Record 1 of 125

Title: A level set method with shape priors by using locality preserving projections

Author(s): Wang, B (Wang, Bin); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Li, J (Li, Jie); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 170  Pages: 188-200  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2014.07.086  Published: DEC 25 2015  

Abstract: A novel level set method (LSM) with the constraint of shape priors is proposed to implement a selective image segmentation. Firstly, the shape priors are aligned by using image moment to deprive the spatial related information. Secondly, the aligned shape priors are projected into the subspace expanded by using locality preserving projection to measure the similarity between the shapes. Finally, a new energy functional is built by combing data-driven and shape-driven energy items to implement a selective image segmentation method. We assess the proposed method and some representative LSMs on the synthetic, medical and natural images, the results suggest that the proposed one is superior to the pure data-driven LSMs and the representative LSMs with shape priors. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000361256000019

Conference Title: International Conference on Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering (IScIDE)

Conference Date: JUL 31-AUG 02, 2013

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, jie 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Wang, Bin 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 2 of 125

Title: Hydrothermal synthesis of TiO<sub>2</sub> nanostructure films and their photoelectrochemical properties

Author(s): Miao, H (Miao, Hui); Hu, XY (Hu, Xiaoyun); Fan, J (Fan, Jun); Li, CB (Li, Chaoben); Sun, Q (Sun, Qian); Hao, YY (Hao, Yuanyuan); Zhang, GW (Zhang, Guowei); Bai, JT (Bai, Jintao); Hou, X (Hou, Xun)

Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  Volume: 358  Pages: 418-424  DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.08.212  Part: A  Published: DEC 15 2015  

Abstract: In this study, anatase TiO2 nanostructured films were successfully prepared via Ti foil-assisted hydrothermal synthesis method without any surfactants. With the increase of hydrothermal time from 3 to 12 h, the surface morphologies of the films changed from nanotubes to nanoflowers and the thickness of the films increased from 2.5 to 4.2 mu m. The nanoflowers were seated on a layer of oriented nanotubes and consisted of nanosheets. Both nanotubes and nanosheets were multi-walled, comprising interconnected [TiO6] octahedra. Ti foil and acid-treated Ti foil both formed pieces of thin films on the surface with nanotubes and nanoflowers, respectively. Photoelectrochemistry tests showed that the photocurrent response of the nanotube film was nearly 13.8 mu A/cm(2), which was approximately three times higher than that of nanoflowers film. This indicates that the nanotubes more successfully transferred electrons to the surface of the film as a result of nanotubes providing direct pathways for electrons from the point of injection to the Ti foil electrode. The ultraviolet (UV)-visible-near infrared (NIR) absorption spectra indicated that the nanotube film had a narrower band gap as compared to the nanoflower film. In other words, a relatively low hydrothermal treatment temperature or relatively short hydrothermal treatment time is better for preparing excellent photocurrent response films. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000366220400052

Conference Title: 1st International Workshop on Graphene and C3N4-based Photocatalysts (IWGCP)

Conference Date: JUN 05-08, 2015

Conference Location: Wuhan Univ Technology, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Jianghan Univ, Changsha Univ

Conference Host: Wuhan Univ Technology

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Guowei 



Fan, Jun 



Hu, Xiaoyu 



sun, qian 



Hu, Xiao 




ISSN: 0169-4332

eISSN: 1873-5584



Record 3 of 125

Title: Projection-Based NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing

Author(s): Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Feng, YC (Feng, Yachuang); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING  Volume: 8  Issue: 6  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 2632-2643  DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2427656  Published: JUN 2015  

Abstract: As a widely concerned research topic, many advanced algorithms have been proposed for hyperspectral unmixing. However, they may fail to accurately identify endmember signatures when coming across insufficient spatial resolution. To deal with this problem, an algorithm based on semisupervised linear sparse regression is proposed, in which unmixing procedure is reduced to seeking an optimal subset from the spectral library to best model mixed pixels in the scene. However, the number of the spectra with nonzero abundance is much more than that of the true endmember signatures. Furthermore, the selection of library spectra as endmember signatures is undesirable due to the divergent imaging conditions. In this paper, a novel projection-based nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) (PNMF) algorithm is proposed by importing spectra library into the NMF framework. The main novelties of this paper are listed as follows. 1) By introducing the spectral library, the extraction of endmember signatures is no longer restricted by spatial resolution. 2) Related spectra are selected and projected onto a subspace containing the endmember signatures. So that the number of endmember signatures is controlled by dimension of the subspace. 3) In PNMF, the endmember signatures are adaptively generated from the spectral library, and are matched with the observed hyperspectral images. This overcomes the difficulty caused by diverse imaging conditions, and makes the proposed algorithm more practical for real applications. The experimental results, conducted on both synthetic and real hyperspectral data, illustrate the advantages of the proposed algorithm when compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms.

Accession Number: WOS:000359264000028

Conference Title: 6th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing - Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)

Conference Date: JUN 24-27, 2014

Conference Location: Lausanne, SWITZERLAND

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 1939-1404

eISSN: 2151-1535



Record 4 of 125

Title: Transmission loss in x-ray framing cameras

Author(s): Bai, XH (Bai, Xiaohong); Zhu, BL (Zhu, Bingli); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin); Gou, YS (Gou, Yongsheng); Xu, P (Xu, Peng); Jin, J (Jin, Jing); Wang, B (Wang, Bo); Liu, BY (Liu, Baiyu); Qin, JJ (Qin, Junjun)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94491K  DOI: 10.1117/12.2077374  Published: 2015  

Abstract: We present evidence that transmission loss in gated x-ray framing cameras can affect relative gains. Transmission loss is caused by a variety of factors including: incident voltage waveform, matched load, width of Au electrode gap, and so on. The transition electrode in MCP (Micro-channel Plate) is continuous gradual change line, and it has good capability of compensation. When continuous gradual change micro-strip line is designed, dielectric loss tangent is one of transmission loss factors too. The model structure is designed based on the analysis of modeling and simulation techniques and experiment data as well as forecast target. The transmission loss is reduced from 50% to 25%, the transmission efficiency is greatly improved.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600055

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 5 of 125

Title: A GPU-based Implementation of PKF for INs/eNS Integrated Navigation System

Author(s): Bai, ZF (Bai, Zhaofeng); Qiu, YH (Qiu, Yuehong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: By usiug uavigation system, carrier arrives at a predetermined position follow the route within the stipulated time, INS (Inertial Navigation System) has disadvantage of navigation error accumulate with time. CNS (Celestial Navigation System) has a low data update but the navigation error does not accumulate with time. Our goal is to develop a high-precision and high-performance navigation system by using integrated navigation method and Parallel Kalman Filter (PKF). As CPU (graphic processor units) have shown to provide much speedup in matrix computing which can be used on the filter algorithm of integrated navigation system, we will explore in this work for system performance optimization. Experiments results demonstrated that proposed solutions by using CPU accelerated Kalman filter has a scalable speedup as the measurement dimension increases than a pure CPU counterpart.

Accession Number: WOS:000398702000167

Conference Title: 6th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies

Conference Date: OCT 28-30, 2015

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Beijing Jiaotong Univ, IEEE AP S, IEEE EO S, IEEE MTT S, IEEE Signal Proc Soc, ANSYS China

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

qiu, yue 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-7441-5



Record 6 of 125

Title: Image compression based on GPU encoding

Author(s): Bai, ZF (Bai, Zhaofeng); Qiu, YH (Qiu, Yuehong)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2015)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9631  Article Number: 96310D  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197078  Published: 2015  

Abstract: With the rapid development of digital technology, the data increased greatly in both static image and dynamic video image. It is noticeable how to decrease the redundant data in order to save or transmit information more efficiently. So the research on image compression becomes more and more important. Using GPU to achieve higher compression ratio has superiority in interactive remote visualization. Contrast to CPU, GPU may be a good way to accelerate the image compression. Currently, GPU of NIVIDIA has evolved into the eighth generation, which increasingly dominates the high-powered general purpose computer field. This paper explains the way of GPU encoding image. Some experiment results are also presented.

Accession Number: WOS:000360230700012

Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: APR 09-10, 2015

Conference Location: Los Angeles, CA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Nanyang Technol Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

qiu, yue 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-829-3



Record 7 of 125

Title: On Two Heuristic Viewpoints Concerning the Study of Light

Author(s): Bi, SW (Bi, Siwen)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94490L  DOI: 10.1117/12.2085041  Published: 2015  

Abstract: It has been a debatable problem that what the essence of light is, and how it is produced. As James Clerk Maxwell setting up the theory of electromagnetic, the mainstream consciousness was occupied gradually by the wave theory of light. But at the end of 19th century, a series experimental phenomenon weren't precisely explained by the wave theory of light such as photoelectric effect experiment. In 1905, Albert Einstein published his famous paper. On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light., which laid the foundation of light quantum hypothesis. While solving these problems perfectly, a new problem was caused that because the wave theory and the quantum theory are both applicable to interpret some of the experiment of light, what is the essence of light.
This paper first outlines the history of optical development and current status, and states the difficulties and deficiencies of the study of light. Then we put forward the key concept of the paper called lightstring which consults some points of the theory of modern optics and physics which called the optical frequency comb and the string theory, then presents the essence of light based on the light string concept in order to make the concept of photons specific. And then we put forward the production mechanism of light - the String-Light effect based on the concept of light string. In this paper, we attempt to put forward a new idea of the study of the essence of light and the production mechanism of it.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600020

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 8 of 125

Title: The Digital Simulation of End-To-End Imaging Chain in Optical Remote Sensing System Based on MTF Models

Author(s): Bu, F (Bu, Fan); Qiu, YH (Qiu, Yuehong); Yao, DL (Yao, Dalei); Jiang, BT (Jiang, Baotan)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: The conflicts between the miniaturization of optical remote sensor and the high resolution force us to build an end-to-end simulation system, and optimize the process of the image acquisition and processing. In this paper, based on the analysis of MTF models of each link in imaging chain, a scientific visualization method of end-to-end optical remote sensing process using MTF models is presented. And, imaging simulation software is programmed with Matlab to implement the process. Using this program, the final simulated image can be generated from the original through the whole remote sensing image course according to the input parameters of each link in image chain. Through research on simulated images, we can analyze effectively the effects of each link on the quality of images, and carry out the optimization of optical remote sensor.

Accession Number: WOS:000393314500068

Conference Title: 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT)

Conference Date: DEC 19-20, 2015

Conference Location: Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Heilongjiang Univ, Dalian Jiaotong Univ, NE Normal Univ, Shaanxi Normal Univ, Harbin Inst Technol, IEEE, IEEE Harbin Sect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

qiu, yue 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-8173-4



Record 9 of 125

Title: A design of camera simulator for photoelectric image acquisition system

Author(s): Cai, GH (Cai, Guanghui); Liu, W (Liu, Wen); Zhang, X (Zhang, Xin)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 944923  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075572  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In the process of developing the photoelectric image acquisition equipment, it needs to verify the function and performance. In order to make the photoelectric device recall the image data formerly in the process of debugging and testing, a design scheme of the camera simulator is presented. In this system, with FPGA as the control core, the image data is saved in NAND flash through USB2.0 bus. Due to the access rate of the NAND flash is too slow to meet the requirement of the system, to fix the problem, the pipeline technique and the High-Band-Buses technique are applied in the design to improve the storage rate. It reads image data out from flash in the control logic of FPGA and output separately from three different interface of Camera Link, LVDS and PAL, which can provide image data for photoelectric image acquisition equipment's debugging and algorithm validation. However, because the standard of PAL image resolution is 720*576, the resolution is difference between PAL image and input image, so the image can be output after the resolution conversion. The experimental results demonstrate that the camera simulator outputs three format image sequence correctly, which can be captured and displayed by frame gather. And the three-format image data can meet test requirements of the most equipment, shorten debugging time and improve the test efficiency.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600074

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Yihao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 10 of 125


Author(s): Chen, X (Chen, Xiao); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Lui, XQ (Lui, Xiaoqiang)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Video summarization usually refers to produce a summary preserving essential content of the original video. Many existing methods have been developed to select representative frames by a dictionary learning model, which have led to a state-of-the-art performance. However, learning dictionary without considering relationship between samples of the original data space would lead to imprecise representation. To address this problem, in this paper, geometrical distribution information of samples is incorporated into the dictionary learning process. A graph based learning strategy is employed to draw the geometrical distribution information. Meanwhile, the diversity criteria is considered as important as representativeness, which can reduce redundant frames to be selected in final summary. Thus similarity measuring is imported to guarantee that a final summary contains diversity contents within the original video. The proposed method is validated on a challenging and widely used dataset, and state-of-the-art performance is achieved in contrast to other methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000380436500030

Conference Title: IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing

Conference Date: JUL 12-15, 2015

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISBN: 978-1-4799-1948-2



Record 11 of 125

Title: Colorimetric pyrometry system design and calibration experiment

Author(s): Chen, YH (Chen Yaohong); Liu, W (Liu Wei); Fan, ZY (Fan Zheyuan); Ren, L (Ren Long); Yi, B (Yi Bo); Xie, QS (Xie Qingsheng); Duan, CP (Duan Chengpeng)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492P  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075515  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the existing single waveband thermal imaging system can't get precise temperature of object with emissivity unknown, an optical system of beam splitting lens and filter were used to established a colorimetric temperature measurement system based on infrared thermal imaging system. Completed the compensation for non-effective pixel, enhancement of contrast, calibration of nonhomogeneity and coherence for infrared thermal imaging system according to the application requirement, then acquired the calibration data with blackbody as radiation source at 200 square similar to 500 square and fit it. A temperature measurement test performed at last, compared with the result acquired by thermocouple and single waveband thermal imaging system, it was shown that the colorimetric pyrometry system achieve the attractive precision after calibration and applied to measure the temperature of the object with emissivity unknown.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600096

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yi, Bo 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 12 of 125

Title: Large mode area waveguides by volume ultrafast laser photoinscription

Author(s): Cheng, GH (Cheng, Guanghua); Liu, X (Liu, Xin); Stoian, R (Stoian, Razvan)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 944903  DOI: 10.1117/12.2083183  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Multicore structures based on increased index waveguiding traces are fabricated by ultrafast laser photoinscription in bulk optical glass. A parametric study of the geometry of structure, number of traces and index contrast is discussed with respect to guided modes characteristics. Multicore waveguide present optical designs allowing large mode area light guiding by ultrafast laser photoinscription with coherent mode superposition in near infrared and mid-infrared in fused silica and Chalcogenide glass.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600002

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 13 of 125

Title: Research of wind loading on optical window for airborne optoelectronic equipment based on CFD

Author(s): Deng, XG (Deng, Xiaoguo); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxu); Li, G (Li, Gang); Zheng, XG (Zheng, Xiaogiang)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492G  DOI: 10.1117/12.2076597  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to improve the reliability and working performance of the optical window for airborne optoelectronic equipment, we conduct the aerodynamic analysis of airborne optoelectronic equipment under different flight speed, and get the aerodynamic load distribution of optical window under three different typical flight speed. By building the model of the optical window and simulating the model with the method of CFD, the deformation and stress caused by aerodynamic loading under different thickness of the optical window have been got. The results shows that the thickness of the optical window at 10mm could best meet the requirements of structural strength and quality. Then we analysis the impact of the deformation of the optical window on the imaging quality of the optical system. The deformation of the optical window is very tiny, and it is deformed from the flat into a spherical whose radius is very large. The MTF of the optical system after deformation are basically the same as its MTF before deformation. Thus, the impact of the deformation of the optical window on the imaging quality of the optical system can be ignored. The results of the analysis provide important reference for the design of the optical window for airborne optoelectronic equipment.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600087

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 14 of 125

Title: The Design of Space Optical Communications Terminal with High Efficient

Author(s): Deng, XG (Deng, Xiaoguo); Li, G (Li, Gang); Jiang, B (Jiang, Bo); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxu); Yan, PP (Yan, Peipei)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94490J  DOI: 10.1117/12.2083003  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to improve high-speed laser space optical communications terminal receive energy and emission energy, meet the demand of mini-type and light-type for space-based bear platform, based on multiple-reflect coaxial optical receiving antenna structure, while considering the installation difficulty, a high-efficient optical system had been designed, which aperture is off-axial, both signal-receiving sub-optical system and emission sub-optical system share a same primary optical path. By the separating light lens behind the primary optical path, the received light with little energy will be filtered and shaped and then transmitted to each detector, at the same time, by the coupling element, the high-power laser will be coupling into optical antenna, and then emitted to outside. Applied the power-detected optical system evaluate principle, the optimized off-axial optical system's efficiency had been compared with the coaxial optical system. While, analyzed the Gauss beam energy distribution by numerical theory, discussed that whether off-axis optical system can be an emission terminal, verify the feasibility of the theory of the design of the system.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600018

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 15 of 125

Title: Analyzing time walk error of leading trailing edge CFD of timing discrimination for Gaussian and Rayleigh distribution waveform

Author(s): Dong, LJ (Dong, Lijun); Liu, K (Liu, Ke); Guo, L (Guo, Lei); Miao, YX (Miao, Yinxiao); Xin, LW (Xin, Liwei)

Edited by: Tan J; Wen X

Source: NINTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PRECISION ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9446  Article Number: 944642  DOI: 10.1117/12.2181701  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In this study we analyze one of a CFD for timing discrimination. Walk error, drift and precision are the three performance parameters of timing discrimination. The walk error is the most important error type generally. Firstly, we divided the waveform into two types. One is the Gaussian waveform distribution which has three parameters: amplitude, mean, and the pulse width; and the other is Rayleigh waveform distribution which has two parameters: mean and pulse. We analyzed different situations with their changing parameter, and the drift value of time can be obtained for each parameter changing.

Accession Number: WOS:000353127500144

Conference Title: 9th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation (ISPEMI)

Conference Date: AUG 08-10, 2014

Conference Location: Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Int Comm Measurements & Instrumentat, Chinese Soc Measurement, Instrumentat Comm, Harbin Inst Technol, Natl Univ Def Technol, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, China Instrument & Control Soc

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-561-2



Record 16 of 125

Title: Color filter array demosaicing: an adaptive progressive interpolation based on the edge type

Author(s): Dong, QQ (Dong, Qiqi); Liu, ZH (Liu, Zhaohui)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 967518  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199330  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Color filter array (CFA) is one of the key points for single-sensor digital cameras to produce color images. Bayer CFA is the most commonly used pattern. In this array structure, the sampling frequency of green is two times of red or blue, which is consistent with the sensitivity of human eyes to colors. However, each sensor pixel only samples one of three primary color values. To render a full-color image, an interpolation process, commonly referred to CFA demosaicing, is required to estimate the other two missing color values at each pixel. In this paper, we explore an adaptive progressive interpolation based on the edge type algorithm. The proposed demosaicing method consists of two successive steps: an interpolation step that estimates missing color values according to various edges and a post-processing step by iterative interpolation.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200044

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, zhao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 17 of 125

Title: The Method of Time Synchronization between Telecommunication Base Stations with GPS Common View

Author(s): Du, X (Du, Xu); Hua, Y (Hua, Yu); Jin, XZ (Jin, Xiao-zhen); Jia, HN (Jia, Hai-ni)

Edited by: Qi E; Shen J; Dou R


Abstract: According to the demand of the navigation system of China telecom to realize high precision time synchronization between adjacent base stations, we come up with the method of long distance time transfer using GPS common view. The hardware design and software design of this system are introduced in detail. In this paper, we use the powerful multi-channel Resolution T receiver and the TDC-GP1 counter chip to form a set of GPS common view comparison system based on ARM platform. Preliminary results of the test show that the system has stable performance and the alignment accuracy is within 5 ns. Therefore, this system we design can realize high precision time synchronization between adjacent base stations.

