ, Engn Div, Tianjin Univ, Sci Technol Garden, Chinese Opt Soc, China Instrument & Control Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia, Russiann Fdn Basic Res, Russian Minist Educ & Sci
作者关键词: 3D optical storage; femtosecond laser; reflection confocal; phase-contrast
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Cheng, GH (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Optics; Physics
IDS 号: BET61 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6420-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 15 条,共 37 条
标题: Research on the measurement of bubble velocity based on cross-correlation algorithm - art. no. 634432 
作者: Chen, M (Chen Min); He, JH (He Junhua); Chen, LY (Chen Liangyi)
编者: Shcherbakov IA; Wang Q; Priezzhev AV; Pustovoy VI
来源出版物: Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6344  页: 34432-34432  文献号: 634432  DOI: 10.1117/12.694435  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 6 
摘要: Cross-correlation algorithm is based on information theory and stochastic process theory. It has been widely used in many research fields. such as, medical ultrasound, ocean engineering, signal detection, modal parameters under ambient excitation, etc., but its applications in research of bubble curtains arc seldom seen in domestic released periodicals, so our work is attempting to use cross-correlation algorithm. Through computing the velocity vector of bubble curtains. the bubble movement character can be known, i.e. the details of the bubble curtains can also be known. After comparing the differences between it and Doppler method, the cross-correlation algorithm has been applied to the measurement of bubble curtains parameters from a new aspect. The He-Ne laser and high-speed CCD camera are used to acquire the images of dancing bubbles, the velocities of bubbles are computed from image post-processed. Through improving conventional cross-correlation algorithm commonly used for analysis of flow field, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has been used to implement the cross-correlation algorithm rapidly. In order to enhance the computing accuracy, Gaussian curve fitting is used to modify the correlation peak location and the fitting equations are listed, so the bubbles displacement with subpixel accuracy is obtained. Noises are stochastically added from hardware when acquiring images and the cross-correlation algorithm may also introduce errors. The character of velocity vectors result can be entirely wrong with ambient vectors, so they must be corrected. In order to calibrate the cross-correlation algorithm, images with universal displacement are used to validate its feasibility and reliability. The algorithm is applied to the computation of parameters in bubble curtains, yielding the vector graph of bubble motion. The algorithm is expected to be a valuable tool in acquiring the real-time velocity information in bubble curtains.
入藏号: WOS:000239452900110 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 13th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Gen Phys Inst, Gen Phys Inst, Ctr Laser Technol & Mat Sci, Moscow State Univ, Int Laser Ctr, Minist Educ, Engn Div, Tianjin Univ, Sci Technol Garden, Chinese Opt Soc, China Instrument & Control Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia, Russiann Fdn Basic Res, Russian Minist Educ & Sci
作者关键词: Bubble Curtains; cross-correlation; FFT; velocity
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Chen, M (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Optics; Physics
IDS 号: BET61 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6420-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 16 条,共 37 条
标题: Research on a solid state-streak camera based on an electro-optic crystal - art. no. 63440B 
作者: Wang, C (Wang Chen); Liu, BY (Liu Baiyu); Bai, YL (Bai Yonglin); Bal, XH (Bal Xiaohonga); Tian, JH (Tian Jinshoua); Yang, WZ (Yang Wenzhenga); Ouyang, X (Ouyang Xiana)
编者: Shcherbakov IA; Wang Q; Priezzhev AV; Pustovoy VI
来源出版物: Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6344  页: B3440-B3440  文献号: 63440B  DOI: 10.1117/12.693428  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 9 
摘要: With excellent temporal resolution ranging from nanosecond to sub-picoseconds, a streak camera is widely utilized in measuring ultrafast light phenomena, such as detecting synchrotron radiation, examining inertial confinement fusion target, and making measurements of laser-induced discharge. In combination with appropriate optics or spectroscope, the streak camera delivers intensity vs. position (or wavelength) information on the ultrafast process. The current streak camera is based on a sweep electric pulse and an image converting tube with a wavelength-sensitive photocathode ranging from the x-ray to near infrared region. This kind of streak camera is comparatively costly and complex. This paper describes the design and performance of a new-style streak camera based on an electro-optic crystal with large electro-optic coefficient. Crystal streak camera accomplishes the goal of time resolution by direct photon beam deflection using the electro-optic effect which can replace the current streak camera from the visible to near infrared region. After computer-aided simulation, we design a crystal streak camera which has the potential of time resolution between 1ns and 10ns.Some further improvements in sweep electric circuits, a crystal with a larger electro-optic coefficient, for example LN (gamma(33)=33.6 x 10(-12) m/v) and the optimal optic system may lead to better time resolution less than 1ns.