Accession Number: WOS:000373492700007

Conference Title: 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014 (IEEM)

Conference Date: NOV 01-02, 2014

Conference Location: Zhuhai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: CMES, Chinese Ind Engn Inst, Beijing Inst Technol, Tianjin Univ Sci & Technol

ISBN: 978-94-6239-102-4; 978-94-6239-101-7



Record 18 of 125

Title: Real-fringe DASH interferometer for upper atmospheric wind and temperature observation: concept and simulation

Author(s): Fei, XY (Fei, Xiaoyun); Feng, YT (Feng, Yutao); Bai, QL (Bai, Qinglan)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492S  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075814  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (DASH) is a new technology for measuring upper atmospheric winds by observing the Doppler shift of atmospheric emission lines from a satellite using a limb viewing geometry. The real-fringe DASH interferometer is a modification of conventional DASH interferometer; it keeps the advantages of the conventional one. Moreover, this interferometer will not need exit optics to image the superposed fringes onto the detector; it will be more compact and lightweight, making it suitable for space-based platforms. We describe the concept of the new interferometer and present the exact expression of spatial frequency and phase of the interferogram. We also describe design and simulation of a real-fringe DASH interferometer for observation of the O [D-1] 630nm emission. The simulation results agree with the theory.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600099

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 19 of 125

Title: Research on the High-brightness Traffic Variable Message Sign Based on Laser Diodes

Author(s): Feng, LL (Feng, Li-li); Huang, HT (Huang, Hai-tao); Ruan, C (Ruan, Chi)

Edited by: Lee B; Gu M; Yuan X; Jaque D; Su Y

Source: AOPC 2015: ADVANCED DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY; AND MICRO/NANO OPTICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9672  Article Number: 967202  DOI: 10.1117/12.2196782  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Researches indicate that foggy weather is one of the most critical factors that restrict human's traffic activities and cause traffic accidents. It will reduce the visibility of traffic message board, which could cause the insecurity of transportation. Commonly, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were used as light source for variable message sign, which could not be seen clearly in the foggy low visibility condition. A high-brightness light source which could be used for variable information board was firstly put forward in this paper. And a new type of variable message sign used in low visibility condition was also introduced. Besides, the attenuation characteristics of laser diode (LD) and light-emitting diode (LED) were analyzed respectively. Calculation and simulation show that the attenuation of red light source is fastest, and the yellow LED light has the better transmittance property. In the experiment, LDs were used to make variable message board for verifying image definition. A 16*16 array structure composed of LDs was designed and could display Chinese characters. By comparing the display effect of LDs and LEDs driven with same power, they were placed in fog chamber of the visibility less than 5 meters. And experiment results show that the penetrability of red LD light is better than that of red LED. So traffic variable message sign based on LDs could improve the image definition and the information could be seen more clearly in the foggy weather. In addition to the high-brightness, good coherence, good direction, experimental results show that traffic variable message board based on LD has better visual effect in low visibility condition.

Accession Number: WOS:000364672200002

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-897-2



Record 20 of 125


Author(s): Fu, M (Fu, Min); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Due to the rapid development of various satellite sensors, a large amount of high resolution remote sensing images can be obtained. In order to efficiently represent the scenes from these high resolution images, an unsupervised feature learning method is proposed for high resolution image scene classification. In the proposed method, a set of filter banks are learned in an unsupervised manner from the unlabeled image patches, which are robust, efficient and do not need elaborately designed descriptors such as SIFT. And then, each image is encoded by these filter banks using a soft distance assignment scheme, generating a final feature vector to excellently represent the image scene. Finally, by virtue of the traditional SVM classifier, the sematic concepts of different scenes can be categorized. Experimental evaluation on the the high resolution remote sensing images demonstrates the effectiveness and good performance of the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000380436500043

Conference Title: IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing

Conference Date: JUL 12-15, 2015

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISBN: 978-1-4799-1948-2



Record 21 of 125

Title: ASO-S: Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory

Author(s): Gan, WQ (Gan, Weiqun); Deng, YY (Deng, Yuanyong); Li, H (Li, Hui); Wu, J (Wu, Jian); Zhang, HY (Zhang, Haiying); Chang, J (Chang, Jin); Chen, CY (Chen, Changya); Zhang, ZQ (Zhang, Zhiqiang); Chen, B (Chen, Bo); Feng, L (Feng, Li); Guo, JH (Guo, Jianhua); Hu, YM (Hu, Yiming); Huang, Y (Huang, Yu); Li, ZH (Li, Zhaohui); Peng, YM (Peng, Yuming); Wang, DG (Wang, Dongguang); Wang, H (Wang, Hong); Wang, JN (Wang, Jianing); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Wu, Z (Wu, Zhen); Zhang, Z (Zhang, Zhe); Zhao, EX (Zhao, Erxin)

Edited by: Fineschi S; Fennelly J

Source: SOLAR PHYSICS AND SPACE WEATHER INSTRUMENTATION VI  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9604  Article Number: 96040T  DOI: 10.1117/12.2189062  Published: 2015  

Abstract: ASO-S is a mission proposed for the 25th solar maximum by the Chinese solar community. The scientific objectives are to study the relationships among solar magnetic field, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). ASO-S consists of three payloads: Full-disk Magnetograph (FMG), Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope (LST), and Hard X-ray Imager (HXI), to measure solar magnetic field, to observe CMEs and solar flares, respectively. ASO-S is now under the phase-B studies. This paper makes a brief introduction to the mission.

Accession Number: WOS:000366021400020

Conference Title: Conference on Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation VI

Conference Date: AUG 09-10, 2015

Conference Location: San Diego, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

, 婷 



, 婷婷 



zhang, zhi 



Feng, Li 



deng, yuan yong 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-770-8



Record 22 of 125

Title: A Maximum Entropy Feature Descriptor for Age Invariant Face Recognition

Author(s): Gong, DH (Gong, Dihong); Li, ZF (Li, Zhifeng); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Liu, JZ (Liu, Jianzhuang); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2015 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 5289-5297  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new approach to overcome the representation and matching problems in age invariant face recognition. First, a new maximum entropy feature descriptor (MEFD) is developed that encodes the microstructure of facial images into a set of discrete codes in terms of maximum entropy. By densely sampling the encoded face image, sufficient discriminatory and expressive information can be extracted for further analysis. A new matching method is also developed, called identity factor analysis (IFA), to estimate the probability that two faces have the same underlying identity. The effectiveness of the framework is confirmed by extensive experimentation on two face aging datasets, MORPH (the largest public-domain face aging dataset) and FGNET. We also conduct experiments on the famous LFW dataset to demonstrate the excellent generalizability of our new approach.

Accession Number: WOS:000387959205037

Conference Title: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 07-12, 2015

Conference Location: Boston, MA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Tao, Dacheng 



Sun, Peng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-6964-0



Record 23 of 125

Title: A new X-ray framing camera with picoseconds time resolution

Author(s): Gou, YS (Gou Yongsheng); Bai, YL (Bai Yonglin); Liu, BY (Liu Baiyu); Bai, XH (Bai Xiaohong); Qin, JJ (Qin Junjun); Wang, B (Wang Bo); Zhu, BL (Zhu Bingli); Xu, P (Xu Peng); Cao, WW (Cao Weiwei)

Edited by: Gong H; Wu N; Ni Y; Chen W; Lu J

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9674  Article Number: 96740G  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197312  Published: 2015  

Abstract: A new method to get a X-ray framing camera with picoseconds time resolution was proposed based on time amplification. Its principle comes from that we use high voltage electrical pulse to get speed dispersion of the photoelectrons pulse first, and then the photoelectrons pulse will be stretched in axial direction by drift area, at the end the photoelectrons pulse after stretched will be framing imaged by a traditional MCP(microchannel plate) gated framing camera. A model of the camera was built according to this method. Time amplification of the system is about 30, and image magnification of the system is about 0.4. Parameters for designing the camera system were presented after theoretical deriving and model simulation. At last, theoretical time resolution and spatial resolution of the camera were given.

Accession Number: WOS:000364675700046

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 



Cao, WeiWei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-899-6



Record 24 of 125

Title: A circuit used for peak power detecting of the laser pulse

Author(s): Gou, YS (Gou Yongsheng); Liu, BY (Liu Baiyu); Bai, YL (Bai Yonglin); Wang, B (Wang Bo); Zhu, BL (Zhu Bingli); Bai, XH (Bai Xiaohong); Qin, JJ (Qin Junjun); Xu, P (Xu Peng)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492O  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075496  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Based on the principle of capacitor pre-charging, an analog pulse stretch circuit is designed for detecting peak power of narrow laser impulse. Experimental test were carried out. And it could achieve regulation accuracy of 5ps, jitter<600ps. Due to the need of different delay ranges during the practical applications, the analog pulse stretch circuit is optimized. It doesn't only meet the different adjustment ranges, but also maintains high regulation accuracy.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600095

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 25 of 125

Title: Color Constancy Technology based on Detail Description

Author(s): Guo, HN (Guo Huinan); Cao, JZ (Cao Jianzhong); Zhang, H (Zhang Hui); Zhou, ZF (Zhou Zuofeng)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2015)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9631  Article Number: 96310U  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197007  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Color constancy is an important problem in machine vision and image processing fields. We propose a new method in this paper that is based on detail information description to estimate the chromaticity of the light source and restore the real color property of captured images. The main idea of the proposed approach is that according to human vision characteristics use the interest information in an image to estimate the lighting condition of real scene. To approve the proposed method, two well-known algorithms are selected and their contrast results are also presented. It is shown in this paper that the proposed approach performs better than other traditional methods for color constancy most of the time.

Accession Number: WOS:000360230700029

Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: APR 09-10, 2015

Conference Location: Los Angeles, CA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Nanyang Technol Univ

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-829-3



Record 26 of 125

Title: Color Enhancement Algorithm for Low-Quality Image Based on Gamma Mapping

Author(s): Guo, HN (Guo, Huinan); Zhang, GP (Zhang, Gaopeng); Mei, C (Mei, Chao); Zhang, DR (Zhang, Derui); Song, XD (Song, Xiaodong)

Edited by: Zhang Q

Source: SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9794  Article Number: 97941X  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202930  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Color quality plays an important role in imaging and displaying. For the Low-quality image, we propose a new method in this paper that is based on gamma mapping to improve color contrast and restore color expression of real world scene. The main idea of the proposed approach is that according to human vision characteristics uses logarithm transformation to extend luminance response of image so; meanwhile, adopts the gamma mapping to enhance the contrast of highlight and dark regions. To approve the proposed method, two well-known algorithms are selected and their contrast results are also presented. The results show that the proposed approach performs better than other traditional methods for color restoration which is of good robustness.

Accession Number: WOS:000366833200067

Conference Title: 6th International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE)

Conference Date: SEP 26-27, 2015

Conference Location: Dalian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Dalian Univ, Key Lab Adv Design & Intelligent Comp, Minist Educ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Gaopeng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0029-4



Record 27 of 125

Title: Sparse representation based on multiscale bilateral filter for infrared image using compressed sensing

Author(s): Han, JJ (Han, Jiaojiao); Qin, HL (Qin, Hanlin); Leng, HB (Leng, Hanbing); Yan, X (Yan, Xiang); Li, J (Li, Jia); Zhou, HX (Zhou, Huixin)

Edited by: Gong H; Wu N; Ni Y; Chen W; Lu J

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9674  Article Number: 96742Q  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202706  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Compressed sensing is an arisen and significant theory, which has been widely used in infrared image reconstruction and many methods based on compressed sensing have been proposed. However, the existing methods can hardly accurately reconstruct infrared images. Considering that the sparsity of an infrared image plays a crucial role in compressed sensing to accurately reconstruct image, this paper presents a new sparse representation (MBFSF) that integrates the multiscale bilateral filter with shearing filter to overcome the above disadvantage. Firstly, one approximation subband image and a series of detail subband images at different scales and directions are obtained by the MBFSF. Then, in view of the feature that the most information is preserved in the approximation subband image, the proposed method only measures the detail subband images and preserves the approximation subband image. Subsequently, a very sparse random measurement matrix is used for the measurement at the detail subband images to reduce the computation cost and storage of large random measurement matrices in compressed sensing. Finally, an accelerated iterative hard thresholding algorithm is employed to reconstruct the infrared image. Experimental results show that the proposed method has superior performance in terms of reconstruction accuracy and compares favorably with existing compressed sensing methods, which is an effective method in high-resolution infrared imaging based on compressed sensing.

Accession Number: WOS:000364675700105

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-899-6



Record 28 of 125

Title: The realization of low order FSM method and its application

Author(s): He, J (He, Jiai); Liu, XY (Liu, Xiangyang); Pei, CQ (Pei, Chengquan)

Edited by: Du W; Zhou X

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINERY, MATERIALS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS  Book Series: ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research  Volume: 35  Pages: 1830-1835  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Cyclostationary statistical characteristic is the main theory of studying non-stationary periodic signal. Signal and noise are always assumed that obey Gaussian distribution model in traditional signal's processing. As the environment of non-Gaussian pulse is increasing complex, degradation problems of system performance can be solved by building alpha stable distribution theory model. Firstly, this paper introduces the alpha stable distribution to estimate FSM cyclic spectrum and proposes cycle spectrum analysis under discrete signal. Then, the verification is given by taking AM communication signal on Matlab platform. The results show that in a complex environment, the low-level FSM algorithm which is based on alpha stable distribution has better performances on robustness and noise immunity. Finally, the algorithm proposed in this paper is applied to construct characteristic parameter, which is important for blind signal separation and identification.

Accession Number: WOS:000371522300342

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Information Technology Applications (ICMMITA)

Conference Date: NOV 28-29, 2015

Conference Location: Qingdao, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 2352-538X

ISBN: 978-94-6252-120-9



Record 29 of 125

Title: High Power Diode Laser Stack Development Using Gold-Tin Bonding Technology

Author(s): Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Cai, L (Cai, Lei); Dai, Y (Dai, Ye); Li, YJ (Li, Yingjie); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9346  Article Number: 934604  DOI: 10.1117/12.2079610  Published: 2015  

Abstract: High power diode lasers have increased application in many fields. In this work, a sophisticated high power and high performance conduction cooled diode laser stack has been developed for long pulse duration and high duty cycle using gold-tin (AuSn) bonding technology. The transient thermal behavior and optical simulation of the laser diode stack module are investigated to optimize the laser device structure. CTE-matched submount and AuSn hard solder are used for bonding the laser diode bar to achieve higher reliability and longer lifetime. Guided by the numerical simulation and analytical results, conduction cooled diode laser stack with high power, long pulse duration and high duty cycle is fabricated and characterized. Compared with the conventional indium bonding technology, the new design is a promising approach to obtain improved performance with high reliability and long lifetime.

Accession Number: WOS:000353681400004

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems

Conference Date: FEB 09-12, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-436-3



Record 30 of 125

Title: The design of aerial camera Focusing Mechanism

Author(s): Hu, CC (Hu, Changchang); Yang, HT (Yang, Hongtao); Niu, HJ (Niu, Haijun)

Edited by: Han S; Ellis JD; Guo J; Guo Y

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL TEST, MEASUREMENT, AND EQUIPMENT  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9677  Article Number: 96771F  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199676  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to ensure the imaging resolution of aerial camera and compensating defocusing caused by the changing of atmospheric temperature, pressure, oblique photographing distance and other environmental factor [1,2], and to meeting the overall design requirements of the camera for the lower mass and smaller size, the linear focusing mechanism is designed. Through the target surface support, the target surface component is connected with focusing driving mechanism. Make use of precision ball screws, focusing mechanism transforms the input rotary motion of motor into linear motion of the focal plane assembly. Then combined with the form of linear guide restraint movement, the magnetic encoder is adopted to detect the response of displacement. And the closed loop control is adopted to realize accurate focusing. This paper illustrated the design scheme for a focusing mechanism and analyzed its error sources. It has the advantages of light friction and simple transmission chain and reducing the transmission error effectively. And this paper also analyses the target surface by finite element analysis and lightweight design. Proving that the precision of focusing mechanism can achieve higher than 3um, and the focusing range is +/- 2mm.

Accession Number: WOS:000364678700061

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-902-3



Record 31 of 125

Title: Videometrics Technology of Flyers' Pose

Author(s): Hu, XL (Hu Xiaoli); Su, XQ (Su Xiuqin); Zhang, SX (Zhang Sanxi); Liu, B (Liu Biao); Zhou, ZQ (Zhou Zhiqiang)

Edited by: Han S; Ellis JD; Guo J; Guo Y

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL TEST, MEASUREMENT, AND EQUIPMENT  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9677  Article Number: 96770V  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199225  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In this paper pose measurement refers to flying pose measurement of rigid body including the pitch angle, yaw angel and roll angle. Pose measurement is of vital importance for such items as weapons settings, fault analysis and optimation design. Pose measurement based on optical images has many merits such as intuitive and non-contacted, which is a main method to measure pose currently. According to the parameters used and principle of the algorithms, the existing methods of pose measurement based on optical images are classified systematically and comprehensively for the first time as following: the methods of one station un-using camera's inner parameters are divided into the feature length ratio method and the direct linear transformation(DLT) method, otherwise they are divided into the perspective n points(PNP)problem and the optical and radar integration method, the axes from planes intersection using two stations extensible to multistation, and model matching applied to one or more stations, and then they are comparatively analyzed. At last combined with practical applications such as one or more stations, have or no model and inner parameters used or unused, some selection and improvement of key points are given practically.

Accession Number: WOS:000364678700051

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhou, zhou 



Zhou, Zhiqiang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-902-3



Record 32 of 125

Title: Study on the technology of mutual alignment based on the four-quadrant photo electric detector

Author(s): Hu, YB (Hu Ya-bin); Wang, M (Wang Miao)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 979501  DOI: 10.1117/12.2207844  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Panoramic stereo cameras and laser radars have their own coordinate system in the dynamic spatial sensing area and they have to determine the position relationship between each other through joint calibration. As using the traditional technology of mutual alignment based on the telescope cross wire is tedious and requires high operating skills, a new method of mutual alignment using lasers and four-quadrant photo electric detectors is provided after analyzing the working principle of four-quadrant photo electric detectors. Firstly make the laser beam irradiate the active area of the four-quadrant photo electric detector through coarse aiming. Then the center of a light spot offset relative to the center of the active area can be obtained according to the output voltage of four quadrants. The pose of two instruments can be adjusted properly to realize mutual alignment. The experimental results indicate that the alignment accuracy of four-quadrant detectors can meet the requirements of mutual alignment, which provides a new idea for joint calibration.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800002

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 33 of 125

Title: Restoration of motion blurred image with Lucy-Richardson algorithm

Author(s): Jing, L (Jing, Li); Hui, LZ (Hui, Liu Zhao); Liang, Z (Liang, Zhou)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 967519  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199337  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Images will be blurred by relative motion between the camera and the object of interest. In this paper, we analyzed the process of motion-blurred image, and demonstrated a restoration method based on Lucy-Richardson algorithm. The blur extent and angle can be estimated by Radon transform algorithm and auto-correlation function, respectively, and then the point spread function (PSF) of the motion-blurred image can be obtained. Thus with the help of the obtained PSF, the Lucy-Richardson restoration algorithm is used for experimental analysis on the motion-blurred images that have different blur extents, spatial resolutions and signal-to-noise ratios (SNR's). Further, its effectiveness is also evaluated by structural similarity (SSIM). Further studies show that, at first, for the image with a spatial frequency of 0.2 per pixel, the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the restored images can maintains above 0.7 when the blur extent is no bigger than 13 pixels. That means the method compensates low frequency information of the image, while attenuates high frequency information. At second, we fund that the method is more effective on condition that the product of the blur extent and spatial frequency is smaller than 3.75. Finally, the Lucy-Richardson algorithm is found insensitive to the Gaussian noise (of which the variance is not bigger than 0.1) by calculating the MTF of the restored image.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200045

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Jing, Lihong 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 34 of 125

Title: Experiments of Ghost imaging with pseudo-thermal light for remote sensing applications

Author(s): Kang, ZH (Kang, Zhihua); Ma, L (Ma, Lin); Kang, Y (Kang, Yan); Yao, YP (Yao, Yinping); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tongyi)

Edited by: Gong H; Wu N; Ni Y; Chen W; Lu J

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9674  Article Number: 96742U  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202795  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Based on previous researches, we construct a pseudo-thermal light ghost imaging system suited for remote imaging applications. By using pulsed pseudo-thermal light, the transmitted power is improved to ghost imaging long distant targets. By using imaging lens system, the path lengths of reference and signal light need not keep equal, as in lensless ghost imaging system, thus the transmitter, receiver, and correlator circuit can be integrated and keep compact. Furthermore, the revolution is improved by reducing the sizes of speckles. And the number of imaging frames is decreased (thus reduced the image-reconstruct time) and the signal-noise-ratio of ghost image is improved by compressed sensing. Based on the constructed experimental system, we implemented ghost imaging of a target at about 30m range.

Accession Number: WOS:000364675700109

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-899-6



Record 35 of 125

Title: Detecting Shadow of Moving Object based on Phong Illumination Model

Author(s): Li, FP (Li, Fei Peng); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi); Li, B (Li, Bin); Wu, MJ (Wu, Meng Jie); Shen, C (Shen, Chao)

Edited by: Ching X; Dvorik V

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, MACHINERY, MATERIALS AND ENERGY (ICISMME 2015)  Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research  Volume: 126  Pages: 2019-2022  Published: 2015  

Abstract: When detecting moving objects using visible light image sequence, the shadows of moving objects always appear together with moving objects. Shadows usually change with light condition, which brings difficulty for recognizing objects after segmenting image. This text proposes an algorithm to detect shadows in foreground image according to the Phong illumination model. The algorithm combines the brightness information between foreground image and background image to calculate an array of brightness relative variation ratio, detecting shadows using the statistical feature of shadows in the array. The algorithm uses the statistical histogram to describe statistical feature of brightness relative variation ratio, and the Gaussian model to do curve fitting as a description for the shape of statistical histogram. And finally with the property of the fitted function could we find the threshold value of shadows adaptively.

Accession Number: WOS:000359818900412

Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Information Sciences, Machinery, Materials and Energy (ICISMME)

Conference Date: APR 11-13, 2015

Conference Location: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, Univ W England, Univ Technol Sydney, Univ Polytechn Bucharest, Univ Teknologi MARA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, feipeng 




ISSN: 1951-6851

ISBN: 978-94-62520-67-7



Record 36 of 125

Title: Effects of Packaging on the Performances of High Brightness 9xx nm CW Mini-bar Diode Lasers

Author(s): Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Feng, FF (Feng, Feifei); Liu, YL (Liu, Yalong); Yu, DS (Yu, Dongshan); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9346  Article Number: 93460C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2080480  Published: 2015  

Abstract: 9xx nm CW mini-bar diode lasers and stacks with high brightness and reliability are desired for pumping fiber lasers and direct fiber coupling applications. For the traditional cm-bar with 1mm-2mm cavity, it can provide CW output power up to 80W-100W and high reliability, whereas the brightness is relatively low. In comparison, mini-bar based diode lasers with 4mm cavity offer a superior performance balance between power, brightness, and reliability. However, the long cavity and large footprint of mini-bar diode laser renders its sensitivity towards thermal stress formed in packaging process, which directly affects the performances of high bright mini-bar diode lasers. In this work, the thermal stress correlating with package structure and packaging process are compared and analyzed. Based on the experiment and analysis results, an optimized package structure of CW 60W 976 nm mini-bar diode lasers is designed and developed which relieves thermal stress.

Accession Number: WOS:000353681400009

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems

Conference Date: FEB 09-12, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-436-3



Record 37 of 125

Title: A kind of transmission-type lens using in X-ray band

Author(s): Li, Y (Li, Yan); Li, XL (Li, Xiao-li); Xu, XY (Xu, Xiangyan)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 944917  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075444  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The negative refractive index characteristics of one-dimensional photonic crystal consisted by Fibonacci multi-layer films has been studied by numerical method. The refractive indices for two materials, which are used to construct the Fibonacci multi-layer films, are 0.920 and 0.999, respectively. The calculation result shows that, on one hand, there are several negative refractive index zones for this kind of photonic crystal even if the refractive indices are very small; on the other hand, the difference is very large for the frequency between the zones. As an example, a kind of transmission-type plano-concave lens is designed. The simulation of the electromagnetic field distribution for the lens demonstrates that the lens can focus the incoming X-ray radiation. At the same time, the calculation of the absorption strength and refractive indices for real materials shows that not only there are large differences for the absorption strength with different materials, but also the refractive indices for real materials are different in X-ray band. Obviously, the characteristics above support a kind of transmission-type lens using in X-ray.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600042

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 38 of 125

Title: Calibration method of focal plane for static multi-star simulator

Author(s): Li, ZH (Li Zhaohui); Zhao, JK (Zhao Jianke); Xu, L (Xu Liang)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 979505  DOI: 10.1117/12.2208000  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The calibration work was important to the development of star sensor, improving the accuracy of star simulator was very important for the calibration of star sensor. In reality, being limited in manufacturing technology, assembling and testing facility and so on, it was very difficult to achieve the precision of design theory, especially the star angular distance. In this paper, from the accuracy of angular distance of star simulator, combined with the installation practice, through real-time monitoring of theodolite, and put forward a quantitative method of focusing. Experimentation have shown that the method can realize the accurately focusing of star simulator, all the angle distance error finally were less than 7.72., and can improve the installation efficiency.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800006

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Luyao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 39 of 125

Title: Design of low-dispersion output coupler for Cr:LiSAF lasers

Author(s): Liao, CY (Liao, Chunyan); Qin, JJ (Qin, Junjun); Zhu, XH (Zhu, Xiuhong)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94491S  DOI: 10.1117/12.2083289  Published: 2015  

Abstract: An designed output coupler used for the dispersion compensation in Cr:LiSAF femtosecond lasers is reported. It is composed of 50 alternating Ta2O5 and SiO2 layers whose thicknesses are obtained by computer optimization to provide low transmittance and as little as possible group delay dispersion. The optimized output coupler has continuous low transmittance of 1% and group delay dispersion of 0 +/- 6fs(2) from 750nm to 900nm, which can meet the need of dispersion compensation in Cr:LiSAF lasers.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600063

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yu 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 40 of 125

Title: The Design of ADRC Based on Single Axis Stable Platform

Author(s): Liu, EH (Liu, Erhao); Yang, HT (Yang, Hongtao); Liu, GS (Liu, Guangsen)

Edited by: Jiang LB; Zhang XY

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, MECHATRONICS, CONTROL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (ICCMCEE 2015)  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 37  Pages: 1355-1361  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) driving stable platform directly is often used in guided rockets. Due to the extended state observe (ESO) contained in the active disturbance rejection controller (ADRC), it can estimate the speed of the rotated carrier and the uncertain disturbances accurately without requiring exact mathematic model of system. An active disturbance rejection controller based on single axis stable platform is designed and optimized. The simulation results show that the system using the simplified ADRC has such characters as high robustness, high accurate and quickness.

Accession Number: WOS:000373379700252

Conference Title: 4th International Conference on Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering (ICCMCEE)

Conference Date: SEP 28-29, 2015

Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Int Informatizat & Engn Assoc, Indian Inst Technol, Univ Sydney Technol, Univ Polytechn Bucharest, Univ Teknologi MARA

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-110-0



Record 41 of 125

Title: Characterization of Far Field of Diode Laser by Three Dimensional Measurement

Author(s): Liu, H (Liu, Hui); Yuan, ZY (Yuan, Zhiyuan); Cui, L (Cui, Long); Wu, D (Wu, Di); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9346  Article Number: 93461A  DOI: 10.1117/12.2076548  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In this paper three dimensional characterization of the far field of diode laser beam is proposed. Both the divergence angle and intensity distribution can be extracted and analyzed from the measurement results with obliquity factor correction and power transmission correction. The instrument provides high resolution and fast measurement.

Accession Number: WOS:000353681400032

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems

Conference Date: FEB 09-12, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-436-3



Record 42 of 125

Title: Topology optimization design of a space mirror

Author(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jiazhen); Jiang, B (Jiang, Bo)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 97952Y  DOI: 10.1117/12.2209031  Published: 2015  

Abstract: As key components of the optical system of the space optical remote sensor, Space mirrors' surface accuracy had a direct impact that could't be ignored of the imaging quality of the remote sensor. In the future, large-diameter mirror would become an important trend in the development of space optical technology. However, a sharp increase in the mirror diameter would cause the deformation of the mirror and increase the thermal deformation caused by temperature variations. A reasonable lightweight structure designed to ensure the optical performance of the system to meet the requirements was required. As a new type of lightweight approach, topology optimization technology was an important direction of the current space optical remote sensing technology research. The lightweight design of rectangular mirror was studied. the variable density method of topology optimization was used. The mirror type precision of the mirror assemblies was obtained in different conditions. PV value was less than lambda/10 and RMS value was less than lambda/50(lambda = 632.8nm). The results show that the entire The mirror assemblies can achieve a sufficiently high static rigidity, dynamic stiffness and thermal stability and has the capability of sufficient resistance to external environmental interference. Key words: topology optimization, space mirror, lightweight, space optical remote sensor

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800104

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 43 of 125


Author(s): Liu, K (Liu, Kang); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Dong, YS (Dong, Yongsheng)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Fast foreground extraction is an important and challenging problem. Although GrabCut can perform well in foreground extraction, the average accuracy is not satisfactory, and more importantly, its computational cost is large. In this paper, we propose a fast interactive foreground extraction based on superpixel GrabCut and matting. Specifically, we use a superpixel method to process images in order to improve the efficiency of the GrabCut. To obtain a refined mask, we employ the Shared matting method whose trimaps are implemented by our constructed fast and adaptive trimaps (FATs). Experimental results demonstrate the proposed method is more competitive and effective in the visual sense, E-Time and MSE criterions.

Accession Number: WOS:000380436500028

Conference Title: IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing

Conference Date: JUL 12-15, 2015

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISBN: 978-1-4799-1948-2



Record 44 of 125

Title: A modified star map identification method suitable for astronomical camera

Author(s): Liu, MY (Liu, Meiying); Wang, H (Wang, Hu); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Liu, J (Liu, Jie); Xue, YK (Xue, Yaoke); Liu, Y (Liu, Yang); Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 96751R  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199618  Published: 2015  

Abstract: High accuracy star map identification results are the basis of astronomical positioning. The traditional triangle star identification algorithm has a higher redundancy and a poor robustness to noise. Considering the specific requirements of the star map identification of the astronomical camera, in allusion to this default, proceeding with selection of guide stars, construction of guide star catalogue and realization of matching algorithm, a modified triangle algorithm based on traditional one is presented. With the proposed algorithm, the guide star is selected from astronomical durchmusterung. In order to speed up guide star indexing, the guide star catalogue is founded after dividing the sky using the overlapping rectangle method. The guide star sub-catalogue is constructed by the radius of guide triangle circumcircle and the two sides of guide triangle. The characteristic radius is used for indexing and sorted in an ascending order to improve the searching efficiency in the processing of star map identification. The matching scope of the angular distance is narrowed and the matching rate of angular distance is improved by the matching of the characteristics radius. If there exists redundancy, a normalized magnitude is used to eliminate it. Within the observing area of the real sky, the 1050 star maps continuously are calculated. The simulation results show that, the identification rate of this algorithm is greater than 97. 83% when the noise of position error is two pixels, and the average identification time is about 25. 07ms. Compared with the traditional triangle algorithm, this modified algorithm has a couple of advantages, including the smaller storage capacity of guide star catalogue, better robustness to position and magnitude error, higher rate of correcting star map identification and lower redundancy.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200063

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 45 of 125

Title: A portable swappable method scientific CMOS image data storage system

Author(s): Liu, WL (Liu Wen-long); Pi, HF (Pi Hai-feng); Hu, BL (Hu Bing-liang); Gao, JR (Gao Jia-rui)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 97950C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2208424  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In the field of deep space exploration, the detector needs high-speed data real-time transmission and large capacity storage. SATA( Serial advanced technology attachment) as a new generation of interface protocols, SATA interface hard disk has the advantages of with large storage capacity, high transmission rate, the cheap price, data is not lost when power supply drop, so it is suitable for used in high speed large capacity data storage system. This paper by using Kintex-7 XCE7K325T XILINK series FPGA, the data of scientific CMOS CIS2521F through the SATA controller is stored in the hard disk. If the hard disk storage is full, it will automatically switch to the next hard disk.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800013

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 46 of 125

Title: Graded Index Porous Optical Fibers - Dispersion Management in Terahertz Range

Author(s): Ma, T (Ma, Tian); Markov, A (Markov, Andrey); Wang, LL (Wang, Lili); Skorobogatiy, M (Skorobogatiy, Maksim)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2015 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Graded index porous fiber incorporating an air-hole array featuring variable air-hole diameters and inter-hole separations is proposed. We experimentally demonstrate smaller pulse distortion, larger bandwidth and higher excitation efficiency compared to fibers with uniform porosity.

Accession Number: WOS:000370627101281

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: MAY 10-15, 2015

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Skorobogatiy, Maksim 



wang, lili 



wang, lin 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-55752-968-8



Record 47 of 125

Title: Optical System Design for Wide-angle Airborne Mapping Camera with Diffractive Optical Element

Author(s): Niu, HJ (Niu Hai-Jun); Zhang, J (Zhang Jian); Yan, AQ (Yan A-qi); Leng, HB (Leng Han-bing); Fei, JQ (Fei Jia-qi); Wu, DS (Wu Deng-shan); Cao, JZ (Cao Jian-zhong)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492N  DOI: 10.1117/12.2085042  Published: 2015  

Abstract: With the development of the digital airborne photo-grammetry technology, the more performances of the optical system for airborne mapping camera are required, such as the longer focal, the wider field of view (FOV), at the same time, the secondary spectrum correction becomes more important and difficult for the optical system design. A high performance optical system of airborne mapping camera with 200mm focus and2 omega=60 degrees FOV is designed in this paper. The range of work wavelength is from 430nm to 885nm. A two-layer HDOE with negative dispersive characteristic is used to eliminate the secondary spectrum in the process of optical system design. The diffraction efficiency of the designed two-layer HDOE is up to 90%. From the result of design, the MTFs in whole fields are over 0.5 at 90lp/mm, which shows that the system has a great image quality. Meantime, the thermal analysis is done at the temperature range between -20 degrees C and 40 degrees C, and the MTF curves of the system at-20 degrees C similar to 40 degrees C show that a great image quality is kept, which meets the design requirements.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600094

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 48 of 125

Title: All-optical Signal Processing Technique for Secure Optical Communication

Author(s): Qian, FC (Qian, Feng-chen); Su, B (Su, Bing); Ye, YL (Ye, Ya-lin); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qian); Lin, SF (Lin, Shao-feng); Duan, T (Duan, Tao); Duan, J (Duan, Jie)

Edited by: Liao Y; Zhang W; Jiang D; Wang W; Brambilla G

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9679  Article Number: 96790P  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199635  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Secure optical communication technologies are important means to solve the physical layer security for optical network. We present a scheme of secure optical communication system by all-optical signal processing technique. The scheme consists of three parts, as all-optical signal processing unit, optical key sequence generator, and synchronous control unit. In the paper, all-optical signal processing method is key technology using all-optical exclusive disjunction (XOR) gate based on optical cross-gain modulation effect, has advantages of wide dynamic range of input optical signal, simple structure and so on. All-optical XOR gate composed of two semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) is a symmetrical structure. By controlling injection current, input signal power, delay and filter bandwidth, the extinction ratio of XOR can be greater than 8dB. Finally, some performance parameters are calculated and the results are analyzed. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can be achieved over 10Gbps optical signal encryption and decryption, which is simple, easy to implement, and error-free diffusion.

Accession Number: WOS:000365190900025

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-904-7



Record 49 of 125

Title: Demonstration of 20Gb/s Polarization-insensitive Wavelength Switching system for High-Speed Free-space Optical Network

Author(s): Qian, FC (Qian, Feng-Chen); Ye, YL (Ye, Ya-lin); Yu, W (Yu, Wen); Tao, D (Tao, Duan); Huan, F (Huan, Feng)

Edited by: Liao Y; Zhang W; Jiang D; Wang W; Brambilla G

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9679  Article Number: 967908  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197788  Published: 2015  

Abstract: A 20Gb/s polarization-insensitive all-optical wavelength switching system for high-speed free-space optical communication (FSO) network is experimentally demonstrated All-optical wavelength conversion (AOWC) is implemented using four-wave mixing (FWM) by highly-nonlinear fiber (HNLF). In the experimental setup, a simple actively mode-locked fiber ring laser (AML-FRL) with repetition frequency from 1 to 15 GHz is used to generate eight 2.5Gb/s tributary signals, which are multiplexed into one 20Gb/s optical data stream. At the receiver, the 20 Gb/s OTDM data stream is demultiplexed down to 2.5 Gb/s via a polarization-insensitive FWM scheme. The whole space communication distance is over 10 meters in building hallway. The experimental results show that this system can stably run over 24 hours at 10(-9) BER level, thus the proposed architecture can work at higher rate with wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and high order modulation schemes.