入藏号: WOS:000239452900011 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 13th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Gen Phys Inst, Gen Phys Inst, Ctr Laser Technol & Mat Sci, Moscow State Univ, Int Laser Ctr, Minist Educ, Engn Div, Tianjin Univ, Sci Technol Garden, Chinese Opt Soc, China Instrument & Control Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia, Russiann Fdn Basic Res, Russian Minist Educ & Sci
作者关键词: ultrafast light phenomena; electro-optic coefficient; streak camera; picosecond time resolution
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt Technol, Xian 710068, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Wang, C (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt Technol, Xian 710068, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Optics; Physics
IDS 号: BET61 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6420-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 17 条,共 37 条
标题: Sensitization of Eu3+ emission in SiO2 spheres doped with rare earth complex - art. no. 63442D 
作者: Huang, CQ (Huang Changqing); Sun, T (Sun Ting); Zhao, BP (Zhao Baoping); Tian, WJ (Tian Weijian)
编者: Shcherbakov IA; Wang Q; Priezzhev AV; Pustovoy VI
来源出版物: Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6344  页: D3442-D3442  文献号: 63442D  DOI: 10.1117/12.694425  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1 
被引频次合计: 1 
引用的参考文献数: 14 
摘要: Silica spheres doped with Eu(TTFA)(3) and/or Sm(TTFA)(3) are successfully synthesized by using the modified Stober method (the base-catalyzed method). Transmission electron microscope (TEM) shows that the hybrid particles have spherical morphology and an average diameter of about 210 nm. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) confirms that the rare-earth (RE) complexes are incorporated into the hybrid spheres. The particles consist of 4-fold siloxane rings as determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). For the samples doped with Eu(TTFA)(3) or Sm(TTFA)(3), the typical fluorescence spectra of Eu3+ or Sm3+ emisssions are detected, respectively. However, for the samples co-doped with Eu(TTFA)(3) and Sm(TTFA)(3), photoluminescence (PL) shows the absence of Sm3+ emission and reveals the obvious energy transfer from Sm3+ ions to Eu3+ ions. Note that there are energy transfer processes between the ligands and Eu3+ or Sm3+. Therefore, multiple energy transfer processes are achieved within the hybrid spheres. These energy transfer processes maximize the possible fluorescence emission of Eu3+ ion. The lifetimes of the hybrid spheres are also measured. The RE complex/SiO2 hybrid spheres described in this paper may find promising applications in optical devices and materials science.
入藏号: WOS:000239452900085 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 13th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Gen Phys Inst, Gen Phys Inst, Ctr Laser Technol & Mat Sci, Moscow State Univ, Int Laser Ctr, Minist Educ, Engn Div, Tianjin Univ, Sci Technol Garden, Chinese Opt Soc, China Instrument & Control Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia, Russiann Fdn Basic Res, Russian Minist Educ & Sci
作者关键词: SiO2 spheres; rare earth complex; co-doped; photoluminescence; energy transfer; sensitization
地址: Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Lab Informat & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Huang, CQ (通讯作者),Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Lab Informat & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Optics; Physics
IDS 号: BET61 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6420-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 18 条,共 37 条
标题: Particle size, displacement, and velocity measurements with pulsed-laser holography - art. no. 63442O 
作者: Gao, HW (Gao, Hongwen); Sun, CD (Sun, Chuandong); Qin, JJ (Qin, Junjun)
编者: Shcherbakov IA; Wang Q; Priezzhev AV; Pustovoy VI
来源出版物: Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6344  页: O3442-O3442  文献号: 63442O  DOI: 10.1117/12.693659  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 28 
摘要: A method for measuring the size, position, displacement and velocity of particles in a particle field with pulsed-laser holography is introduced. In-line holography and off-axis holography are applied to analysis of particle fields, especially off-axis holography. A 4-F optical system is used in the holographic recording system, in which the information on particles is recorded on a holographic plate. In a parallel optical field, the particle analysis can be performed with different instruments and in different depth of field. The parallel optical field imparts each particle with the same amplification ratio. This kind of optical system will favour the reconstruction, data processing, and calibration of particles in a particle field. An interference pattern of particles formed on a recording plate and relationship among diameters of the particles, far-field number, and the distance from the plate to a particle are analyzed. Some experimental results of the size, position, displacement, and velocity measurement of particles of a reconstructed particle field are presented. The particle identification and the formation of noise in an image of a reconstructed particle field in one section are also discussed.
入藏号: WOS:000239452900096 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 13th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Gen Phys Inst, Gen Phys Inst, Ctr Laser Technol & Mat Sci, Moscow State Univ, Int Laser Ctr, Minist Educ, Engn Div, Tianjin Univ, Sci Technol Garden, Chinese Opt Soc, China Instrument & Control Soc, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia, Russiann Fdn Basic Res, Russian Minist Educ & Sci
作者关键词: pulsed-laser; 4-F optical system; in-line holography; off-axis holography; particle field
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Gao, HW (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, 322 Youyi Xilu, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied
研究方向: Optics; Physics
IDS 号: BET61 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6420-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 19 条,共 37 条
标题: Intersubband absorption in coupled double quantum wells driven by a strong terahertz field 
作者: Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi)
编者: Shen XC; Lu W; Zhang J; Dou WB
来源出版物: Conference Digest of the 2006 Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics  页: 242-242  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 3 
摘要: The quasienergy ladders of a symmetric double quantum well driven by a terahertz (THz) field are nonperturbatively calculated within the Floquet theory. The dependence of the quasienergies on the intensity of the driving THz field is discussed. Avoided crossings and crossings of the quasienergies belonging to same and different parity classes are demonstrated. The weights of the THz sidebands of the intersubband transitions are also presented. The weights of the n-th sideband are symmetric between the different sets of the transitions with n positive and negative respectively, while the weights of the n-th sideband are asymmetric between the same sets of the transitions with n positive and negative n.