Accession Number: WOS:000365190900008

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Tao, Duan-Jian 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-904-7



Record 50 of 125

Title: Galvanometer Control System Design of Aerial Camera Motion Compensation

Author(s): Qiao, MR (Qiao, Mingrui); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Wang, HW (Wang, Huawei); Guo, YZ (Guo, Yunzeng); Hu, CC (Hu, Changchang); Tang, H (Tang, Hong); Niu, YF (Niu, Yuefeng)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 967804  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197149  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Aerial cameras exist the image motion on the flight. The image motion has seriously affected the image quality, making the image edge blurred and gray scale loss. According to the actual application situation, when high quality and high precision are required, the image motion compensation (IMC) should be adopted. This paper designs galvanometer control system of IMC. The voice coil motor as the actuator has a simple structure, fast dynamic response and high positioning accuracy. Double-loop feedback is also used. PI arithmetic and Hall sensors are used at the current feedback. Fuzzy-PID arithmetic and optical encoder are used at the speed feedback. Compared to conventional PID control arithmetic, the simulation results show that the control system has fast response and high control accuracy.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600004

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 51 of 125

Title: MTF online Compensation in Space Optical Remote Sensing Camera

Author(s): Qu, YS (Qu Youshan); Zhai, B (Zhai Bo); Han, YM (Han Yameng); Zhou, J (Zhou Jiang)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94490F  DOI: 10.1117/12.2076000  Published: 2015  

Abstract: An ordinary space optical remote sensing camera is an optical diffraction-limited system and a low-pass filter from the theory of Fourier Optics, and all the digital imaging sensors, whether the CCD or CMOS, are low-pass filters as well. Therefore, when the optical image with abundant high-frequency components passes through an optical imaging system, the profuse middle-frequency information is attenuated and the rich high-frequency information is lost, which will blur the remote sensing image. In order to overcome this shortcoming of the space optical remote sensing camera, an on-line compensating approach of the Modulation Transfer Function in the space cameras is designed. The designed method was realized by a hardware analog circuit placed before the A/D converter, which was composed of adjustable low-pass filters with a calculated value of quality factor Q. Through the adjustment of the quality factor Q of the filters, the MTF of the processed image is compensated. The experiment results display that the realized compensating circuit in a space optical camera is capable of improving the MTF of an optical remote sensing imaging system 30% higher than that of no compensation. This quantized principle can efficiently instruct the MTF compensating circuit design in practice.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600014

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 52 of 125

Title: Ultra-low power passive mode-locking using an integrated nonlinear microring resonator

Author(s): Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Kues, M (Kues, Michael); Wetzel, B (Wetzel, Benjamin); Roztocki, P (Roztocki, Piotr); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2015 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Using high nonlinear enhancement in a CMOS compatible microring resonator incorporated in a SOA based nonlinear loop-mirror laser architecture, we observe passive mode-locking at extremely-low power levels generating 570ps pulses at a 14.8MHz repetition rate.

Accession Number: WOS:000370627102231

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: MAY 10-15, 2015

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chu, Sai T 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Kues, Michael 



Wetzel, Benjamin 



moss, david J 



moss, david 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-55752-968-8



Record 53 of 125

Title: Aircraft Sensor Failure Diagnosis using Self-Organizing Fuzzy Systems

Author(s): Rong, HJ (Rong, Hai-Jun); Bai, JM (Bai, Jian-Ming); Yang, J (Yang, Jing)

Edited by: Yazici A; Pal NR; Kaymak U; Martin T; Ishibuchi H; Lin CT; Sousa JMC; Tutmez B

Source: 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS (FUZZ-IEEE 2015)  Book Series: IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference Proceedings  Published: 2015  

Abstract: A novel scheme for diagnosing sensor failures in a flight control system is presented. In the proposed scheme, a set of self-organizing fuzzy systems named as SAFISs are applied as the online approximators for recognizing the sensor outputs in order to determine the failure detection, identification and accommodation (FDIA). SAFIS is an online learning fuzzy system with concurrent structure and parameter learning. The rules of the SAFIS are added or deleted based on the input data without predefining them by trial and error. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is demonstrated by simulation examples where soft failures in the angular rate gyros are successfully diagnosed.

Accession Number: WOS:000370288300307

Conference Title: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE)

Conference Date: AUG 02-05, 2015

Conference Location: Istanbul, TURKEY

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc, Middle E Tech Univ, Kadir Has Univ, Eindhoven Univ Technol

ISSN: 1544-5615

ISBN: 978-1-4673-7428-6



Record 54 of 125

Title: Quantum photonic circuits for optical signal processing

Author(s): Rortocki, P (Rortocki, Piotr); Kues, M (Kues, Michael); Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Razzari, L (Razzari, Luca); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto); Caspani, L (Caspani, Lucia); Cenci, M (Cenci, Matteo); Ferrera, M (Ferrera, Marcello); Peccianti, M (Peccianti, Marco); Pasquazi, A (Pasquazi, Alessia); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: In this talk, the physics of microring resonators is discussed in the classical and quantum regimes, in the context of the exploitation of chi-3 effects in these cavities as done by our group. Through the implementation of a novel microring pumping scheme and a quantum reinterpretation of the frequency comb, we present an integrated platform for the generation of quantum optical states spread over multiple optical modes. The scheme allows for highly stable and potentially fully-integrable quantum light sources. Following the demonstration of a multiplexed heralded photon source, the scheme also enabled the first demonstration of a new nonlinear process on the integrated platform (type II spontaneous four-wave mixing) allowing the first direct generation of polarization-diverse photon pairs, where the first time two ring modes can be pumped in a stable configuration.

Accession Number: WOS:000380445200007

Conference Title: 2015 Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear Optics (SCNO)

Conference Date: AUG 31-SEP 04, 2015

Conference Location: Como, ITALY

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Morandotti, Roberto 



Peccianti, Marco 



Kues, Michael 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Chu, Sai T 



Pasquazi, Alessia 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-8061-4



Record 55 of 125

Title: Enhancing Visibility of Hazy Images based on the Estimation of the Polarization Value

Author(s): Shen, D (Shen, Dan); Yang, FC (Yang, Fanchao)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: This paper introduces an algorithm based on the estimation of the polarization value. There is a physical model introduced and applied in this algorithm. One of the necessary polarization value is calculated and the other is estimated. The final result image is good.

Accession Number: WOS:000380441000095

Conference Title: IEEE Proceedings Sixth Int Conference Intelligent Control Inform Processing

Conference Date: NOV 26-28, 2015

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISBN: 978-1-4799-1717-4



Record 56 of 125

Title: EMIF: Towards a Scalable and Effective Indexing Framework for Large Scale Music Retrieval

Author(s): Shen, JL (Shen, Jialie); Mei, T (Mei, Tao); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Rui, Y (Rui, Yong)

Book Group Author(s): ACM

Source: ICMR'15: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA RETRIEVAL  Pages: 543-546  DOI: 10.1145/2671188.2749346  Published: 2015  

Abstract: This article presents a novel indexing framework called EMIF (Effective Music Indexing Framework) to facilitate scalable and accurate content based music retrieval. EMIF system architecture is designed based on a "classification-and-indexing" principle and consists of two main functionality layers: 1) a novel semantic-sensitive classification to identify input music's category and 2) multiple indexing structures - one local indexing structure corresponds to one semantic category. EMIF's layered architecture not only enables superior search accuracy but also reduces query response time significantly. To evaluate the system, a set of comprehensive experimental studies have been carried out using large test collection and EMIF demonstrates promising performance over state-of-the art approaches.

Accession Number: WOS:000387849100082

Conference Title: 5th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR)

Conference Date: JUN 23-26, 2015

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Assoc Comp Machinery, ACM SIGMM, Tencent, Samsung, Google, ViSENZE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Shen, Jialie 



Li, Xuelong 



Mei, Tao 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISBN: 978-1-4503-3274-3



Record 57 of 125

Title: Numerical Simulation of Surface-conduction Electron-emitter

Author(s): Shen, ZH (Shen, Zhihua); Wang, X (Wang, Xiao); Wu, SL (Wu, Shengli); Tian, JS (Tian, JinShou)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL VACUUM ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IVEC)  Book Series: IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to analyze the electron emission performance of SCE, the electric field distribution and electron trajectory are studied by simulation analysis with CST particle studio. Based on the simulation investigation, a SCE structure with better electron emission performance is obtained. It is expected that the simulation process and results are helpful for further development of SCE.

Accession Number: WOS:000380479000194

Conference Title: IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC)

Conference Date: APR 27-29, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: BVERI, UESTC, HeFei LeiKe Elect Co LTD, Southeast Univ, Key Lab High Power Microwave Sources Technol,CAS, Anhui Huadong Photoelect Technol Inst, GUOGUANG Elect co Ltd Chengdu, Nanling SanLe Elect Informat Ind Grp Co Ltd

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Shengli 




ISBN: 978-1-4799-7110-7



Record 58 of 125


Author(s): Shi, JH (Shi, Jianhua); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Dong, YS (Dong, Yongsheng)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Object-based scene image representations can effectively capture the semantic meanings of a scene. However, they usually neglect a scene's structure information. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective detector-based scene representation method for scene classification. In particular, we extract object features by object detectors. By sensible principal component analysis, we obtain a compact representation vector of objects in a scene image. To capture the scene layout, we then train lots of deformable part models to form a scene response vector. By concatenating these two vectors we use a linear support vector machine for scene classification. When combining with DeCAF [ 1] in a special way, our method is even more powerful on complex scene categorization. Experimental results on the MIT indoor database show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on scene classification compared with several popular methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000380436500040

Conference Title: IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing

Conference Date: JUL 12-15, 2015

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Shi, Jianhua 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISBN: 978-1-4799-1948-2



Record 59 of 125

Title: The design of nanosecond high-voltage ultra wide band bipolar pulse generator

Author(s): Shi, JC (Shi, Jincheng); Liu, BY (Liu, Baiyu); Gou, YS (Gou, Yongsheng)

Edited by: Gong H; Wu N; Ni Y; Chen W; Lu J

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9674  Article Number: 967427  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199899  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The design of nanosecond high-voltage ultra wide band bipolar pulse generator is shown in this paper. By analyzing the principle of the avalanche diode and doing the research of the related circuit acting on the pulse, this generator can generate a nanosecond high-voltage ultra wide band bipolar pulse, which its peak-to-peak voltage is about 400V and the pulse time width is 2ns. The experimental results showed a good agreement with the simulation results. A negative unipolar high-voltage pulse, having a fast falling-edge and a slowly exponential rising-edge, was firstly generated by the MARX circuit consist of the avalanche diodes. Then the use of the high speed avalanche diode could generate a negative unipolar high-voltage narrow Gaussian pulse, having a fast falling-edge and a fast rising-edge. In an attempt to cancel the reflection of the pulse made by the impedance mismatch, the circuit introduced the capacitor(C) and inductor(L) by calculating. Eventually a nanosecond high-voltage ultra wide band bipolar pulse could be got after going through the differentiator consist of introducing the right resistance, capacitance and inductance by calculation and experiment, and a filter with 2GHz bandwidth makes the bipolar smooth and perfect.

Accession Number: WOS:000364675700027

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shi, Jincheng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-899-6



Record 60 of 125

Title: Age Estimation Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Extreme Learning Machine

Author(s): Si, J (Si, Jie); Feng, J (Feng, Jun); Bu, QR (Bu, Qirong); Sun, XH (Sun, Xiaohu); He, XW (He, Xiaowei); Qiu, S (Qiu, Shi)

Edited by: Yang J; Yang J; Sun Z; Shan S; Zheng W; Feng J

Source: BIOMETRIC RECOGNITION, CCBR 2015  Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science  Volume: 9428  Pages: 677-685  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25417-3_79  Published: 2015  

Abstract: We proposed a novel age estimation scheme based on feature fusion according to Canonical Correlation analysis. Specifically, the shape and texture attributes of feature points in human faces are characterized by both Active Appearance Model (AAM) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP). Then, the canonical projective vectors are built via canonical correlation analysis for feature fusion. To improve computational efficiency, we first introduce Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) to the field of age estimation, and uncover the relation of the fused features and ground-truth age values for age prediction. The experimental results conducted on FG-NET age database show that the proposed method achieves better estimation accuracy while requires less computation time than the state of art algorithms such as BIF.

Accession Number: WOS:000374793400079

Conference Title: 10th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR)

Conference Date: NOV 13-15, 2015

Conference Location: Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Assoc Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Civil Aviat Univ China, Tianjin Univ Sci & Technol, CASIA, Inst Intelligent Recognit

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

he, xiaowei 



He, XW 



Bu, Qirong 




ISSN: 0302-9743

eISSN: 1611-3349

ISBN: 978-3-319-25417-3; 978-3-319-25416-6



Record 61 of 125

Title: A Single-Ring Absolute Encoder Subdivision Method

Author(s): Su, XG (Su Xiaogang); Hu, XD (Hu Xiaodong); Zhang, XD (Zhang Xiaodong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2015 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEASURING TECHNOLOGY AND MECHATRONICS AUTOMATION (ICMTMA 2015)  Book Series: International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation  Pages: 55-58  DOI: 10.1109/ICMTMA.2015.21  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The basic working principle of single-ring absolute photoelectric shaft encoder is to use light-emitting diode as light source to illuminate the encoder, at the same time using linear CCD as photoelectric signal receiving device and subdivision device. So the essence of single ring absolute encoder subdivision technology is based on line array CCD subdivision technology. This paper proposes a linear CCD subdivision algorithm Based on polynomial interpolation method. By computing the center of the bar code to get value of accurate positioning, this calculates the center of the coded disc line. As a result of the existence of encoder's characterization error, this article adopts the average operation of multiple line center position to get the precise localization of encoder center line. So as to achieve the aim of improve the barcode location accuracy, and can realize in the application of engineering to achieve the precision of 1 ".

Accession Number: WOS:000380441700014

Conference Title: Seventh International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA 2015)

Conference Date: JUN 13-14, 2015

Conference Location: Nanchang, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: CPS

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hu, Xiao 



Hu, Xiaoyu 




ISSN: 2157-1473

ISBN: 978-1-4673-7143-8



Record 62 of 125

Title: Image Reconstruction Based On Bayer And Implementation On FPGA

Author(s): Sun, C (Sun Chen); Duan, XF (Duan Xiaofeng); Wu, QJ (Wu Qijing)

Edited by: Yao M; Liang H

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES (IWMECS 2015)  Book Series: ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research  Volume: 33  Pages: 849-853  Published: 2015  

Abstract: This paper mainly introduces color images interpolation algorithm which based on bayer template. In order to estimate the missing two components in one pixel accurately, this algorithm selects gradient correlation between pixels to calculate them. The bayer image, whose resolution ratio is 5120*3840, captured by CMOS, is output by DVI interface. Experimental results shows that this algorithm both ensure the quality of reconstruction images and the real-time processing on FPGA.

Accession Number: WOS:000373142000166

Conference Title: 2nd International Workshop on Materials Engineering and Computer Sciences (IWMECS)

Conference Date: OCT 10-11, 2015

Conference Location: Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 2352-538X

ISBN: 978-94-6252-114-8



Record 63 of 125

Title: Compact diode-pumped nanosecond Nd:YVO<sub>4</sub> grazing-incidence slab amplifier

Author(s): Sun, Z (Sun, Zhe); Li, Q (Li, Qiang); Hui, YL (Hui, Yongling); Jiang, MH (Jiang, Menghua); Lei, H (Lei, Hong)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94491G  DOI: 10.1117/12.2076333  Published: 2015  

Abstract: A high average power and high beam quality nanosecond laser is presented that is based on CW diode side-pumped Nd:YVO4 grazing-incidence slab amplifier. A TEM00, passively Q-switched diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser as the seed laser, generating a M-2 approximate to 1.3 beam train of 0.25W, 2.3ns pulses with adjustable repetition rate in the range 5-20kHz. After double-pass amplification, more than 20W of output power with a beam quality of M-2 approximate to 1.4 is obtained at an optical-optical efficiency of 35%. The high brightness of this laser system seems ideal for nonlinear optics and laser processing applications.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600051

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Sun, Zhe 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 64 of 125

Title: A CMOS high-speed imaging system design based on FPGA

Author(s): Tang, H (Tang, Hong); Wang, HW (Wang, Huawei); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Qiao, MR (Qiao, Mingrui)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 96751O  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199529  Published: 2015  

Abstract: CMOS sensors have more advantages than traditional CCD sensors. The imaging system based on CMOS has become a hot spot in research and development. In order to achieve the real-time data acquisition and high-speed transmission, we design a high-speed CMOS imaging system on account of FPGA. The core control chip of this system is XC6SL75T and we take advantages of CameraLink interface and AM41V4 CMOS image sensors to transmit and acquire image data. AM41V4 is a 4 Megapixel High speed 500 frames per second CMOS image sensor with global shutter and 4/3" optical format. The sensor uses column parallel A/D converters to digitize the images. The CameraLink interface adopts DS90CR287 and it can convert 28 bits of LVCMOS/LVTTL data into four LVDS data stream. The reflected light of objects is photographed by the CMOS detectors. CMOS sensors convert the light to electronic signals and then send them to FPGA. FPGA processes data it received and transmits them to upper computer which has acquisition cards through CameraLink interface configured as full models. Then PC will store, visualize and process images later. The structure and principle of the system are both explained in this paper and this paper introduces the hardware and software design of the system. FPGA introduces the driven clock of CMOS. The data in CMOS is converted to LVDS signals and then transmitted to the data acquisition cards. After simulation, the paper presents a row transfer timing sequence of CMOS. The system realized real-time image acquisition and external controls.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200060

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 65 of 125


Author(s): Tang, J (Tang, Jie); Jiang, WM (Jiang, Weiman); Li, J (Li, Jing); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Duan, YX (Duan, Yixiang)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Accession Number: WOS:000380482200117

Conference Title: IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS)

Conference Date: MAY 24-28, 2015

Conference Location: Belek, TURKEY

Conference Sponsors: IEEE NPSS, IEEE, PLAZAMATEK

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yixuan 



wang, yi 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yixuan 



Li, Haibing 



Wang, yanru 



Wang, Yijun 




ISBN: 978-1-4799-6974-6



Record 66 of 125

Title: Athermalization Design of Collimating Lens System for Space Solar Telescope

Author(s): Tao, SY (Tao, Shuaiyang); Yang, JF (Yang, Jianfeng); Ma, XL (Ma, Xiaolong)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 979504  DOI: 10.1117/12.2207993  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (MFT), which imaged directly towards the sun, received about 1000W heat load irradiating into the telescope system, resulting in changes of ambient temperature. According to the principles of athermal design, a collimating lens system was designed, allowing MFT to work properly between a wider temperature range. The collimating lens system with F number of 3.55, worked in the visible spectrum, had the effective focal length of 156.4mm and the full field of view of 2.8 arc min x2.8 arc min. Through the passive optical athermal method, the optimized lens works at ambient temperature ranging from -40 degrees C to 60 degrees C. The radii of RMS are all smaller than the pixel pitch. The image quality approaches to diffraction limit and the MTF value is over 0.75, which satisfies the system specifications.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800005

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Jianfeng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 67 of 125

Title: Filtering and Analysis on the Random Drift of FOG

Author(s): Tian, YP (Tian, Yun-Peng); Yang, XJ (Yang, Xiao-Jun); Guo, YZ (Guo, Yun-Zeng); Liu, F (Liu, Feng)

Edited by: Liao Y; Zhang W; Jiang D; Wang W; Brambilla G

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9679  Article Number: 96790J  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199345  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Fiber optic gyro (FOG) is an optical gyroscope which is based on the sagnac effect and uses the optical fiber coil as light propagation channel.
Gyro drift consists of two components: systemic drift and random drift. Systemic drift can be compensated by testing and calibrating.
Random drift changes with time, so it becomes an important indicator to measure the precision of gyroscope, which has a great impact on the inertial navigation system. It can't be compensated by the simple method. Random drift is a main error of fiber optic gyro (FOG). The static output of FOG is a random project and it has more random noise when as the inertial navigation sensor, which will affect the measurement accuracy. It is an efficient method to reduce the random drift and improve the accuracy by modeling and compensation from the output of FOG. According to the characteristic of fiber optic gyro, the random drift model is studied. Using the time series method, the constant component of the random noise original data is extracted. After stationarity and normality tests, a normal random process is acquired. Based on this, the model is established using the recursive least squares, and then the model is applied to the normal kalman and adaptive Kalman, finally the data is process with the filter. After experimental verification, the noise variance was reduced after filtering, and the effect is obvious.