入藏号: WOS:000246942200240 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves/14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics 
会议日期: SEP 18-22, 2006 
会议地点: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Tech Phys, SE Univ, Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, IEEE MTT S, IEEE Nanjing Joint Chapter, IEEE Shanghai Sub Sect, Shanghai Int Culture Assoc, Chinese Phys Soc, Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Inst Elect
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precise Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Zhao, W (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precise Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, 322 W Youyi Rd, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商: IEEE 
出版商地址: 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
研究方向: Engineering
IDS 号: BGH25 
ISBN: 978-1-4244-0399-8
来源出版物页码计数: 1 

第 20 条,共 37 条
标题: Coherent radiation of picosecond ultra-short electromagnetic pulse radiated by antenna arrays 
作者: Ruan, C (Ruan Chi); Zhao, W (Zhao Wei); Chen, GF (Chen Guofu); Zhu, SL (Zhu Shaolan); Liu, BY (Liu Baiyu)
编者: Shen XC; Lu W; Zhang J; Dou WB
来源出版物: Conference Digest of the 2006 Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics  页: 267-267  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 3 
摘要: The experiments are setup to study the picoseceond ultra-short pulses coherent radiation characteristic. The transmitting and receiving antenna employ the tie horn antennas.16 channels electrical pulses with 300ps duration and jitter less than 50ps are used. The different frame of 4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4 antenna array radiate the pulses. The receiving antenna measures the electrical field in different distance to the transmitting antennas array. The results show that if the pulses are in coherent condition, the output pulse peak power of antennas array with N elements are N 2 of the single element antenna output.
入藏号: WOS:000246942200265 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves/14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics 
会议日期: SEP 18-22, 2006 
会议地点: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Tech Phys, SE Univ, Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, IEEE MTT S, IEEE Nanjing Joint Chapter, IEEE Shanghai Sub Sect, Shanghai Int Culture Assoc, Chinese Phys Soc, Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Inst Elect
作者关键词: ultra-short pulse; antenna array; electromagnetic pulse; coherent
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Ruan, C (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, 324 YouYiXiLu Rd, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商: IEEE 
出版商地址: 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
研究方向: Engineering
IDS 号: BGH25 
ISBN: 978-1-4244-0399-8
来源出版物页码计数: 1 

第 21 条,共 37 条
标题: Resonance fluorescence of a driven V-type three-level atom 
作者: Zhu, HY (Zhu, Hai-Yan); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)
编者: Shen XC; Lu W; Zhang J; Dou WB
来源出版物: Conference Digest of the 2006 Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics  页: 484-484  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 3 
摘要: We investigate the resonance fluorescence spectrum of a three-level atom driven by two coherent laser fields in a V-type three levels with emphasis on the detuning effect. In the presence of the detuning of the first laser from exact resonance, there emerge some new structures in the resonance fluorescence spectrum. By applying the dressed-atom theory, we give an explanation for these interesting phenomena.
入藏号: WOS:000246942200481 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves/14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics 
会议日期: SEP 18-22, 2006 
会议地点: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Tech Phys, SE Univ, Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, IEEE MTT S, IEEE Nanjing Joint Chapter, IEEE Shanghai Sub Sect, Shanghai Int Culture Assoc, Chinese Phys Soc, Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Inst Elect
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Zhu, HY (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Transient Opt & Photon, 322 W Youyi Rd, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商: IEEE 
出版商地址: 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
研究方向: Engineering
IDS 号: BGH25 
ISBN: 978-1-4244-0399-8
来源出版物页码计数: 1 

第 22 条,共 37 条
标题: Optical absorption and nonlinear mixing of near-infrared and terahertz wave in quantum wells 
作者: Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)
编者: Shen XC; Lu W; Zhang J; Dou WB
来源出版物: Conference Digest of the 2006 Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics  页: 560-560  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 4 
摘要: Linear optical absorption and terahertz (THz) sideband generation in quantum wells in the presence of a strong growth-direction oriented THz electric field is investigated. It is shown that the THz field can couple more than two levels simultaneously. The absorption spectra show a rich variety of behavior, including THz replicas of the 2 p exciton and THz sideband of the Is exciton. The THz electric field results in multiple optical absorption peaks due to resonant coupling between the valence subbands and produces splittings in the generated sidebands.
入藏号: WOS:000246942200557 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves/14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics 
会议日期: SEP 18-22, 2006 
会议地点: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Tech Phys, SE Univ, Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, IEEE MTT S, IEEE Nanjing Joint Chapter, IEEE Shanghai Sub Sect, Shanghai Int Culture Assoc, Chinese Phys Soc, Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Inst Elect
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Zhang, TY (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, 322 W Youyi Rd, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商: IEEE 
出版商地址: 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
研究方向: Engineering
IDS 号: BGH25 
ISBN: 978-1-4244-0399-8
来源出版物页码计数: 1 

第 23 条,共 37 条
标题: Time-resolved two-photon excited fluorescence spectroscopy based on a streak camera - art. no. 60472K 
作者: Liu, LX (Liu, Lixin); Qu, JL (Qu, Junle); Chen, DN (Chen, Danni); Xu, GX (Xu, Gaixia); Guo, BP (Guo, Baoping); Niu, HB (Niu, Hanben)
编者: Xu K; Luo Q; Xing D; Priezzhev AV; Tuchin VV
来源出版物: Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6047  页: K472-K472  文献号: 60472K  DOI: 10.1117/12.710974  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 23 
摘要: Combination of fluorescence spectral and temporal resolutions can improve the sensitivity and specificity of biomedical diagnostics. In this paper, we present the development, of a time-resolved two-photon excited fluorescence spectroscopy system that consists of a Ti: Sapphire femtosecond laser, a fluorescence microscope objective, a prism spectrophotometer and a high repetition rate picosecond streak camera. The streak camera and the time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy system have been calibrated with an F-P etalon and a spectral line lamp respectively. Validation experiment of the system is also performed on two standard fluorescent dyes (Rhodamine 6G and Coumarin 314), and the results agree well with those reported in the literatures. Preliminary experimental results on autofluorescence spectra and lifetimes of freshly picked leaves and in vivo human skin are also presented, which demonstrates the potential applications of this system in tissue discrimination and clinical diagnostics.