Accession Number: WOS:000365190900019

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, feng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-904-7



Record 68 of 125

Title: Performances of a Solid Streak Camera Based on Conventional CCD with Nanosecond Time Resolution

Author(s): Wang, B (Wang, Bo); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin); Zhu, BL (Zhu, Bingli); Gou, YS (Gou, Yongsheng); Xu, P (Xu, Peng); Bai, XH (Bai, Xiaohong); Liu, BY (Liu, Baiyu); Qin, JJ (Qin, Junjun)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94493H  DOI: 10.1117/12.2085044  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The classical streak cameras use a vacuum tube making thus fragile, cumbersome and expensive. Here we report a monolithic solid-state streak camera that overcomes these limitations and offers nanosecond temporal resolution. It consists of a 1-D linear array of 512 integrated photodiodes, followed by fast analog buffers and onchip, 511-deep analog frame storage. As a proof of concept, the dynamic operation of the sensors is exposed. Measurements show that time resolution better than 15 ns.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600124

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 69 of 125

Title: An Optical Encryption System Design Based on Double Random Phase Encoding

Author(s): Wang, CL (Wang, Cailing); Wang, HW (Wang, Hongwei); Liu, RX (Liu, Ruixiang)

Book Group Author(s): Destech Publicat Inc


Abstract: The increase of image data volume proposed severe test for encryption algorithm in monitoring field which demand for encryption. Complex encryption and decryption algorithm will increase the operation expenditure, eventually lead to influence on the performance of the video transmission in real time. According to the video encryption and decryption requirement, this paper first proposed optical encryption and decryption in the field of video monitoring and designed a optical system of single channel encryption and decryption based on double random phase encoding. In this optical system, the speed of encryption and decryption is equal to the speed of light and the consumption deduced to zero. This system will have important application value in spread popularity of high-definition video and will have broad application prospects in the field of military.

Accession Number: WOS:000361121100001

Conference Title: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering (ICMAME)

Conference Date: MAY 23-24, 2015

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Huiwen 



wang, hw 




ISBN: 978-1-60595-233-8



Record 70 of 125

Title: Design and Analysis of Supporting Structure between the Primary mirror and the Secondary mirror on a Space Telescope

Author(s): Wang, CJ (Wang Chenjie); Chai, WY (Chai Wenyi); Feng, LJ (Feng Liangjie); Yang, WG (Yang Wengang); Wang, W (Wang Wei); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 96780W  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199672  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Mechanical stability is a significant segment for an on-axis space telescope to assure its assembly accuracy as well as the image quality in the rigorous space environment, supporting structure between the primary mirror and the secondary mirror as a main structure of the on-axis space telescope must be designed reasonably to meet the mission requirements of the space telescope. Meanwhile, in view of the limitation of the satellite launching cost, it is necessary to reduce the weight and power compensation during the supporting structure design based on the satisfaction of telescope performance. Two types of supporting structure for a space telescope are designed, one is three-tripod structure which has three tripods located on the optical bench to support the secondary mirror assemblies and keep the distance between the primary mirror and the secondary mirror, the other is barrel supporting structure which includes a tube and a secondary mirror support with four spider struts. To compare the mechanical performance and launching cost of the two kinds of supporting structure, both structural and thermal analysis model are established. The analysis results indicates that the three-tripod support is lighter, has better mechanical performance and needs less power compensation than the barrel support.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600032

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 71 of 125

Title: Thermal design and Simulation of an attitude-varied Space Camera

Author(s): Wang, CJ (Wang Chenjie); Yang, WG (Yang Wengang); Feng, LJ (Feng Liangjie); Li, XY (Li XuYang); Wang, YH (Wang Yinghao); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu); Wen, DS (Wen Desheng)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 96780U  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199666  Published: 2015  

Abstract: An attitude-varied space camera changes attitude continually when it is working, its attitude changes with large angle in short time leads to the significant change of heat flux; Moreover, the complicated inner heat sources, other payloads and the satellite platform will also bring thermal coupling effects to the space camera. According to a space camera which is located on a two dimensional rotating platform, detailed thermal design is accomplished by means of thermal isolation, thermal transmission and temperature compensation, etc. Then the ultimate simulation cases of both high temperature and low temperature are chosen considering the obscuration of the satellite platform and other payloads, and also the heat flux analysis of light entrance and radiator surface of the camera. NEVEDA and SindaG are used to establish the simulation model of the camera and the analysis is carried out. The results indicate that, under both passive and active thermal control, the temperature of optical components is 20 +/- 1 degrees C, both their radial and axial temperature gradient are less than 0.3 degrees C, while the temperature of the main structural components is 20 +/- 2 degrees C, and the temperature fluctuation of the focal plane assemblies is 3.0-9.5 degrees C. The simulation shows that the thermal control system can meet the need of the mission, and the thermal design is efficient and reasonable.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600030

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 72 of 125

Title: Optical Technologies for Space Sensor

Author(s): Wang, H (Wang Hu); Liu, J (Liu Jie); Xue, YK (Xue Yaoke); Liu, Y (Liu Yang); Liu, MY (Liu Meiying); Wang, LG (Wang Lingguang); Yang, SD (Yang Shaodong); Lin, SM (Lin Shangmin); Chen, S (Chen Su); Luo, JJ (Luo Jianjun)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 96780B  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197608  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Space sensors are used in navigation sensor fields. The sun, the earth, the moon and other planets are used as frame of reference to obtain stellar position coordinates, and then to control the attitude of an aircraft. Being the"eyes" of the space sensors, Optical sensor system makes images of the infinite far stars and other celestial bodies. It directly affects measurement accuracy of the space sensor, indirectly affecting the data updating rate. Star sensor technology is the pilot for Space sensors. At present more and more attention is paid on all-day star sensor technology. By day and night measurements of the stars, the aircraft's attitude in the inertial coordinate system can be provided. Facing the requirements of ultra-high-precision, large field of view, wide spectral range, long life and high reliability, multi-functional optical system, we integration, integration optical sensors will be future space technology trends. In the meantime, optical technologies for space-sensitive research leads to the development of ultra-precision optical processing, optical and precision test machine alignment technology. It also promotes the development of long-life optical materials and applications. We have achieved such absolute distortion better than +/- 1um, Space life of at least 15years of space-sensitive optical system.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600011

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Luo, jian 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 73 of 125

Title: Advances in Bonding Technology for High Power Diode Laser Bars

Author(s): Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Feng, FF (Feng, Feifei); Liu, YL (Liu, Yalong); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9346  Article Number: 934605  DOI: 10.1117/12.2079619  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Due to their high electrical-optical conversion efficiency, compact size and long lifetime, high power diode lasers have found increased applications in many fields. As the improvement of device technology, high power diode laser bars with output power of tens or hundreds watts have been commercially available. With the increase of high current and output power, the reliability and lifetime of high power diode laser bars becomes a challenge, especially under harsh working conditions and hard-pulse operations. The bonding technology is still one of the bottlenecks of the advancement of high power diode laser bars. Currently, materials used in bonding high power diode laser bars are commonly indium and goldtin solders. Experimental and field application results indicates that the lifetime and reliability of high power diode laser bars bonded by gold-tin solder is much better than that bonded by indium solder which is prone to thermal fatigue, electro-migration and oxidization. In this paper, we review the bonding technologies for high power diode laser bars and present the advances in bonding technology for single bars, horizontal bar arrays and vertical bar stacks. We will also present the challenges and issues in bonding technology for high power diode laser bars and discuss some approaches and strategies in addressing the challenges and issues.

Accession Number: WOS:000353681400005

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems

Conference Date: FEB 09-12, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-436-3



Record 74 of 125

Title: Packaging of Complete Indium-free High Reliable and High Power Diode Laser Array

Author(s): Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Feng, FF (Feng, Feifei); Liu, YL (Liu, Yalong); Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Tang C; Chen S; Tang X

Source: XX INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-POWER LASER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS 2014  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9255  Article Number: 92550X  DOI: 10.1117/12.2072357  Published: 2015  

Abstract: High power diode lasers have been widely used in many fields. For many applications, a diode laser needs to be robust under on-off power-cycling as well as environmental thermal cycling conditions. To meet the requirements, the conduction cooled single bar CS-packaged diode laser arrays must have high durability to withstand thermal fatigue and long lifetime. In this paper, a complete indium-free bonding technology is presented for packaging high power diode laser arrays. Numerical simulations on the thermal behavior of CS-packaged diode laser array with different packaging structure were conducted and analyzed. Based on the simulation results, the device structure and packaging process of complete indium-free CS-packaged diode laser array were optimized. A series of high power hard solder CS (HCS) diode laser arrays were fabricated and characterized. Under the harsh working condition of 90s on and 30s off, good lifetime was demonstrated on 825nm 60W single bar CS-packaged diode laser with a lifetime test of more than 6100hours achieved so far with less 5% power degradation and less 1.5nm wavelength shift. Additionally, the measurement results indicated that the lower smile of complete indium-free CS-packaged diode laser arrays were achieved by advanced packaging process.

Accession Number: WOS:000350338500033

Conference Title: 20th International Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications (HPLS and A)

Conference Date: AUG 25-29, 2014

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: China Acad Engn Phys, Chinese Opt Soc, China Acad Engn Phys, Key Lab Sci & Technol High Energy Laser, China Acad Engn Phys, Res Ctr Laser Fus, Chinese Acad Sci, Dalian Inst Chem Phys, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Opt & Fine Mech, Tsinghua Univ, Sichuan Univ, China Acad Engn Phys, Inst Fluid Phys, Beijing Inst Appl Phys & Computat Math, China Acad Engn Phys, Inst Appl Elect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-322-9



Record 75 of 125

Title: Numerical Modeling of the Influence of Temperature and Driving Current on "Smile" in High Power Diode Laser Arrays

Author(s): Wang, SN (Wang, Shuna); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Wu, DH (Wu, Dihai); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Bi KY; Zhu WH; He H


Abstract: "Smile" in high power diode laser arrays is mainly caused by thermal stress generated during packaging processes and operation. By numerical modeling, a three-dimensional finite element model of a conduction-cooled packaged 60W high power diode laser array was established. Finite element method (FEM) was conducted to simulate and analyze the thermal and mechanical characteristic of the diode laser bar in different scenarios. According to the variation of thermal stress and displacement across the laser bar, the influence of temperature and driving current on "smile" was analyzed and discussed. Numerical simulation results show that "smile" will decrease with the increasing heatsink temperature and increase with the increasing driving current. In this paper, the corresponding quantitative relationships of smile with heatsink temperature and driving current were obtained. The work provides theoretical guidance for optimizing high power diode laser array design, packaging process and reducing "smile".

Accession Number: WOS:000380377000022

Conference Title: 16 int conf elect packaging technology

Conference Date: AUG 11-14, 2015

Conference Location: Chinese Inst Elect,China IEEE Component Packaging, & Mfg Tech Soci IEEE-C, Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: EMPT, Cent S Univ, IEEE, Packaging & Mfg Tech Soc

Conference Host: Chinese Inst Elect,China IEEE Component Packaging, & Mfg Tech Soci IEEE-C

ISBN: 978-1-4673-7999-1



Record 76 of 125

Title: Multifunctional readout circuit design of infrared detector

Author(s): Wang, XT (Wang, Xiao Tao); Wang, XA (Wang, Xu An); Kang, N (Kang, Ning); Xie, N (Xie, Nian)

Edited by: Ching X; Dvorik V

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, MACHINERY, MATERIALS AND ENERGY (ICISMME 2015)  Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research  Volume: 126  Pages: 1563-1568  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The new dual-band infrared detector can be read out to design a weak signal readout circuit, the readout circuit integration time is adjustable, and has characteristics of low power consumption, low noise and high sensitivity.Using feedback enhanced direct injection readout circuit (FEDI) and high performance capacitive feedback transimpedance amplifier (H-CTIA) combining circuit pattern structure, and the switch circuit is adjusted by way of two adjacent pixels,which share one of the amplifier circuit. This not only reduces the area which is occupied by an amplifier in the single pixel circuit, but also reduces the complexity of the circuit design. By integrating capacitor circuit and adjusting the sampling capacitor, the readout circuit can be achieved after the first integrator output mode and the side edge integral output mode. Combined with complementary S matrix coding regulatory principles to eliminate stray light circuit dark current noise, ultimately it can read out weak signals. In this study, TSMC 0.35um 2P4M technology taped the circuit area of the synthesized pixel unit of 35um x 35um, entered the photocurrent is 0.09pA similar to 48nA, the output signal to noise ratio can reach 72dB, high linearity response to 99.3%, ROTC accuracy has been greatly improved, which can meet the desired designing requirements.

Accession Number: WOS:000359818900327

Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Information Sciences, Machinery, Materials and Energy (ICISMME)

Conference Date: APR 11-13, 2015

Conference Location: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, Univ W England, Univ Technol Sydney, Univ Polytechn Bucharest, Univ Teknologi MARA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, xuan 



Wang, Xu An 



wang, xuan 




ISSN: 1951-6851

ISBN: 978-94-62520-67-7



Record 77 of 125

Title: Information Acquisition of Laser Tracker Incremental Encoder Based on FPGA

Author(s): Wang, XY (Wang, Xiaoyang); Liang, YB (Liang, Yanbing); Shi, H (Shi, Heng); Zhou, WX (Zhou, Weixiang)

Edited by: Ching X; Dvorik V

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, MACHINERY, MATERIALS AND ENERGY (ICISMME 2015)  Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research  Volume: 126  Pages: 1373-1377  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Under the laser tracker measurement of angle subsystem environment, signal acquisition system of laser tracker incremental encoder based on FPGA was designed in this paper. The FPGA in this system was mainly responsible for the encoder signal acquisition, processing, and generating timing signals, data caching mechanism and asynchronous output of the data. This paper detailedly introduced quadrupler frequency, phase discrimination, counting, latches, and UART asynchronous serial port output sub-modules in the process of signal acquisition of FPGA, which was implemented by Verilog HDL language. Online logic analyzer of the Quartus software acquired the value of encoder signal in real time, and the rationality of the design was verified ultimately.

Accession Number: WOS:000359818900293

Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Information Sciences, Machinery, Materials and Energy (ICISMME)

Conference Date: APR 11-13, 2015

Conference Location: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, Univ W England, Univ Technol Sydney, Univ Polytechn Bucharest, Univ Teknologi MARA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Chun 




ISSN: 1951-6851

ISBN: 978-94-62520-67-7



Record 78 of 125

Title: The investigation of automatic exposure under extreme light

Author(s): Wang, ZF (Wang Zefeng); Yang, L (Yang Lei); Huang, JJ (Huang Jijiang); Zhangzhi (Zhangzhi); Xie, QS (Xie Qingsheng); Chen, YH (Chen Yaohong); Liao, JW (Liao Jiawen); Zhang, ZH (Zhang Zhaohui); Zhang, HF (Zhang Haifeng); Zhang, KS (Zhang Kaisheng)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94491W  DOI: 10.1117/12.2074827  Published: 2015  

Abstract: For imaging equipments, exposure is one of the crucial factors for evaluating the quality of imaging. The correct method of exposure is the key to obtain high-quality image. Traditional calculation of exposure is slow in adaptation under extreme environment. In addition, the object of imaging under extreme light usually cannot achieve suitable gray level. To obtain accurate and effective control of automatic exposure under back light and front light environment, this article divides shoot scenes into different regions, applying the method of fuzzy logic to give each region a different weight number, and finally allowing it to correctly carry out automatic exposure. This method can manage imaging under special light conditions without being affected by the position of the main object. Experiments show that this method can effectively control automatic exposure under all kinds of environments.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600067

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number




liu, kaiyuan 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 79 of 125

Title: The research on measurement technology of high dynamic range laser focal spot

Author(s): Wang, ZZ (Wang Zhengzhou); Hu, BL (Hu Bingliang); Yin, QY (Yin Qinye); Cao, SK (Cao Shikang); Wang, W (Wang Wei)

Edited by: Han S; Ellis JD; Guo J; Guo Y

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL TEST, MEASUREMENT, AND EQUIPMENT  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9677  Article Number: 96772T  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197290  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to obtain the far-field distribution of high dynamic range laser focal spot, the mathematical model of schlieren method to measure the far-field focal spot was proposed, and the traditional schlieren reconstructed algorithm was optimized in many aspects in this paper. First of all, the mathematical model which used to measure the far-field focal spot was created, the amplificatory coefficient K of the main lobe intensity and amplificatory coefficient b of the laser spot area were selected; Secondly, the two important parameters were calibrated and the accurate main lobe spot and side lobe spot were captured by the integrated diagnostic beam fast automatic alignment system; Finally, the schlieren reconstructed algorithm was optimized by circle fitting method to calculate side lobe image center and weighted average method to fuse the joint image edge, and the error of traditional schlieren reconstruction method for side lobe center was reduced and the obvious joint mark of reconstructed image was eliminated completely. The method had been applied in a certain laser driver parameter measurement integrated diagnostic system to measure far-field laser focal spot. The experimental results show that the method can measure the far-field distribution of high dynamic range laser focal spot exactly on the condition that the parameter of mathematical model is calibrated accurately and the reconstructed algorithm of schlieren measure is optimized excellently.

Accession Number: WOS:000364678700101

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-902-3



Record 80 of 125

Title: Optical System Design of Dual-spectrum Autocollimator

Author(s): Wei, YJ (Wei, Yongjing); Wu, YM (Wu, Yuming); Xiao, MS (Xiao, Maosen); Lu, WG (Lu, Weigui)

Edited by: Li L; Thompson KP; Zheng L

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9676  Article Number: 96760Y  DOI: 10.1117/12.2200976  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The optical system design of a new dual-spectrum autocollimator which can measure two different spatial azimuths simultaneously is proposed. According to the principle of dual-spectrum autocollimator, ZEMAX software is used to design and optimize the optical system. Since two light sources with different wavelength are used in the autocollimator, chromatic aberration is required to reduce off in the optical system design. The experimental results demonstrate that the measuring range of the dual-spectrum autocollimator is up to +/- 30', the deviation is less than 1 '', and the resolution can reach 0.1 ''. The designed autocollimator can simultaneously measure two different azimuths fastly and accurately.

Accession Number: WOS:000365191500032

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-901-6



Record 81 of 125

Title: A rotating-mirror scanning camera system for light-sheet microscopy

Author(s): Wu, D (Wu, Di); Zhou, X (Zhou, Xing); Li, RZ (Li, Runze); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Ye, T (Ye, Tong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: We report a rotating-mirror scanning camera system based on a galvanometer and a CCD camera. This system improves the imaging speed by placing a series of paralleled images on the sensor of the camera so that multiple images are acquired during one single exposure; thus, the frame rate of the CCD camera does not limit the temporal resolution of recorded events. The camera is implemented on a custom designed Iightsheet microscopy and aims to improve the imaging speed while the high spatial resolution is still retained on the light-sheet microscope.

Accession Number: WOS:000380470200284

Conference Title: Opto Electronics Communications Conference (OECC)

Conference Date: JUN 28-JUL 02, 2015

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yao, Baoli 



Ye, Tong 



Ye, Tong 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-7945-8



Record 82 of 125

Title: A Method to Detect Circle based on Hough Transform

Author(s): Wu, MJ (Wu, Mengjie); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi); Li, BP (Li, Baopeng); Li, FP (Li, Feipeng); Li, B (Li, Bin); Shen, C (Shen, Chao)

Edited by: Ching X; Dvorik V

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, MACHINERY, MATERIALS AND ENERGY (ICISMME 2015)  Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research  Volume: 126  Pages: 2028-2031  Published: 2015  

Abstract: During the butting procedure of the cooperative target, the ability that circle were detected accurately in complex background appears to be very important. In this paper, in order to overcome the ergodic of standard Hough transform, an improved HT of circle detection based on locating the effective area is carried out, which could wipe off many noneffective spots. Then, sampling the edge image makes further improvement in computing speed. The experiment results demonstrate that the method is less time-consuming compared with standard HT.