入藏号: WOS:000240893200092 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 4th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, S China Normal Univ, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia Chapter, Int Laser Ctr M V Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, Bio-Opt & Laser Med Comm Chinese Opt Soc, Minist Educ China, Key Lab Opto-Elect Informat Sci & Technol, Tianjin Univ, Sci & Technol Garden, Tianjin Econ-Technol Dev Area
作者关键词: fluorescence lifetime; fluorescence spectroscopy; two-photon excited fluorescence; streak camera; prism spectrophotometer
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Liu, LX (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Biophysics; Optics; Physics, Applied; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology; Spectroscopy
研究方向: Biophysics; Optics; Physics; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology; Spectroscopy
IDS 号: BFB74 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6080-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 24 条,共 37 条
标题: Multifocal two-photon excitation fluorescence sampling imaging combining lifetime and spectrum resolutions - art. no. 60472T 
作者: Liu, LX (Liu, Lixin); Lin, ZY (Lin, Ziyang); Qu, JL (Qu, Junle); Chen, DN (Chen, Danni); Xu, GX (Xu, Gaixia); Guo, BP (Guo, Baoping); Niu, HB (Niu, Hanben)
编者: Xu K; Luo Q; Xing D; Priezzhev AV; Tuchin VV
来源出版物: Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6047  页: T472-T472  文献号: 60472T  DOI: 10.1117/12.710079  子辑: 1&2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 26 
摘要: Multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM) is a more efficient and powerful method for three-dimensional (3-D) fluorescence imaging with reduced acquisition time compared with conventional confocal and two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy. We present a novel multifocal two-photon excitation fluorescence sampling imaging technique that is based on a specially designed streak camera and combines fluorescence lifetime and spectrum resolutions. A proof-of-principle experiment is performed on a standard fluorescent dye solution (Rhodamine 6G in ethanol), Time- and spectrum-resolved sampled fluorescence image of Rhodamine 6G is obtained in a snapshot. The reconstructed two-dimensional (2-D) fluorescence image of a prepared plant slide is also obtained by moving the sample laterally. The capability of this system capable of performing simultaneous 2-D measurements of temporal and spectral information has many potential applications, e.g., multi-well imaging and spectrally resolved multifocal multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging etc.
入藏号: WOS:000240893200100 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 4th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine 
会议日期: SEP 03-06, 2005 
会议地点: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Precis Measuring Technol & Instruments, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, S China Normal Univ, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, SPIE Russia Chapter, Int Laser Ctr M V Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, Bio-Opt & Laser Med Comm Chinese Opt Soc, Minist Educ China, Key Lab Opto-Elect Informat Sci & Technol, Tianjin Univ, Sci & Technol Garden, Tianjin Econ-Technol Dev Area
作者关键词: two-photon excitation fluorescence; fluorescence spectrum; fluorescence lifetime; fluorescence lifetime imaging; microlens array; picosecond streak camera
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Liu, LX (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Biophysics; Optics; Physics, Applied; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology; Spectroscopy
研究方向: Biophysics; Optics; Physics; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology; Spectroscopy
IDS 号: BFB74 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6080-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 25 条,共 37 条
标题: Analysis of the effect on tissue autofluorescence detection from off-focus of Linear-array pinholes in LP-Laser Scanning Confocal fluorescence Microscopical Imaging Spectrometer - art. no. 60260S 
作者: Su, X (Su, X); Tian, WJ (Tian, WJ); Zhang, CM (Zhang, CM)
编者: Bally GV; Luo Q
来源出版物: ICO20: Biomedical Optics  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6026  页: S260-S260  文献号: 60260S  DOI: 10.1117/12.667176  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1 
被引频次合计: 1 
引用的参考文献数: 16 
摘要: The research of antofluorescence of the live tissue starts to be used in the disease diagnoses and prevention in recent years. The laser scanning confocal microscope has always played a great role in the auto fluorescence research in biomedical field. As the technology of imaging spectrometer got successfully used in the remote sensing fields, microscopical imaging spectrometer for biomedical analyses emerged after the integration of imaging spectrometer and laser scanning confocal microscope. It can get the autofluorescence image and the spectral information of the sample simultaneously, this will supply more information to the diagnoses for difficult diseases. In this paper the principle of a Linear-array Pinholes Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopical Imaging Spectrometer (LP-LSCMIS) developed by the authors is proposed. It can be widely used in the autofluorescence detection of the live tissue in the body, such as the gastric, kidney, etc. The effect of off-focus of linear-array pinholes on microscopical imaging spectrometer subsystem in this device is mainly analyzed. The spatially resolution of fluorescence imaging and the modulation depth of autofluorescence spectrum in the live tissue is affected by the off-focus according to our research. We analyse the modulation depth of the interferogram thinking of the factor of off-focus.