Accession Number: WOS:000359818900414

Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Information Sciences, Machinery, Materials and Energy (ICISMME)

Conference Date: APR 11-13, 2015

Conference Location: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, Univ W England, Univ Technol Sydney, Univ Polytechn Bucharest, Univ Teknologi MARA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, feipeng 




ISSN: 1951-6851

ISBN: 978-94-62520-67-7



Record 83 of 125

Title: A new surface temperature measurement using infrared detector

Author(s): Xie, QS (Xie, Qingsheng); Liu, W (Liu, Wei); Leng, HB (Leng, Hanbing); Yi, B (Yi, Bo); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zefeng); Chen, YH (Chen, Yaohong); Duan, CP (Duan, Chengpeng)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492Q  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075552  Published: 2015  

Abstract: This paper describe a research theoretically of the conversion result to the surface temperature based on long wave infrared detector, proposed a temperature measurement, then validate it by experiments. First, it introduces the constitution and measurement principle of the medical infrared thermal imager. Then, the conversion drift characteristic of infrared detect is described, the experimental data under variable environment is analyzed, and a temperature measurement and a drift compensation formula is proposed. Finally, some experiment with black body was accomplished. The results show the temperature error is under 0.3 degrees C, confirm the validity of the measurement.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600097

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yi, Bo 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 84 of 125

Title: A Simple Pose Estimation Method Based on Co-planar Feature Points

Author(s): Xu, WG (Xu, Weigao); Zhou, ZF (Zhou, Zuofeng); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Zhao, B (Zhao, Bing); Xu, WG (Xu, Weigao); Zhao, B (Zhao, Bing)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: This paper presents a simple method to solve the P4P problem based on co-planar feature points. By enhancing the geometric constraints of the feature points which attached to the target previously, we obtain the three-dimensional camera coordinates of the feature points in two different formulas. Then the translation vector and three rotation angles describing the relationship between target coordinate system and camera coordinate system are computed using a closed-form solution directly. In order to improve the precision about the extraction of the image center coordinate of the feature point, we use the morphology expansion operation to achieve it. The experimental results and theoretical analysis which were compared with the previous method demonstrate that our method is more fast and effective.

Accession Number: WOS:000380516800026

Conference Title: International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics ICCAR

Conference Date: MAY 20-22, 2015

Conference Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Bin 



Zhao, Bing 



Zhang, Bing 



Zhang, Binbin 







ISBN: 978-1-4673-7523-8



Record 85 of 125

Title: Optical design of MWIR detection system for near-space infrared detecting

Author(s): Yan, PP (Yan, Pei-pei); Liu, K (Liu, Kai); Li, G (Li, Gang); Shan, QS (Shan, Qiusha); Duan, J (Duan, Jing); Jiang, K (Jiang, Kai)

Edited by: Li L; Thompson KP; Zheng L

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9676  Article Number: 96760D  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197895  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Near-space platform has a high signal contrast and a long detection time. In order to realize effective detection of low altitude penetration target, a middle wave infrared (MWIR) optical system used in near space detection with high optical performance is given. First, the optical system scheme was described. Then on the basis of instrument and system consideration, the optical design parameters were distributed reasonably. The system had an effective focal length of 600 mm, an F-Number of F/4, a field of view of 2 omega=1.16 degrees, spatial resolution of 18 lp/mm and a working wavelength range of 3 similar to 5 mu m. The system structure is simple. And the requirements of the spot, energy concentration, distortion are all satisfied. Because the change of environment temperature will deeply influence image quality of MWIR optical system, the temperature characteristic of the system is analyzed. Moreover, first-order ghost and narcissus effect of the system are all analyzed in CODEV software. The analysis results show that temperature, first-order ghost and narcissus effect requests are all satisfied.

Accession Number: WOS:000365191500012

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-901-6



Record 86 of 125

Title: Optimal design of a new type space laser communication optical system

Author(s): Yan, PP (Yan Pei-pei); Deng, XG (Deng Xiao-guo); Li, G (Li Gang); Liu, K (Liu Kai); Duan, J (Duan Jing); Shan, QS (Shan Qiu-sha); Jiang, K (Jiang Kai); Zhang, Y (Zhang Yu)

Edited by: Hou X; Wang Z; Wu L; Ma J

Source: SELECTED PAPERS FROM CONFERENCES OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF ASTRONAUTICS 2014, PT I  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9521  Article Number: 95211V  DOI: 10.1117/12.2185077  Published: 2015  

Abstract: A design of a laser communications optical system with high transmitting and receiving performance is given. The traditional on-axis Cassegrain optical antenna has the default that the transmitting and receiving power decreased greatly because of the obscuration of the secondary mirror. Considering that the eccentric-pupil Cassegrain optical antenna is designed. The optical antenna system in transceiver has been designed by means of CODEV software. It improves the efficiency of transmitting and receiving power effectively. Its properties have been analyzed, such as gain, image quality, and transmission efficiency. Meanwhile, the materials of optical elements have been analyzed. The power decline curve has been obtained by means of the detailed analysis of antenna system in partial axis situation. The system includes transmitter channel, receiving channel and experiment channel. It can realize the functions of transmitter-receiver isolation and multi-light ways using dichroic mirrors and beam splitting prisms. The system volume and weight are reduced greatly. The complexity of conventional laser communication system is reduced enormously at the same time. It has important reference significance and application value.

Accession Number: WOS:000350958700064

Conference Title: Conferences of the Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee of the Chinese-Society-of-Astronautics

Conference Date: AUG 10-15, 2014

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Harbin Inst Technol, Freespace Opt Commun Technol Res Ctr, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-652-7



Record 87 of 125

Title: Design of the relay lens for infrared system coupled with imaging fiber bundle

Author(s): Yan, XT (Yan, Xingtao); Li, F (Li, Fu); Yang, JF (Yang, Jianfeng); Xue, B (Xue, Bin); Ma, XL (Ma, Xiaolong); Lv, J (Lv, Juan); He, YH (He, Yinghong); Zhao, YY (Zhao, Yiyi)

Edited by: Li L; Thompson KP; Zheng L

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9676  Article Number: 96760F  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197992  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Relay lens is an important element for infrared system coupled with imaging fiber bundle. According to the basic composition and structural characteristics of infrared system coupled with imaging fiber bundle, this paper put forward the general principle and method of its relay lens design, then a material relay lens has been designed by ZEMAX with definite performance index. It has a working spectral coverage from 3.7 mu m to 4.8 mu m, focal length of 33.5mm, magnification of -0.6, linear field of view of 12mm, objective numerical aperture of 0.15. It is objective telecentric and is adapted to the relay of infrared detector and imaging fiber bundle. The total lens has two aspheric surfaces and only four pieces of singlet. Its MTF value is 0.7@17 lp/mm, and distortion is -0.19%. After necessary tolerance analysis and structural design, this relay lens has been fabricated. The optical performances fulfill the design requirements and clear images have been got by this lens. These prove the validity and rationality of the design method. It gives a foundational guidance for such relay lens design.

Accession Number: WOS:000365191500014

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Jianfeng 



He, Chen 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-901-6



Record 88 of 125

Title: Design and Implementation of Photoelectric Rotary Table Data-Acquisition and Analysis System Host Computer Software Based on VC plus plus and MFC

Author(s): Yang, DW (Yang, Dawei); Yang, XF (Yang, Xiufang); Han, JF (Han, Junfeng); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxu)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 944921  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075400  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Photoelectric rotary table is mainly used in the defense industry and military fields, especially in the shooting range, target tracking, target acquisition, aerospace aspects play an important one. For range photoelectric measuring equipment field test application requirements, combined with a portable photoelectric rotary table data acquisition hardware system, software programming platform is presented based on the VC++, using MFC prepared PC interface, the realization of photoelectric turntable data acquisition, analysis and processing and debugging control. The host computer software design of serial communication and protocol, real-time data acquisition and display, real-time data curve drawing, analog acquisition, debugging guide, error analysis program, and gives the specific design method. Finally, through the photoelectric rotary table data acquisition hardware system alignment, the experimental results show that host computer software can better accomplish with lower machine data transmission, data acquisition, control and analysis, and to achieve the desired effect, the entire software system running performance is stable, flexible, strong practicality and reliability, the advantages of good scalability.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600072

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 89 of 125

Title: Research and Design of Portable Photoelectric Rotary Table Data-Acquisition and Analysis System

Author(s): Yang, DW (Yang, Dawei); Yang, XF (Yang, Xiufang); Han, JF (Han, Junfeng); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxu)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 944920  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075398  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Photoelectric rotary table as the main test tracking measurement platform, widely use in shooting range and aerospace fields. In the range of photoelectric tracking measurement system, in order to meet the photoelectric testing instruments and equipment of laboratory and field application demand, research and design the portable photoelectric rotary table data acquisition and analysis system, and introduces the FPGA device based on Xilinx company Virtex-4 series and its peripheral module of the system hardware design, and the software design of host computer in VC++ 6.0 programming platform and MFC package based on class libraries. The data acquisition and analysis system for data acquisition, display and storage, commission control, analysis, laboratory wave playback, transmission and fault diagnosis, and other functions into an organic whole, has the advantages of small volume, can be embedded, high speed, portable, simple operation, etc. By photoelectric tracking turntable as experimental object, carries on the system software and hardware alignment, the experimental results show that the system can realize the data acquisition, analysis and processing of photoelectric tracking equipment and control of turntable debugging good, and measurement results are accurate, reliable and good maintainability and extensibility. The research design for advancing the photoelectric tracking measurement equipment debugging for diagnosis and condition monitoring and fault analysis as well as the standardization and normalization of the interface and improve the maintainability of equipment is of great significance, and has certain innovative and practical value.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600071

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 90 of 125

Title: Position Detection System Based on PSD and LabVIEW

Author(s): Yang, HM (Yang, Haima); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen); Yan, CC (Yan, Chaochao); Liu, J (Liu, Jin); Zhang, L (Zhang, Liang)

Edited by: Bakar BHA; Hamzah MO; Mohamad N

Source: ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND NEW MATERIALS  Pages: 441-449  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Position detection system based on PSD were designed using LabVIEW, in order to achieve precision, real-time, reliability requirements of the PSD used in the ATP system. Firstly, the laser light source was driven by a stepper motor to scan on the PSD photosensitive surface, and the voltage value was collected and calculated to get the spot position. Analyzing the cause of nonlinear, a mathematical model was built between the actual value and the measured value by using binary quadratic polynomial method, PSD nonlinear correction function would be got. Then, the object micro displacement and angle offset were measured by combining optical triangulation method, and the error of the measurement results was corrected. Experimental results showed that, after the correction, the measuring deviation could be significantly reduced, the PSD performance calibration requirements was achieved, the efficiency of the system was developed greatly by using LabVIEW.

Accession Number: WOS:000361108400053

Conference Title: International Conference on Architectural Engineering and New Materials (ICAENM)

Conference Date: JAN 30-31, 2015

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Jin 




ISBN: 978-1-60595-247-5



Record 91 of 125

Title: Dynamic Signal Processing Based on Morphological Filter

Author(s): Yang, HM (Yang Haima); Ma, CW (Ma Caiwen); Wang, JY (Wang Jianyu); Liu, J (Liu Jin)

Edited by: Yang L; Zhao M

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING CONFERENCE  Book Series: ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research  Pages: 2091-2094  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to filter out all kinds of interference noises in batching control and improve the precision of the ingredients, a morphology filtering method was used in data processing which is the combination of morphological open-closing and close-opening. When the morphology filter is used to de-noise the interference noise, it doesn't need to consider the dynamic signal spectrum characteristics. After data processing and application in practical production, it is proved that the random noise, pulse noise and mixture noise can be removed effectively. The experiment shows that the simple and realized easily algorithm can be used in facilitate industrial fields and real-time signal processing.

Accession Number: WOS:000352968400455

Conference Title: International Industrial Informatics and Computer Engineering Conference (IIICEC)

Conference Date: JAN 10-11, 2015

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Jin 




ISSN: 2352-538X

ISBN: 978-94-62520-54-7



Record 92 of 125

Title: Improvement and Implementation for Canny Edge Detection Algorithm

Author(s): Yang, T (Yang Tao); Qiu, YH (Qiu Yue-hong)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2015)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9631  Article Number: 96310H  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197080  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Edge detection is necessary for image segmentation and pattern recognition. In this paper, an improved Canny edge detection approach is proposed due to the defect of traditional algorithm. A modified bilateral filter with a compensation function based on pixel intensity similarity judgment was used to smooth image instead of Gaussian filter, which could preserve edge feature and remove noise effectively. In order to solve the problems of sensitivity to the noise in gradient calculating, the algorithm used 4 directions gradient templates. Finally, Otsu algorithm adaptively obtain the dual-threshold. All of the algorithm simulated with OpenCV 2.4.0 library in the environments of vs2010, and through the experimental analysis, the improved algorithm has been proved to detect edge details more effectively and with more adaptability.

Accession Number: WOS:000360230700016

Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: APR 09-10, 2015

Conference Location: Los Angeles, CA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Nanyang Technol Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

qiu, yue 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-829-3



Record 93 of 125

Title: Design and Verification of Focal Plane Assembly Thermal Control System of One Space-based Astronomy Telescope

Author(s): Yang, WG (Yang Wen-gang); Fan, XW (Fan Xue-wu); Wang, CJ (Wang Chen-jie); Wang, YH (Wang Ying-hao); Feng, LJ (Feng Liang-jie); Du, YF (Du Yun-fei); Ren, GR (Ren Guo-rui); Wang, W (Wang Wei); Li, C (Li Chuang); Gao, W (Gao Wei)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 96780Q  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199517  Published: 2015  

Abstract: One space-based astronomy telescope will observe astronomy objects whose brightness should be lower than 23th magnitude. To ensure the telescope performance, very low system noise requirements need extreme low CCD operating temperature (lower than -65 degrees C). Because the satellite will be launched in a low earth orbit, inevitable space external heat fluxes will result in a high radiator sink temperature (higher than -65 degrees C). Only passive measures can't meet the focal plane cooling specification and active cooling technologies must be utilized. Based on detailed analysis on thermal environment of the telescope and thermal characteristics of focal plane assembly (FPA), active cooling system which is based on thermo-electric cooler (TEC) and heat rejection system (HRS) which is based on flexible heat pipe and radiator have been designed. Power consumption of TECs is dependent on the heat pumped requirements and its hot side temperature. Heat rejection capability of HRS is mainly dependent on the radiator size and temperature. To compromise TEC power consumption and the radiator size requirement, thermal design of FPA must be optimized. Parasitic heat loads on the detector is minimized to reduce the heat pumped demands of TECs and its power consumption. Thermal resistance of heat rejection system is minimized to reject the heat dissipation of TECs from the hot side to the radiator efficiently. The size and surface coating of radiator are optimized to compromise heat reject ion requirements and system constraints. Based on above work, transient thermal analysis of FPA is performed. FPA prototype model has been developed and thermal vacuum/balance test has been accomplished. From the test, temperature of key parts and working parameters of TECs in extreme cases have been acquired. Test results show that CCD can be controlled below -65 degrees C and all parts worked well during the test. All of these verified the thermal design of FPA and some lessons will be presented in this paper.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600026

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, chuang 



Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 94 of 125

Title: Scanning stereomicroscopy with two-photon excitation and scanned Bessel beams

Author(s): Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Zhou, X (Zhou, Xing); Li, RZ (Li, Runze); Peng, T (Peng, Tong); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Wu, D (Wu, Di); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Van Hom, M (Van Hom, Mark); Chen, X (Chen, Xun); Ye, T (Ye, Tong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Bessel beams have been used in many applications due to their unique optical properties of maintaining their intensity profiles unchanged during propagation. In imaging applications, Bessel beams have been successfully used to provide extended focuses for volumetric imaging and uniformed illumination plane in light-sheet microscopy. Coupled with two-photon excitation, Bessel beams have been successfully used in realizing fluorescence projected volumetric imaging. We demonstrated previously a stereoscopic solution-two-photon fluorescence stereo microscopy (TPFSM)-for recovering the depth information in volumetric imaging with Bessel beams. In TPFSM, tilted Bessel beams were used to generate stereoscopic images on a laser scanning two-photon fluorescence microscope; upon post image processing we could successfully provide 3D perception of acquired volume images by wearing anaglyph 3D glasses. However, tilted Bessel beams were generated by shifting either an axicon or an objective laterally; the slow imaging speed and severe aberrations made it hard to use in real-time volume imaging. In this article, we report recent improvements of TPFSM with newly designed scanner and imaging software, which allows 3D stereoscopic imaging without moving any of the optical components on the setup. This improvement has dramatically improved focusing qualities and imaging speed so that the TPFSM can be performed potentially in real-time to provide 3D visualization in scattering media without post image processing.

Accession Number: WOS:000380470200222

Conference Title: Opto Electronics Communications Conference (OECC)

Conference Date: JUN 28-JUL 02, 2015

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Ye, Tong 



Ye, Tong 



Lei, Ming 



Yao, Baoli 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-7945-8



Record 95 of 125

Title: Laser scanning stereomicroscopy for fast volumetric imaging with two-photon excitation and scanned Bessel beams

Author(s): Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Zhou, X (Zhou, Xing); Li, RZ (Li, Runze); Van Horn, M (Van Horn, Mark); Peng, T (Peng, Tong); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Wu, D (Wu, Di); Chen, X (Chen, Xun); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Ye, T (Ye, Tong)

Edited by: Periasamy A; So PTC; Konig K

Source: MULTIPHOTON MICROSCOPY IN THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES XV  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9329  Article Number: 93292W  DOI: 10.1117/12.2079646  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Bessel beams have been used in many applications due to their unique optical properties of maintaining their intensity profiles unchanged during propagation. In imaging applications, Bessel beams have been successfully used to provide extended focuses for volumetric imaging and uniformed illumination plane in light-sheet microscopy. Coupled with two-photon excitation, Bessel beams have been successfully used in realizing fluorescence projected volumetric imaging. We demonstrated previously a stereoscopic solution-two-photon fluorescence stereomicroscopy (TPFSM)-for recovering the depth information in volumetric imaging with Bessel beams. In TPFSM, tilted Bessel beams were used to generate stereoscopic images on a laser scanning two-photon fluorescence microscope; upon post image processing we could successfully provide 3D perception of acquired volume images by wearing anaglyph 3D glasses. However, tilted Bessel beams were generated by shifting either an axicon or an objective laterally; the slow imaging speed and severe aberrations made it hard to use in real-time volume imaging. In this article, we report recent improvements of TPFSM with newly designed scanner and imaging software, which allows 3D stereoscopic imaging without moving any of the optical components on the setup. This improvement has dramatically improved focusing qualities and imaging speed so that the TPFSM can be performed potentially in real-time to provide 3D visualization in scattering media without post image processing.