入藏号: WOS:000235332500028 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: off-focus; Microscopical Imaging Spectrometer; confocal; autofluorescence; Modulation Depth
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Su, X (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Engineering, Biomedical; Optics
研究方向: Engineering; Optics
IDS 号: BDU00 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6057-5
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 26 条,共 37 条
标题: Growth and characterization of GaxIn1-xAs1-ySby epitaxial layers grown by LP-MOCVD - art. no. 602912 
作者: Wang, JW (Wang, JW); Wang, YD (Wang, YD); Wang, T (Wang, T); Yang, SR (Yang, SR); Li, XT (Li, XT); Yin, JZ (Yin, JZ); Sai, XF (Sai, XF); Gao, HK (Gao, HK)
编者: Lu W; Young J
来源出版物: ICO20: Materials and Nanostructures  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6029  页: 2912-2912  文献号: 602912  DOI: 10.1117/12.667720  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 13 
摘要: Epitaxial layers and monolayer of Ga(0.98)In(0.02)AS(0.24)Sb(0.76) quaternary alloys lattice matched to GaSb substrates were grown by our home-made low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD). Lattice mis-match (Delta a/a similar to 2.5%) between Ga0.98In0.02As0.24Sb0.76 quaternary alloys and GaSb substrate was obtained. Mirrorlike surface morphologies were investigated by SEM and AFM. Undoped Ga0.98In0.02As0.24Sb0.76 epitaxial layers grown on semi-insulated GaAs substrates indicates n-type with carrier density of 1.8 X 10(17) cm(-3) 3 and electron mobility of 2551 (CMV-1S-1)-V-2. Growth at this temperature yielded a root-mean-square (rms) surface roughness of 160 nm. The effects of growth parameters on epitaxial layers were discussed. It is shown that under proper growth conditions, containing growth temperature (570 similar to 620 degrees C), V/III ratios (2 similar to 6) and flux of carrier gas, smooth and high quality Ga0.98In0.02As0.24Sb0.76 epitaxial layers can be achieved.
入藏号: WOS:000235334400038 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: LP-MOCVD; mis-matched; GaInAsSb; surface morphology
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Wang, JW (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Optics
研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials Science; Optics
IDS 号: BDU03 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6060-5
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 27 条,共 37 条
标题: Research on gradient index material containing silver ions - art. no. 60291L 
作者: Su, ZM (Su, ZM); Liu, T (Liu, T); Kang, LJ (Kang, LJ); Li, YL (Li, YL); Wang, LL (Wang, LL); Kong, YE (Kong, YE); Li, TH (Li, TH)
编者: Lu W; Young J
来源出版物: ICO20: Materials and Nanostructures  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6029  页: L291-L291  文献号: 60291L  DOI: 10.1117/12.667821  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 6 
摘要: Since the gradient index material has important applications at photoelectric system, imaging system, and integrated-optical system. Now, researches on gradient index material containing silver ions are more popular, it is difficult to get glass with high silver content as silver ion is extruded from molten glass at the molten temperature. Two-step ion-exchange process including Ag+-Na+ and Na+ - Ag+ ion-exchange is used to get gradient index. This paper is based on the research in our lab, by adjusting the glass composition to get a series of sodium-rich glass then drawing the fusioned glass into fiber with diameter of 1mm used for ion-exchange. We used mixed molten salt for ion-exchange, then we researched on the choice of silver salt, the advantage and disadvantage of mixed molten salt and single molten salt, and the coloring up problem after ion-exchange.
入藏号: WOS:000235334400057 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: gradient index; two step ion-exchange; silver ions
KeyWords Plus: EXCHANGE
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Su, ZM (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Optics
研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials Science; Optics
IDS 号: BDU03 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6060-5
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 28 条,共 37 条
标题: Fluorescence properties of EU3+ and SM3+ organic complexes-doped PMMA - art. no. 60291X 
作者: Sun, T (Sun, T); Wang, YX (Wang, YX); Tian, WJ (Tian, WJ); Zhang, XL (Zhang, XL); Huang, CQ (Huang, CQ)
编者: Lu W; Young J
来源出版物: ICO20: Materials and Nanostructures  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6029  页: X291-X291  文献号: 60291X  DOI: 10.1117/12.667836  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 13 
摘要: In this paper, rare earth (Eu3+, SM3+) binary chelates with hexafluoroacetylacetone(HFA), thenoyltri fluoroacetylacetone (HTTA), and dibenzoylmethide(DBM) were synthesized, respectively. Then the fluorescence proper-ties of the chelates Eu(TTA)(3), Eu(HFA)3, Eu(DBM)(3), Sm(TTA)(3), Sm(HFA)(3) and Sm(DBM)(3) in benzene were investigated. It was found that the fluorescence peak at 614nm related to the transition of 5D(0), F-7(2) of EU3+ was the strongest in Eu(TTA)(3). Based on this, the concentration (between 0.05-0.5wt.%) influence of Eu(TTA)(3) on fluorescence intensity in Eu(TTA)(3)-doped PMMA was studied. The results showed the fluorescence intensity increases with Eu(TTA)3 concentrations except that no fluorescence peak was detected for 0.05wt.% Eu(TTA)3-doped sample. However, the sharp fluorescence peak accidentally occurs at 614nm when 0.04wt% Eu(TTA)(3) and 0.04wt% Sm(TTA)(3) were co-doped in PMMA. Further investigation revealed that similar fluorescence enhancement occurred for all samples co-doped with Eu(TTA)(3) and Sm(TTA)(3). It indicated that Sm(TTA)(3) has a strong sensitization effect on the fluorescence of Eu(TTA)(3). Besides, it was also found the sensitization effect could be decreased with the increasing Sm(TTA)(3) concentrations for a fixed Eu(TTA)(3)-doped content. Finally, two possible energy transfer mechanisms were analysed.