Accession Number: WOS:000354164400043

Conference Title: Conference on Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XV

Conference Date: FEB 08-10, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Becker & Hickl, Carl Zeiss, Chroma Technol Corp, Coherent Inc, Semrock Inc, ISS Inc, JenLab GmbH, Leica Mircosystems, Spectra Phys, Newport Corp Brand, Princeton Instruments, Veroptics

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhou, Xiangfeng 



Ye, Tong 



Yao, Baoli 



zhou, xt 



zhou, xing 



Lei, Ming 



Ye, Tong 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-419-6



Record 96 of 125

Title: Maximum Projection and Velocity Estimation Algorithm for Small Moving Target Detection in Space Surveillance

Author(s): Yao, DL (Yao, Dalei); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Xue, JR (Xue, Jianru); Chen, Z (Chen, Zhi); Wen, Y (Wen, Yan); Jiang, BT (Jiang, Baotan); Ma, JY (Ma, Junyong)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 96752H  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202360  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The article presents a new method to detect small moving targets in space surveillance. Image sequences are processed to detect and track targets under the assumption that the data samples are spatially registered. Maximum value projection and normalization are performed to reduce the data samples and eliminate the background clutter. Targets are then detected through connected component analysis. The velocities of the targets are estimated by centroid localization and least squares regression. The estimated velocities are utilized to track the targets. A sliding neighborhood operation is performed prior to target detection to significantly reduce the computation while preserving as much target information as possible. Actual data samples are acquired to test the proposed method. Experimental results show that the method can efficiently detect small moving targets and track their traces accurately. The centroid locating precision and tracking accuracy of the method are within a pixel.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200089

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 97 of 125

Title: Research on the Detection Capability of Space Camera

Author(s): Yao, DL (Yao, Dalei); Xue, JR (Xue, Jianru); Chen, Z (Chen, Zhi); Wen, Y (Wen, Yan); Jiang, BT (Jiang, Baotan)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 97952E  DOI: 10.1117/12.2217517  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Detection capability of space camera is regarded as the principal parameter in the design of space camera. On the basis of the concept of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and through the research of principles and derivation of theories, detection capabilities under static condition and the condition of relative motion were analyzed and compared. With a set of typical parameters given, the change of detectable magnitude with the changes of parameters was investigated. Considering the real operating environment of space camera, the necessity of temperature control in the design of space camera was discussed. The theoretical analysis provides a reference for the design of space camera.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800085

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 98 of 125

Title: Design of a Multifunction Astronomical CCD Camera

Author(s): Yao, DL (Yao, Dalei); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Xue, JR (Xue, Jianru); Chen, Z (Chen, Zhi); Wen, Y (Wen, Yan); Jiang, BT (Jiang, Baotan); Xi, JB (Xi, Jiangbo)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2015)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9631  Article Number: 96310X  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197105  Published: 2015  

Abstract: To satisfy the requirement of the astronomical observation, a novel timing sequence of frame transfer CCD is proposed. The multiple functions such as the adjustments of work pattern, exposure time and frame frequency are achieved. There are four work patterns: normal, standby, zero exposure and test. The adjustment of exposure time can set multiple exposure time according to the astronomical observation. The fame frequency can be adjusted when dark target is imaged and the maximum exposure time cannot satisfy the requirement. On the design of the video processing, offset correction and adjustment of multiple gains are proposed. Offset correction is used for eliminating the fixed pattern noise of CCD. Three gains pattern can improve the signal to noise ratio of astronomical observation. Finally, the images in differentsituations are collected and the system readout noise is calculated. The calculation results show that the designs in this paper are practicable.

Accession Number: WOS:000360230700032

Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: APR 09-10, 2015

Conference Location: Los Angeles, CA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Nanyang Technol Univ

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-829-3



Record 99 of 125

Title: A research to the linear transform based on histogram statistic

Author(s): Yi, B (Yi, Bo); Xie, QS (Xie, Qingsheng); Liu, W (Liu, Wei); Chen, YH (Chen, Yaohong); Duan, CP (Duan, Chengpeng)

Edited by: Yarlagadda P

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL, MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 27  Pages: 1168-1172  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The original image from infrared image system is low contrast and bad display. The parameters of typical linear transform arithmetic are achieved by experience. This paper proposes a new piecewise linear transform arithmetic based on histogram statistic and describes the architect of the hardware design to enhance image.

Accession Number: WOS:000367097600226

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (IC3ME)

Conference Date: JUN 27-28, 2015

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yi, Bo 




ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-100-1



Record 100 of 125

Title: Prediction Trajectory of Moving Target Based on Parameter Identify in RLS Filtering with Forget Factor

Author(s): Yin, YL (Yin, Yili); Tian, Y (Tian, Yan); Zhang, L (Zhang, Li)

Edited by: Han S; Ellis JD; Guo J; Guo Y

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL TEST, MEASUREMENT, AND EQUIPMENT  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9677  Article Number: 967725  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202377  Published: 2015  

Abstract: A moving target should be missing from a photoelectric theodolite tracker, when the clouds and other special conditions encountered in the course of a theodolite tracking a moving object, and this condition should cause the interruption of tracking process. In view of this problem, an algorithm based on the frame of parameter identification and rolling prediction to trajectory was presented to predicting the target trajectory when it missing. Firstly, the article makes a specification of photoelectric theodolite and it operating mechanism detailed. The reasons of flying target imaging disappear from the field of theodolite telescope and the traditional solution to this problem, the least square curve fitting of trajectory quadratic function of time, were narrated secondly. The algorithm based on recursive least square with forget factor, identify the parameters of target motion using the data of position from single theodolite, then the forecasting trajectory of moving targets was presented afterwards, in the filtering approach of past data rolling smooth with the weight of last procedure. By simulation with tracking moving targets synthetic corner from a real tracking routine of photoelectric theodolite, the algorithm was testified, and the simulation of curve fitting a quadratic function of time was compared at the last part.

Accession Number: WOS:000364678700025

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-902-3



Record 101 of 125

Title: A New Dehazing Algorithm Based on Overlapped Sub-block Homomorphic Filtering

Author(s): Yu, L (Yu, Lu); Liu, XB (Liu, Xuebin); Liu, GZ (Liu, Guizhong)

Edited by: Verikas A; Radeva P; Nikolaev D

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE VISION (ICMV 2015)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9875  Article Number: 987502  DOI: 10.1117/12.2228467  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Considering the images captured under hazy weather conditions are blurred, a new dehazing algorithm based on overlapped sub-block homomorphic filtering in HSV color space is proposed. Firstly, the hazy image is transformed from RGB to HSV color space. Secondly, the luminance component V is dealt with the overlapped sub-block homomorphic filtering. Finally, the processed image is converted from HSV to RGB color space once again. Then the dehazing images will be obtained. According to the established algorithm model, the dehazing images could be evaluated by six objective evaluation parameters including average value, standard deviation, entropy, average gradient, edge intensity and contrast. The experimental results show that this algorithm has good dehazing effect. It can not only improve degradation of the image, but also amplify the image details and enhance the contrast of the image effectively.

Accession Number: WOS:000368591300001

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV)

Conference Date: NOV 19-21, 2015

Conference Location: Barcelona, SPAIN

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0116-1



Record 102 of 125

Title: Design and research of spectropolarimetric system based on Sagnac interferometer

Author(s): Yu, T (Yu Tao); Hu, BL (Hu Bingliang); Zhang, ZF (Zhang Zhoufeng); Gao, XH (Gao Xiaohui); Wei, RY (Wei Ruyi); Wu, QJ (Wu Qijing)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 97951R  DOI: 10.1117/12.2216127  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Spectral imaging technology has made great achievements in applications of earth observation and space target detection, with the further development of research, the requirement that People tend to get more material properties about target is also improving rapidly, so getting more characters of the target is continuous pursuit goal for the instruments of optical remote sensing. Polarization is one of the four main physical properties of light including intensity, frequency and phase. It has very important significance for remote sensing observations such as improving the accuracy of target recognition. This paper proposes on a spectropolarimeter system based on Sagnac interferometer, and introduces the main aspects related to System components, working principle, optical design, adaptive spectrum extraction algorithm, state of polarization extraction methods. Also get the data of polarization spectral imaging by using the instruments designed by the principle. By processing these data I have got the combined polarization image and target spectral curves, achieved a good result. It is a new attempt to obtain polarization spectral image by integrated measuring system. Then thoroughly solve the traditional shortcoming of spectropolarimeter, such as asynchronous detecting, poor stability and vibration, poor energy efficiency. It can be applied to many kinds of fields. Simultaneously the paper puts forward some relevant new points in the future research for this kind of principle.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800064

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



Record 103 of 125

Title: Research On Real-time Processing System Of Hyper-spectral Image Based On FPGA

Author(s): Yuan, B (Yuan Bo); Hu, BL (Hu Bingliang); Gao, JR (Gao Jiarui)

Edited by: Jiang LB; Zhang XY

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, MECHATRONICS, CONTROL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (ICCMCEE 2015)  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 37  Pages: 1203-1207  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The real-time is an importance on judging the performance of the image processing system. The instantaneity means the system must have the reaction in the definitive time. In this research, the time in disposing an image must be limited in millisecond from receive the image to operate and report the information. So this customized image processing system should have the enough operation ability in hardware, combine the software and related algorithm to guarantee the real-time of the process

Accession Number: WOS:000373379700227

Conference Title: 4th International Conference on Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering (ICCMCEE)

Conference Date: SEP 28-29, 2015

Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Int Informat & Engn Assoc, Indian Inst Technol, Univ Sydney Technol, Univ Polytechn Bucharest, Univ Teknologi MARA

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-110-0



Record 104 of 125

Title: Adaptive detail enhancement for infrared image based on bilateral filter

Author(s): Zeng, QJ (Zeng, Qingjie); Qin, HL (Qin, Hanlin); Leng, HB (Leng, Hanbing); Yan, X (Yan, Xiang); Li, J (Li, Jia); Zhou, HX (Zhou, Huixin)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 96752N  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202764  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to solve the problem that infrared images usually have a poor visual effect with low contrast and weak detail information, an adaptive detail enhancement method for infrared image based on bilateral filter is proposed in this paper. Firstly, adopting the bilateral filter which has a good filtering performance, the original infrared image is effectively derived into the smoothed component and the detail component. Exactly, the detail component is the difference between the original infrared image and the smoothed component. The major merit of using the bilateral filter is that the abundant and subtle detail contents containing a lot of edges and textures of the original infrared image could be obtained via adjusting the parameters flexibly. Further, the detail component plays a key role in obtaining an adaptive detail enhancement weight which is generated by the normalization of the detail component. The weight is in the range [ 0, 1] and their magnitudes can be regarded as the intensity of the original image details. As a result, this detail enhancement weight is adaptive and effective for the original infrared image. Finally, a kind of linear weighting strategy is utilized to achieve the image sharpness combing the original image and the adaptive weight. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other conventional methods in terms of visual effect and quantitative evaluation, which provides a new approach for infrared image detail enhancement.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200095

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zeng, Qingjie 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 105 of 125

Title: Design of Multi-Spectral Images Real-Time Segmentation System

Author(s): Zhai, B (Zhai Bo); Qu, YS (Qu Youshan); Han, YM (Han Yameng); Zhou, J (Zhou Jiang)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075966  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to realize the real-time segmentation processing of multi-spectral images in practice, a real-time multi-spectral images segmentation system composed of four TMS320C6455 DSPs, two Virtex-4(V4 XC4VLX80) FPGAs and one Virtex-2 Pro(V2 Pro20) FPGA is designed. Through the optimization of the cooperation processing of the multi-DSP and multi-FPGA, the parallel multi-task processing ability of the DSPs and the effective interface coordination ability of the FPGAs in the built system are used fully. In order to display the processing ability, the segmentation test experiments of 10 spectra visible images, with 1024x1024, segmented by the Multi-scale Image Segmentation Method, was done in the built multi-spectral images segment system. The experiment results prove that the multi-DSP and multi-FPGA multi-spectral images processing system designed in this paper satisfies the real-time processing requirement in engineering practice.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600083

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 106 of 125

Title: Thermal/structural/optical integrated design for optical window of a high speed aerial optical camera

Author(s): Zhang, GP (Zhang, Gaopeng); Yang, HT (Yang, Hongtao); Mei, C (Mei, Chao); Shi, K (Shi, Kui); Wu, DS (Wu, Dengshan); Qiao, MR (Qiao, Mingrui)

Edited by: Li L; Thompson KP; Zheng L

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9676  Article Number: 96760W  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199812  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to obtain high quality image of the aero optical remote sensor, it is important to analysis its thermal-optical performance on the condition of high speed and high altitude. Especially for the key imaging assembly, such as optical window, the temperature variation and temperature gradient can result in defocus and aberrations in optical system, which will lead to the poor quality image. In order to improve the optical performance of a high speed aerial camera optical window, the thermal/structural/optical integrated design method is developed. Firstly, the flight environment of optical window is analyzed. Based on the theory of aerodynamics and heat transfer, the convection heat transfer coefficient is calculated. The temperature distributing of optical window is simulated by the finite element analysis software. The maximum difference in temperature of the inside and outside of optical window is obtained. Then the deformation of optical window under the boundary condition of the maximum difference in temperature is calculated. The optical window surface deformation is fitted in Zernike polynomial as the interface, the calculated Zernike fitting coefficients is brought in and analyzed by CodeV Optical Software. At last, the transfer function diagrams of the optical system on temperature field are comparatively analyzed. By comparing and analyzing the result, it can be obtained that the optical path difference caused by thermal deformation of the optical window is 149.6 nm, which is under PV <= 1/4 lambda. The simulation result meets the requirements of optical design very well. The above study can be used as an important reference for other optical window designs.

Accession Number: WOS:000365191500030

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Gaopeng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-901-6



Record 107 of 125

Title: Dynamics of optically excited Tungsten and Silicon for ripples formation

Author(s): Zhang, H (Zhang, Hao); Li, C (Li, Chen); Colombier, JP (Colombier, Jean-Philippe); Cheng, G (Cheng, Guanghua); Stoian, R (Stoian, Razvan)

Edited by: Klotzbach U; Washio K; Arnold CB

Source: LASER-BASED MICRO- AND NANOPROCESSING IX  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9351  Article Number: 93510H  DOI: 10.1117/12.2076593  Published: 2015  

Abstract: We measured the dielectric constant of optically excited silicon and tungsten using a dual-angle femtosecond reflectivity pump-probe technique. The energy deposition in the formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) is then investigated by simulating the laser pulse interaction with an initially random distributed rough surface using 3D-Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, with the measured dielectric constant as a material input. We found in the FDTD simulation periodic energy deposition patterns both perpendicular and parallel to the laser polarization. The origin of them are discussed for originally plasmonic and non-plasmonic material.

Accession Number: WOS:000354184400010

Conference Title: Conference on Laser-Based Micro- and Nanoprocessing IX

Conference Date: FEB 10-12, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Hao 



Colombier, JP 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-441-7



Record 108 of 125

Title: A Real-time Camera Calibration System Based On OpenCV

Author(s): Zhang, H (Zhang Hui); Wang, H (Wang Hua); Guo, HN (Guo Huinan); Ren, L (Ren Long); Zhou, ZF (Zhou Zuofeng)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2015)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9631  Article Number: 96311T  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197304  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Camera calibration is one of the essential steps in the computer vision research. This paper describes a real-time OpenCV based camera calibration system, and developed and implemented in the VS2008 environment. Experimental results prove that the system to achieve a simple and fast camera calibration, compared with MATLAB, higher precision and does not need manual intervention, and can be widely used in various computer vision system.

Accession Number: WOS:000360230700064

Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: APR 09-10, 2015

Conference Location: Los Angeles, CA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Nanyang Technol Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, chunyuan 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-829-3



Record 109 of 125

Title: Optical System Design for Lens with Large Relative Aperture

Author(s): Zhang, KS (Zhang Kaisheng); Zhang, Z (Zhang Zhi); Zhang, ZH (Zhang Zhaohui); Wang, ZF (Wang Zefeng); Yan, A (Yan Aqi); Fei, JQ (Fei Jiaqi); Mei, C (Mei Chao); Zhang, GP (Zhang Gaopeng)

Edited by: Li L; Thompson KP; Zheng L

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9676  Article Number: 967615  DOI: 10.1117/12.2203099  Published: 2015  

Abstract: As the space remote sensing technology progresses, the developing trend of telescope is larger and larger aperture, higher and higher resolution. An Optical system with the relative aperture of 1: 2 is introduced. The primary optical properties are: focal length of 120mm, F number of 2, field angle of 7.4 degrees. It has the advantages of large high resolution, small size and excellent image quality. Several kinds of aberration curves and the MTF curve are given. Its imaging quality is nearly diffraction limited so that the spatial frequency is greater than 70lp/mm when its modulated transfer function (MTF) value of the optical system is equal to 0.8, and the optical system distortion is less than 1%. At last, the stray light is analyzed and the baffle of the telescope is designed. The solid model of the Optical system was constructed in Tracepro software, the point sources transmittance (PST) cure was given at different off-axis angle between7.4 degrees similar to 80 degrees, the analysis result indicates that the PST values are less than 10-6 when off-axis angle are larger than soar critical angle. So the system is suitable for observation or photography of deep sky objects.

Accession Number: WOS:000365191500039

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, kaiyuan 



zhang, zhi 



zhang, ZY 



Zhang, Gaopeng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-901-6



Record 110 of 125

Title: An Improved Image Sharpness Assessment Method Based on Contrast Sensitivity

Author(s): Zhang, L (Zhang, Li); Tian, Y (Tian, Yan); Yin, YL (Yin, Yili)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 967535  DOI: 10.1117/12.2203096  Published: 2015  

Abstract: An image sharpness assessment method based on the property of Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF) was proposed to realize the sharpness assessment of unfocused image. Firstly, image was performed the two-dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), and intermediate frequency coefficients and high frequency coefficients are divided into two parts respectively. Secondly the four parts were performed the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) to obtain sub-images. Thirdly, using Range Function evaluates the four sub-image sharpness value. Finally, the image sharpness is obtained through the weighted sum of the sub-image sharpness value. In order to comply with the CSF characteristics, weighting factor is setting based on the Contrast Sensitivity Function. The new algorithm and four typical evaluation algorithm: Fourier, Range, Variance and Wavelet are evaluated based on the six quantitative evaluation index, which include the width of steep part of focusing curve, the ration of sharpness, the steepness, the variance of float part of focusing curve, the factor of local extreme and the sensitivity. On the other hand, the effect of noise, and image content on algorithm is analyzed in this paper. The experiment results show that the new algorithm has better performance of sensitivity, anti-nose than the four typical evaluation algorithms. The evaluation results are consistent with human visual characteristics.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200113

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 111 of 125

Title: Effect of Interface Layer on the Performance of High Power Diode Laser Arrays

Author(s): Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9346  Article Number: 934607  DOI: 10.1117/12.2077029  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Packaging is an important part of high power diode laser (HPLD) development and has become one of the key factors affecting the performance of high power diode lasers. In the package structure of HPLD, the interface layer of die bonding has significant effects on the thermal behavior of high power diode laser packages and most degradations and failures in high power diode laser packages are directly related to the interface layer. In this work, the effects of interface layer on the performance of high power diode laser array were studied numerically by modeling and experimentally. Firstly, numerical simulations using finite element method (FEM) were conducted to analyze the effects of voids in the interface layer on the temperature rise in active region of diode laser array. The correlation between junction temperature rise and voids was analyzed. According to the numerical simulation results, it was found that the local temperature rise of active region originated from the voids in the solder layer will lead to wavelength shift of some emitters. Secondly, the effects of solder interface layer on the spectrum properties of high power diode laser array were studied. It showed that the spectrum shape of diode laser array appeared "right shoulder" or "multi-peaks", which were related to the voids in the solder interface layer. Finally, "void-free" techniques were developed to minimize the voids in the solder interface layer and achieve high power diode lasers with better optical-electrical performances.