入藏号: WOS:000235334400069 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: fluorescence properties; fluorescence enhancement; sensitization effect; co-doped; energy transfer mechanism
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Sun, T (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Optics
研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials Science; Optics
IDS 号: BDU03 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6060-5
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 29 条,共 37 条
标题: Novel methods for measuring Modulation Transfer Function for fiber optic taper - art. no. 603413 
作者: Zhang, W (Zhang, W); Wang, YX (Wang, YX); Tian, WJ (Tian, WJ); Ma, WH (Ma, WH); Zhang, HJ (Zhang, HJ); Sun, AJ (Sun, AJ)
编者: Breckinridge J; Wang YT
来源出版物: ICO20: Optical Design and Fabrication  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6034  页: 3413-3413  文献号: 603413  DOI: 10.1117/12.668126  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 9 
摘要: As a relay optical component, fiber optic taper has become more important and more widely used in the integrated taper assembly image intensified sensors for military and medical imaging application. However, the method for evaluating the quality of output images from the fiber optic taper is few. In this article, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is introduced and measured to evaluate the image quality of fiber optic taper. Because fiber optic taper is of a mosaic array architecture, there are some new problems need to be resolved in defining MTF of it. And there also should be some special requirements in MTF measurement. Two methods including edge scanning and point imaging analyzing are introduced in measuring MTF of fiber optic taper, in which the incident light, scanning step and scanning range are specially limited. Experiments show that the results of the measurements consist with the theoretical analysis simulated by computer. And the spatial averaged MTF of fiber optic taper has been gotten by two means. It is concluded that the MTF value measured by point imaging is always some higher than measured by edge scanning, because the point imaging is more weakly effected by the fiber arrangement in taper.
入藏号: WOS:000235334500039 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: Modulation Transfer Function; fiber optical taper; measure; edge scanning; point imaging
KeyWords Plus: SYSTEMS
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Zhang, W (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics
研究方向: Optics
IDS 号: BDU04 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6063-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 30 条,共 37 条
标题: Image mosaics system based on TMS320DM642 - art. no. 60272U 
作者: Feng, GL (Feng, GL); Tian, WJ (Tian, WJ); Qu, YS (Qu, YS); Ge, W (Ge, W)
编者: Sheng YL; Zhuang SL; Zhang YM
来源出版物: ICO20: Optical Information Processing, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6027  页: U272-U272  文献号: 60272U  DOI: 10.1117/12.668302  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 15 
摘要: When the size of a needing scene is beyond the scope of an optical sensor, it is difficult to take the whole scene at the same time. In this case, the needing scene can be captured by several optical sensors at one time, the overlapped images can be taken. Using the images, the whole scene is reproduced. This paper presents a robust image mosaics method that employs wavelet transform technique. The new developed registration and fusion algorithm implemented automatically and simultaneously without known camera motion and focal length. Wavelet transform guarantees not only a global optimal solution, but also scale and transform invariance for image alignment. This feature guarantees that the scheme has higher performance than the traditional mosaic techniques. In the same time, the hardware structure and the software designing principle of the Image Mosaics System (IMS) based on the Digital Signal Processor are expounded. To further improve the image mosaics quality, an image enhancement approach is also employed. In the paper, the concept, algorithm and experiments are described. The test results showed that the IMS is efficient and accurate for acquisition of seamless mosaic of the overlapped images, and at the same time, is adaptive to the real-time requirements. An adaptive resolution, seamless and a wide field of view image can be acquired.
入藏号: WOS:000235303400101 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: image mosaics; Digital Signal Processor (DSP); wavelet transform; image registration; real-time
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Feng, GL (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
研究方向: Optics; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
IDS 号: BDT88 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6058-3
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 8 

第 31 条,共 37 条
标题: Automatic detection of moving point targets in staring infrared binocular imaging system - art. no. 603110 
作者: Qu, YS (Qu, YS); Duan, YQ (Duan, YQ); Li, YC (Li, YC); Zhang, BH (Zhang, BH); Fan, XW (Fan, XW)
编者: Jiang J; Nosach OY; Wang J
来源出版物: ICO20: Remote Sensing and Infrared Devices and Systems  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6031  页: 3110-3110  文献号: 603110  DOI: 10.1117/12.668038  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 13 
摘要: According to the feature of remote sensing staring binocular imaging system, which is the information quantity passed through the overlapped Field Of View (FOV) is larger than that passed through the non-overlapped FOV, a new parallel high-speed automatic detecting algorithm of moving point targets is proposed. In the proposed detecting algorithm, the Difference Vector Norm of the detected images sequence is used as a preprocessing method to get rid of low-frequency noise and background pixels, then the Optical Flow Algorithm is applied to segment the doubtful moving point targets front the subimage remained by preprocessing. If doubtful moving point targets arc detected by Optical Flow, the binocular system will be rotated to make the overlapped FOV direct to each of the doubtful moving point targets, and a new proposed space-time parallelizing determining approach is used to determine whether they are true moving point targets or not. Because the preprocessing can get rid of most of the low-frequency noise and background pixels, the calculating quantity of the sequential Optical Flow is reduced largely. At the same time, the new proposed determining algorithm is space-time parallel processing, which can decrease the determining time largely. The experiment results prove that the average detecting time of moving point targets of the proposed algorithm in the staring infrared binocular imaging system is reduced 50% than that of the traditional detecting approach, and if the SNR of processed images is no less than 3dB, the correct determining probability is 97%.
入藏号: WOS:000236540000036 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics 
会议日期: AUG 21-26, 2005 
会议地点: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA 
会议赞助商 : Int Commiss Opt, Chinese Opt Soc, Changchun Inst Opt, Fine Mech & Phys, CAS, AFOSR Asia Off, Chinese Acad Engn, Chinese Acad Sci & Technol, European Opt Soc, IEEE LEOS, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Opt Soc Japan, Opt Soc Korea, Opt Soc Russia, Siberian, Opt Soc Amer, SPIE
作者关键词: Moving Point Target; Optical Flow; Binocular Imaging System; Automatic Detection; infrared; staring
KeyWords Plus: TRACKING
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Qu, YS (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Remote Sensing; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
研究方向: Remote Sensing; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
IDS 号: BEB06 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6062-1
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 9 

第 32 条,共 37 条
标题: An efficient unsupervised MRF image clustering method 
作者: Hou, YM (Hou, Yimin); Guo, L (Guo, Lei); Lun, XM (Lun, Xiangmin)
编者: Gabrys B; Howlett RJ; Jain LC
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1 
被引频次合计: 1 
引用的参考文献数: 14 
摘要: On the basis of Markov Random Field (MRF), which uses context information, in this paper, a robust image segmentation method is proposed. The relationship between observed pixel intensities and distance between pixels are introduced to the traditional neighbourhood potential function, which described the probability of pixels being classified into one class. To perform an unsupervised segmentation, the Bayes Information Criterion (BIC) is used to determine the class number. The K-means is employed to initialise the classification and calculate the mean values and variances of the classes. The segmentation is transformed to maximize a posteriori (MAP) procedure. Then, the Iterative Conditional Model (ICM) is employed to solve the MAP problem. In the experiments, the proposed method is adopted with K-means, traditional Expectation-Maximization (EM) and MRF image segmentation techniques, for noisy image segmentation applying on synthetic and real images. The experiment results and the histogram of signal to noise ratio (SNR)-miss classification ratio (MCR) showed that the proposed algorithm is the better choice.
入藏号: WOS:000242122600003 
语种: English
文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 
会议日期: OCT 09-11, 2006 
会议地点: Bournemouth, ENGLAND 
地址: Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Automat, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.
 Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech Cas, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Hou, YM (通讯作者),Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Automat, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.
Web of Science 类别: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
研究方向: Computer Science
IDS 号: BFI89 
ISSN: 0302-9743 
ISBN: 3-540-46537-5
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: LECT NOTES ARTIF INT 
来源出版物页码计数: 9 

第 33 条,共 37 条
标题: Research on the frequency response function and bandwidth of Step-index plastic optical fiber - art. no. 62891C 
作者: Ge, WP (Ge Wenping); Tian, WJ (Tian Weijian); Wang, YX (Wang Yaoxiang)
编者: Sasian JM; Turner MG
来源出版物: Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IX  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6289  页: C2891-C2891  文献号: 62891C  DOI: 10.1117/12.682325  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 8 
摘要: The Step-index plastic optical fiber(SIPOF) bandwidth calculation model is given. The model includes not only the modal delay but also the attenuation and mode coupling effects. the numerical solution of the power flow equation in Fourier domain which is the main equation in this model is reported. This solution is based on Crank-Nicholson implicit difference method. The frequency response function and bandwidth of four kinds of SIPOFS with different Numerical aperture is researched. The frequency response function and bandwidth under selective excitation is numerically calculated. The results imply that the selective excitation of SIPOF increased effectively the fiber bandwidth. Calculated results are useful for practical application of plastic optical fiber.
入藏号: WOS:000241727800043 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Conference on Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IX 
会议日期: AUG 15-16, 2006 
会议地点: San Diego, CA 
会议赞助商 : SPIE
作者关键词: plastic optical fiber; bandwidth forecast; frequency response function
地址: Acad Sinica, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Ge, WP (通讯作者),Acad Sinica, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics
研究方向: Optics
IDS 号: BFG52 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6368-X
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 7 

第 34 条,共 37 条
标题: Multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber lasers on the assistance of high-nonlinear photonic-crystal fibers 
作者: Liu, XM (Liu, Xueming); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)
编者: Lee SB; Sun Y; Qui SC; Fleming SC; White IH
来源出版物: Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6351  页: U1117-U1121  DOI: 10.1117/12.688531  子辑: 1-2  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 5 
摘要: Based on self-stability effect of four-wave mixings in high-nonlinear photonic-crystal fibers, multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber lasers are proposed and demonstrated experimentally at room temperature. The proposed lasers have the capacity of switching and tuning with excellent uniformity and stability.