Accession Number: WOS:000353681400007

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems

Conference Date: FEB 09-12, 2015

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-436-3



Record 112 of 125

Title: A 3000W 808nm QCW G-Stack Semiconductor Laser Array

Author(s): Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhenfu); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Ling Ling); Liu, H (Liu, Hui); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Tang C; Chen S; Tang X

Source: XX INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-POWER LASER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS 2014  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9255  Article Number: 92550W  DOI: 10.1117/12.2065663  Published: 2015  

Abstract: With the improvement of output power, efficiency and reliability, high power semiconductor lasers have been applied in more and more fields. In this paper, a conduction-cooled, high peak output power semiconductor laser array was studied and developed. The structure and operation parameters of G-Stack semiconductor laser array were designed and optimized using finite element method (FEM). A Quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) conduction-cooled G-Stack semiconductor laser array with a narrow spectrum width was fabricated successfully.

Accession Number: WOS:000350338500032

Conference Title: 20th International Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications (HPLS and A)

Conference Date: AUG 25-29, 2014

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: China Acad Engn Phys, Chinese Opt Soc, China Acad Engn Phys, Key Lab Sci & Technol High Energy Laser, China Acad Engn Phys, Res Ctr Laser Fus, Chinese Acad Sci, Dalian Inst Chem Phys, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Opt & Fine Mech, Tsinghua Univ, Sichuan Univ, China Acad Engn Phys, Inst Fluid Phys, Beijing Inst Appl Phys & Computat Math, China Acad Engn Phys, Inst Appl Elect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-322-9



Record 113 of 125

Title: High-precision PositioningSystem of Four-quadrant DetectorBased on the Database Query

Author(s): Zhang, X (Zhang Xin); Deng, XG (Deng Xiao-guo); Su, XQ (Su Xiu-qin); Zheng, XQ (Zheng Xiao-qiang)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94492R  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075695  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The fine pointing mechanism of the Acquisition, Pointing and Tracking (APT) system in free space laser communication usually use four-quadrant detector (QD) to point and track the laser beam accurately. The positioning precision of QD is one of the key factors of the pointing accuracy to APT system. A positioning system is designed based on FPGA and DSP in this paper, which can realize the sampling of AD, the positioning algorithm and the control of the fast swing mirror. We analyze the positioning error of facular center calculated by universal algorithm when the facular energy obeys Gauss distribution from the working principle of QD. A database is built by calculation and simulation with MatLab software, in which the facular center calculated by universal algorithm is corresponded withthe facular center of Gaussian beam, and the database is stored in two pieces of (EPROM)-P-2 as the external memory of DSP. The facular center of Gaussian beam is inquiry in the database on the basis of the facular center calculated by universal algorithm in DSP. The experiment results show that the positioning accuracy of the high-precision positioning system is much better than the positioning accuracy calculated by universal algorithm.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600098

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Yihao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 114 of 125

Title: Generation and propagation of stretched-pulse with sidebands

Author(s): Zhang, YN (Zhang Yani)

Edited by: Jiang S; Wang L; Tang C; Cheng Y

Source: AOPC 2015: ADVANCES IN LASER TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9671  Article Number: 967122  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202961  Published: 2015  

Abstract: We report on the generation and propagation of stretched-pulse in an erbium-doped fiber laser with near-zero dispersion. The pulse exhibits broadband spectrum with sidebands on long-wavelength side, which may be attributed to the strong gain and loss perturbations induced by the long cavity. After the extra-cavity propagation via a 19-m single-mode fiber (SMF), the spectrum of pulses almost keeps unchanged whereas the pulse duration broadens from 0.22 to 6.33 ps, indicating that fiber dispersion plays a key role in pulse propagation. Moreover, the evolution of pulse duration in SMF is in good agreement with that of theoretical predictions. This pulse evolution through extra-cavity fiber is quite different from the evolution of dissipative solitons, in which the pulses are compressed rather than broadened.

Accession Number: WOS:000364657700073

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-896-5



Record 115 of 125

Title: Design of Infrared Diffractive Telescope imaging optical systems

Author(s): Zhang, ZF (Zhang, ZhouFeng); Hu, BL (Hu, BingLiang); Yin, QY (Yin, QinYe); Xie, YJ (Xie, YongJun); Kang, FZ (Kang, FuZeng); Wang, YJ (Wang, YanJun)

Edited by: Li L; Thompson KP; Zheng L

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9676  Article Number: 96760Z  DOI: 10.1117/12.2201125  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Diffractive telescope is an updated imaging technology, it differs from conventional refractive and reflective imaging system, which is based on the principle of diffraction image. It has great potential for developing the larger aperture and lightweight telescope. However, one of the great challenges of design this optical system is that the diffractive optical element focuses on different wavelengths of light at different point in space, thereby distorting the color characteristics of image. In this paper, we designs a long-wavelength infrared diffractive telescope imaging system with flat surface Fresnel lens and cancels the infrared optical system chromatic aberration by another flat surface Fresnel lens, achieving broadband light(from 8 mu m-12 mu m) to a common focus with 4.6 degrees field of view. At last, the diffuse spot size and MTF function provide diffractive-limited performance.

Accession Number: WOS:000365191500033

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-901-6



Record 116 of 125

Title: Annular force based variable curvature mirror aiming to realize non-moving element optical zooming

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Xie, XP (Xie, Xiaopeng); Wei, JX (Wei, Jingxuan); Ren, GR (Ren, Guorui); Pang, ZH (Pang, Zhihai); Xu, L (Xu, Liang)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 967807  DOI: 10.1117/12.2197408  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Recently, a new kind of optical zooming technique in which no moving elements are involved has been paid much attention. The elimination of moving elements makes optical zooming suitable for applications which has exacting requirements in space, power cost and system stability. The mobile phone and the space-borne camera are two typical examples. The key to realize non-moving elements optical zooming lies in the introduction of variable curvature mirror (VCM) whose radius of curvature could be changed dynamically. When VCM is about to be used to implement optical zoom imaging, two characteristics should be ensured. First, VCM has to provide large enough saggitus variation in order to obtain a big magnification ratio. Second, after the radius of curvature has been changed, the corresponding surface figure accuracy should still be maintained superior to a threshold level to make the high quality imaging possible. In this manuscript, based on the elasticity theory, the physical model of the annular force based variable curvature mirror is established and numerically analyzed. The results demonstrate that when the annular force is applied at the half-the-aperture position, the actuation force is reduced and a smaller actuation force is required to generate the saggitus variation and thus the maintenance of surface figure accuracy becomes easier during the variation of radius of curvature. Besides that, a prototype VCM, whose diameter and thickness are 100mm and 3mm respectively, have been fabricated and the maximum saggitus variation that could be obtained approaches more than 30 wavelengths. At the same time, the degradation of surface figure accuracy is weakly correlated to the curvature radius variation.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600007

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wei, jing 



Wang, Luyao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 117 of 125

Title: Design and Implementation of a Cooke Triplet based Wave-front Coded Super-resolution Imaging System

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Wei, JX (Wei, Jingxuan)

Edited by: Smith DG; Wyrowski F; Erdmann A

Source: OPTICAL SYSTEMS DESIGN 2015: COMPUTATIONAL OPTICS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9630  Article Number: 963012  DOI: 10.1117/12.2190814  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Wave-front coding is a powerful technique that could be used to extend the DOF (depth of focus) of incoherent imaging system. It is the suitably designed phase mask that makes the system defocus invariant and it is the de-convolution algorithm that generates the clear image with large DOF. Compared with the traditional imaging system, the point spread function (PSF) in wave-front coded imaging system has quite a large support size and this characteristic makes wave-front coding be capable of realizing super-resolution imaging without replacing the current sensor with one of smaller pitch size. An amplification based single image super-resolution reconstruction procedure has been specifically designed for wave-front coded imaging system and its effectiveness has been demonstrated experimentally. A Cooke Triplet based wave-front coded imaging system is established. For a focal length of 50 mm and f-number 4.5, objects within the range [5 m, infinity] could be clearly imaged, which indicates a DOF extension ratio of approximately 20. At the same time, the proposed processing procedure could produce at least 3x resolution improvement, with the quality of the reconstructed super-resolution image approaching the diffraction limit.

Accession Number: WOS:000366825700030

Conference Title: Conference on Optical Systems Design - Computational Optics

Conference Date: SEP 07-09, 2015

Conference Location: Jena, GERMANY

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wei, jing 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-819-4



Record 118 of 125

Title: Research on the Error Model of Airborne Celestial/Inertial Integrated Navigation System

Author(s): Zheng, XG (Zheng, Xiaogiang); Deng, XG (Deng, Xiaoguo); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxu); Dong, Q (Dong, Qiang)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 944928  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075874  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Celestial navigation subsystem of airborne celestial/inertial integrated navigation system periodically correct the positioning error and heading drift of the inertial navigation system, by which the inertial navigation system can greatly improve the accuracy of long-endurance navigation. Thus the navigation accuracy of airborne celestial navigation subsystem directly decides the accuracy of the integrated navigation system if it works for long time. By building the mathematical model of the airborne celestial navigation system based on the inertial navigation system, using the method of linear coordinate transformation, we establish the error transfer equation for the positioning algorithm of airborne celestial system. Based on these we built the positioning error model of the celestial navigation. And then, based on the positioning error model we analyze and simulate the positioning error which are caused by the error of the star tracking platform with the MATLAB software. Finally, the positioning error model is verified by the information of the star obtained from the optical measurement device in range and the device whose location are known. The analysis and simulation results show that the level accuracy and north accuracy of tracking platform are important factors that limit airborne celestial navigation systems to improve the positioning accuracy, and the positioning error have an approximate linear relationship with the level error and north error of tracking platform. The error of the verification results are in 1000m, which shows that the model are correct.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600079

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 119 of 125

Title: A concept design of deployable space membrane diffractive telescope

Author(s): Zheng, YH (Zheng, Yaohui); Ruan, P (Ruan, Ping); Cao, S (Cao, Shang)

Edited by: Xiangli B; Kim DW; Xue S

Source: AOPC 2015: TELESCOPE AND SPACE OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9678  Article Number: 96780P  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199492  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The traditional Space Telescope has a tremendous potential shortcoming for very large aperture space telescopes. The total mass of the conventional monolithic mirror will skyrocket along with the increase of the apertures; even so much as cannot be launched to space even with the best current lightweight mirror designs. The use of a membrane diffractive optical element (DOE) can reduce the mass of large space telescopes and achieve as much as a factor of seven in mass savings per unit aperture area compared to lightweight mirrors. The primary lens of this telescope is a transmissive membrane etched with a diffraction pattern that offers a significant relaxation in the control requirements on the membrane surface figure. In 2012, the meter-scale transmissive membrane DOE was successfully developed. In 2014, the brassboard telescope of 5-meter diameter successfully demonstrates the ability to collect polychromatic high resolution imagery over a representative object using the transmissive DOE technology. All in all, the development of diffractive telescope with apertures in excess of 5 meter diameter has been put on the agenda. In this paper we first discuss the diffractive imaging system. Then some traditional deployable space optical systems are analyzed in the aspects of deployment methods and characteristics and a conceptual design for a 10m-diameter diffraction telescope is proposed. At last we talk about the key technologies for membrane diffractive telescope.

Accession Number: WOS:000363283600025

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Telescope and Space Optical Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-903-0



Record 120 of 125

Title: Camera Calibration Method of Binocular Stereo Vision Based on OpenCV

Author(s): Zhong, WZ (Zhong Wanzhen); Dong, XN (Dong Xiaona)

Edited by: Shen C; Yang W; Liu H

Source: AOPC 2015: IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9675  Article Number: 96752C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2202186  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Camera calibration, an important part of the binocular stereo vision research, is the essential foundation of 3D reconstruction of the spatial object. In this paper, the camera calibration method based on OpenCV (open source computer vision library) is submitted to make the process better as a result of obtaining higher precision and efficiency. First, the camera model in OpenCV and an algorithm of camera calibration are presented, especially considering the influence of camera lens radial distortion and decentering distortion. Then, camera calibration procedure is designed to compute those parameters of camera and calculate calibration errors. High-accurate profile extraction algorithm and a checkboaed with 48 corners have also been used in this part. Finally, results of calibration program are presented, demonstrating the high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach. The results can reach the requirement of robot binocular stereo vision.

Accession Number: WOS:000363280200084

Conference Title: Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics (AOPC) - Image Processing and Analysis

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number





ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-900-9



Record 121 of 125

Title: A new design of filter system in streak camera

Author(s): Zhou, PY (Zhou, Pengyu); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin)

Edited by: Han S; Ellis JD; Guo J; Guo Y

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL TEST, MEASUREMENT, AND EQUIPMENT  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9677  Article Number: 967716  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199534  Published: 2015  

Abstract: In order to reduce the frequency of researchers routing in and out of the testing site and ensure the fluency of the testing we design a new filter system applied to the streak cameras. This system promotes streak cameras' abilities on spatial discrimination and time resolution. This paper focuses on the instruction of the piezoelectric motor's principle based on field-effect tubes. Filter wheel is driven by piezoelectric motor. It can effectively avoid the influences of high field produced by streak tube. Finally we achieve auto regulation at different gears and promote the efficiency of operations and guarantee the safety of researchers. CD4046 introduces the driven clock of this system and we use an inverter to get two synchronous inverted signals. These signals are amplified by field-effect tubes to more than 300V. The amplified ones are integrated at the output terminals to generate sinusoidal signal. The test shows that in this filter system piezoelectric motor operates at its resonance frequency under a control signal of 62.5 KHz. Its working current is 1.9A and driving power is almost 10W. By adjusting the gears, the filter wheel costs less than 2 seconds to calibrate. We accomplish the test in respected results.

Accession Number: WOS:000364678700016

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-902-3



Record 122 of 125

Title: A design of digital processing circuit for the duo-lateral PSD

Author(s): Zhou, WX (Zhou, Weixiang); Liang, YB (Liang, Yanbing); Wang, XY (Wang, Xiaoyang)

Edited by: Gong H; Wu N; Ni Y; Chen W; Lu J

Source: AOPC 2015: OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9674  Article Number: 96741S  DOI: 10.1117/12.2199670  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Beam pointing stability control technology detecting the vibration of the optical platform by detectors, using the fast steering mirror compensated the vibration displacement, thereby maintaining a stable beam. Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) as a sensitive position detection system components, its performance significantly affect the overall accuracy of the test system. This article selects Sitek's two-dimensional duo-lateral PSD: 2L20_CP7. By analyzing the measurement principle of the PSD, we designed a reverse bias circuit, I-V converted circuit, A / D converted circuit and control circuit which FPGA as a controller, testing the output current value to verify the reasonableness of the circuit design, and calculate the location information according to formula. We also made a measured grid chart diagram and distortion based on the application of computer, so dose error analysis. We concluded that the linearity of this PSD is better, and it can be applied in the high-precision systems.

Accession Number: WOS:000364675700083

Conference Title: Annual Conference of the Chinese-Society-for-Optical-Engineering on Applied Optics and Photonics, China (AOPC)

Conference Date: MAY 05-07, 2015

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, Sci & Technol Low Light Level Night Vis Lab, SPIE, Opt Soc, European Opt Soc, Opt Soc Korea

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Chun 







ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-899-6



Record 123 of 125

Title: A new designed impedance matching circuit used for gated framing camera

Author(s): Zhu, BL (Zhu, Bingli); Bai, XH (Bai, Xiaohong); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin); Gou, YS (Gou, Yongsheng); Liu, BY (Liu, Baiyu); Wang, B (Wang, Bo); Qin, JJ (Qin, Junjun)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94491I  DOI: 10.1117/12.2077094  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Framing camera based on gated Micro-channel plate (MCP) was widely used in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and Z-pinch because of its ultrafast time-resolve. Electrons with imaging information are multiplied when the HV pulse propagating through the MCP strip line. Obviously, the HV pulse was used as a shutter here, then the exposure time of the imagine will be determined by the width of the pulse. Theoretical analysis indicates that the gating pulse(200ps) has a bandwidth of 5GHz, thus, impedance match in the propagating path of the pulse will be very important. Impedance mismatch will cause reflecting of the pulse and decrease the transmission efficiency. This will cause un-uniformity of the dynamic gain of the MCP, and finally resulting in image distortion. A new designed impedance matching circuit is developed in this paper. Simulated results showed that the new designed impedance matching circuit could reduce the reflection of the gating pulse significantly, and dynamic gain uniformity of the MCP was increased simultaneously.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600053

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0



Record 124 of 125

Title: Large Aperture Diffractive Telescope Design for Space-based Lidar Receivers

Author(s): Zhu, JY (Zhu, Jinyi); Xie, YJ (Xie, Yongjun)

Edited by: Liu S; Zhuang S; Lv D; Wang L; Zhang G; Petelin MI; Xiang L

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9795  Article Number: 979508  DOI: 10.1117/12.2208104  Published: 2015  

Abstract: Diffractive telescopes are ideal to space-based lidar receivers, because of their advantages of mass and surface shape tolerances. To develop diffractive optical systems, the aberration properties and high order diffraction of diffractive lenses were discussed. The aberration properties are suitable for lidar receivers. High order diffraction is helpful to improve diffractive lens fabrication and decrease system length. And it can be realized by modifying the surface figures of a diffractive lens, mainly the ring widths and depth. A 1-meter aperture diffractive telescope design with simple structure was given, providing spot diameters less than 45 mu m over the whole field of view.

Accession Number: WOS:000369137800009

Conference Title: International Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Terahertz Technology and Applications / International Symposium on Surface Topography and Optical Microscopy

Conference Date: 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Univ Shanghai Sci & Technol, Chinese Acad Engn, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, Harbin Inst Technol

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0168-0



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Title: Decoding algorithms and spatial resolution Monte Carlo simulation of cross strip anode for UV Astronomy

Author(s): Zhu, XP (Zhu Xiangping); Deng, GB (Deng Guobao)

Edited by: Tian A; Asundi A; Liu W; Zhang C

Source: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING (ICPOE 2014)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9449  Article Number: 94490E  DOI: 10.1117/12.2075999  Published: 2015  

Abstract: The development decoding algorithms of two-dimensional cross strip anodes image readouts for applications in UV astronomy are described. We present results with Monte Carlo simulation by GEANT4 toolkit, the results show that when the cross strip anode period is 0.5mm and the electrode width is 0.4mm, the spatial resolution accuracy is sufficient to reach better than 5 mu m, the temporal resolution accuracy of the event detection can be as low as 100 ps. The influences of the cross strip detector parameters, such as the anode period, the width of anode fingers (electrode), the width of the charge footprint at the anode (determined by the distance and the field between the MCP and the anode), the gain of the MCP and equivalent noise charge (ENC) are also discussed. The development decoding algorithms and simulation results can be useful for the designing and performance improvement of future photon counting imaging detectors for UV Astronomy.

Accession Number: WOS:000354183600013

Conference Title: International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE)

Conference Date: OCT 13-15, 2014

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xian Technol Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian Inst Appl Opt, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Opt & Laser Engn, Shaanxi Opt Soc, Shaanxi Prov Phys Soc, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-565-0