入藏号: WOS:000243501300115 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III 
会议日期: SEP 05-07, 2006 
会议地点: Gwangju, SOUTH KOREA 
会议赞助商 : Opt Soc Korea, SPIE, Korea Assoc Photon Ind Dev, Gwangju City, Chinese Opt Soc, IEEE COMSOC, IEEE LEOS, Opt Soc Japan, Inst Elect Engineers Korea, Opt Soc Amer, Korean Inst Commun Sci
作者关键词: fiber lasers; nonlinear optics
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Liu, XM (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics
研究方向: Optics
IDS 号: BFO75 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6446-5
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 5 

第 35 条,共 37 条
标题: Micro-optic lenses fabrication and applications - art. no. 603819 
作者: Li, YL (Li, YL); Jiao, GH (Jiao, GH); Li, TH (Li, TH); Hu, BW (Hu, BW); Huo, JM (Huo, JM); Wang, L (Wang, L)
编者: Abbott D; Kivshar YS; RubinszteinDunlop HH; Fan S
来源出版物: Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging II  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6038  页: 3819-3819  文献号: 603819  DOI: 10.1117/12.638384  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 11 
摘要: The gradient index (GRIN) inhomogeneous materials optical glass micro-lens and polymer microlens and arrays were investigated in our Lab, in recent years. The different series of GRIN lenses have been fabricated using ion-exchanged in the special glass material. The GRIN lenses are done in applications for using to construct micro-optic devices. We analyzed and demonstrated results on propagation and imaging properties of GRIN lenses. On the other hand, we have also developed a drop-on-demand ink jet printing method to produce micro-lens array using nano-scale polymer droplets involved with a uniform ultraviolet (UV) light and heat solidifying process. The experimental setup for manufacturing polymer microlens array and the measurement results of performance parameter are also given.
入藏号: WOS:000236542100033 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: Conference on Microelectronics - Design, Technology and Packaging II 
会议日期: DEC 12-14, 2005 
会议地点: Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 
会议赞助商 : SPIE, Queensland Univ Technol
作者关键词: gradient index material; ion exchange; micro-optics lens; micro-jet printing; micro-structure optical device
地址: CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Li, YL (通讯作者),CAS, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics
研究方向: Optics
IDS 号: BEB11 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6069-9
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 8 

第 36 条,共 37 条
标题: Polarization holograms recording in photochromic diarylethenes polymeric film - art. no. 63432Z 
作者: Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Wang, YL (Wang, Yingli); Menke, N (Menke, Neimule); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Pu, SZ (Pu, Shouzhi)
编者: Mathieu P
来源出版物: Photonics North 2006, Pts 1 and 2  丛书: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)  卷: 6343  页: Z3432-Z3432  文献号: 63432Z  DOI: 10.1117/12.707733  出版年: 2006  
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4 
被引频次合计: 4 
引用的参考文献数: 6 
摘要: A diarylethene derivative, 1,2-bis[2-methyl-5-(3-fluorophenyl)-3-thienyl] perfluorocylcopentene, is synthesized and dispersed into PMMA to prepare a polymeric film. The film shows good color recycling between switching of irradiation of UV light and red light. Under the excitation of linear polarized light, an apparent characteristic of photoinduced anisotropy is observed in the diarylethene/PMMA film, which implies polarization modulation gratings can be recorded in this holographic medium apart from recording of intensity modulation gratings. We experimentally make a comparison among four types of polorization holograms recording for their reconstruction images, which shows that the orthogonal circular polarization hologram has both high signal-to-noise ratio and high diffraction efficiency. Based on the polarization gratings scheme; We demonstrate the polarization multiplexing holograms reocording and retrieval in the diarylethene/PMMA film and the combination with the angular multiplexing scheme.
入藏号: WOS:000240901600107 
语种: English
文献类型: Proceedings Paper
会议名称: International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology (Photonics North 2006) 
会议日期: JUN 05-08, 2006 
会议地点: Quebec City, CANADA 
会议赞助商 : TeraXion, Dev Econ Canada, Quebec Dev Econ, Innovat & Exportat, Soc General Financement, ROBIC, Canadian Assoc Physicists, SPIE, IEEE, Canadian Photon Constortium, Quebec Photon Network
作者关键词: diarylethene; photochromism; photoinduced anisotropy; polorization holograms; polarization multiplexing
KeyWords Plus: MEMORY
地址: Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Yao, BL (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.
出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA 
Web of Science 类别: Optics
研究方向: Optics
IDS 号: BFB78 
ISSN: 0277-786X 
ISBN: 0-8194-6428-7
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P SOC PHOTO-OPT INS 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 

第 37 条,共 37 条
标题: An efficient unsupervised MRF image clustering method 
作者: Hou, YM (Hou, Yimin); Guo, L (Guo, Lei); Lun, XM (Lun, Xiangmin)
编者: Yang Q; Webb G
Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0 
被引频次合计: 0 
引用的参考文献数: 9 
摘要: In this paper, a robust image segmentation method is proposed. The relationship between pixel intensities and distance between pixels are introduced to the traditional neighbourhood potential function To perform an unsupervised segmentation, the Bayes Information Criterion (BIC) is used to determine the class number, the K-means is employed to initialise the classification and calculate the mean values and variances of the classes. The segmentation is transformed to maximize a posteriori(MAP) procedure. Then, the Iterative Conditional Model (ICM) is employed to solve the MAP problem. In the experiments, the proposed method is compared with other segmentation techniques, for noisy image segmentation applying on synthetic and real images. The experiment results shows that the proposed algorithm is the better choice.
入藏号: WOS:000240091500164 
语种: English
文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper
会议名称: 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2006) 
会议日期: AUG 07-11, 2006 
会议地点: Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA 
地址: Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Automat, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.
 Acad Sinica, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710068, Peoples R China. 
通讯作者地址: Hou, YM (通讯作者),Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Automat, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.
Web of Science 类别: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Theory & Methods
研究方向: Computer Science
IDS 号: BEY22 
ISSN: 0302-9743 
ISBN: 3-540-36667-9
29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: LECT NOTES ARTIF INT 
来源出版物页码计数: 6 





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