• Record 229 of

    Title:High-channel-count plasmonic filter with the metal-insulator-metal Fibonacci-sequence gratings
    Author(s):Gong, Yongkang(1); Liu, Xueming(1); Wang, Leiran(1)
    Source: Optics Letters  Volume: 35  Issue: 3  DOI: 10.1364/OL.35.000285  Published: February 1, 2010  
    Abstract:Fibonacci-sequence gratings based on metal-insulator-metal waveguides are proposed. The spectrum properties of this structure are numerically investigated by using the transfer matrix method. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed structure can generate high-channel-count plasmonic stop bands and can find significant applications in highly integrated dense wavelength division multiplexing networks. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
    Accession Number: 20100612690658
  • Record 230 of

    Title:Pulse evolution without wave breaking in a strongly dissipative-dispersive laser system
    Author(s):Liu, Xueming(1)
    Source: Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  Volume: 81  Issue: 5  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.053819  Published: May 12, 2010  
    Abstract:We report on pulse evolution without wave breaking in a strongly dissipative-dispersive laser system where pulses encounter significant amounts of positive and negative dispersions. In contrast to conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soliton, and self-similar pulse evolutions, a different type of pulse shaping in mode-locked lasers is theoretically investigated and experimentally observed. The pulses of this laser have very low frequency chirp and exhibit as the quasirectangle temporal and Gaussian spectral profiles, and the spectral width is almost independent of the pumping strength. The temporal and spectral widths fluctuate as low as ~3% of the relative fluctuation throughout the laser cavity. Both numerical and experimental results show that the pulses exist with energies much greater than can be tolerated in self-similar pulse shaping. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
    Accession Number: 20102012945060
  • Record 231 of

    Title:Generation and amplification of high-energy nanosecond pulses in a compact all-fiber laser
    Author(s):Mao, Dong(1); Liu, Xueming(1); Wang, Leiran(1); Lu, Hua(1); Feng, Huan(1)
    Source: Optics Express  Volume: 18  Issue: 22  DOI: 10.1364/OE.18.023024  Published: October 25, 2010  
    Abstract:We have experimentally investigated high-energy rectangular pulses delivering from an erbium-doped fiber laser operating in ultra-large net-negative-dispersion regime. The laser oscillator emits rectangular pulses with approximately Gaussian spectral profiles, adjustable nanoseconds durations, and multi-ten nanojoule energies. The outputted pulses can be further amplified to over 2 μJ without distortion by a two-stage erbium-doped fiber amplifier. Thus, rectangular pulses with controllable durations and energies can be achieved from the compact all-fiber fiber laser system. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
    Accession Number: 20104613380488
  • Record 232 of

    Title:Passive harmonic mode-locking of a fiber laser at controllable repetition rates from fundamental to eighth-order harmonic operation
    Author(s):Liu, Xueming(1); Wang, Leiran(1); Mao, Dong(1); Li, Xiaohui(1)
    Source: Journal of Modern Optics  Volume: 57  Issue: 17  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2010.514364  Published: October 10, 2010  
    Abstract:We have experimentally reported a passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser at controllable repetition rates. The pulse train is continuously tunable and controllable from the fundamental cavity frequency to the eighth-order harmonic frequency. The pulses in the proposed laser disappear one by one when the pump power is decreased and, at the same time, the remaining pulses self-organize into a new, stable, uniform distribution in the cavity at each state. The experimental results indicate a supermode suppression of more than 40 dB. By appropriately increasing the coupler output ratio and lengthening the laser cavity, the enhanced mutual influence of the global and local soliton interactions induced by the CW components and the dispersive waves plays the key role in separating pulses stably and uniformly in the cavity. Our laser has the potential to generate chirp-free pulses at even higher rates and shorter pulses for use in future time-division multiplexing systems. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
    Accession Number: 20104713402263
  • Record 233 of

    Title:Evolution of dual-wavelength solitons in an erbium-doped fiber laser
    Author(s):Mao, D.(1); Liu, X.M.(1); Wang, L.R.(1); Li, X.H.(1); Lu, H.(1); Sun, H.B.(1); Gong, Y.K.(1)
    Source: Laser Physics  Volume: 20  Issue: 4  DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X10070236  Published: April 2010  
    Abstract:We report on experimental observations of dual-wavelength solitons in a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser. Two kinds of dual-wavelength solitons with different spectrum shapes are achieved. One is exhibited to have spectrum sidebands and the other one is shown to have the smooth profile without any sideband. The mode-locking mechanism at different central wavelengths is analyzed. Experimental results suggest that the pump level together with the cavity filtering effect play key roles in the generation of the dual-wavelength solitons. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
    Accession Number: 20102012937752
  • Record 234 of

    Title:Broad and tunable multiwavelength fiber laser at the assistance of modulation-instability-assisted four-wave mixing
    Author(s):Liu, X.M.(1)
    Source: Laser Physics  Volume: 20  Issue: 4  DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X10070194  Published: April 2010  
    Abstract:Based on a piece of highly-nonlinear near-zero-dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber (PCF), a broadly tunable multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser is proposed by using a bi-directionally pumping scheme. This kind of PCF induces the modulation-instability-assisted four-wave mixing to generate new wavelengths. The proposed laser with excellent stability is tunable and switchable by adjusting the fiber Bragg gratings and the variable optical attenuators. The outstanding merits of the proposed multiwavelength laser are the flexible tuning and the ultrabroad spectral range over 150 nm. Especially, the proposed laser source can work at the wavelength of less than 1460 nm, overcoming the limit of gain bandwidth of erbium-doped fiber. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
    Accession Number: 20102012937754
  • Record 235 of

    Title:Optical trapping of double-ring radially polarized beam with improved axial trapping efficiency
    Author(s):Yao, Bao-Li(1); Yan, Shao-Hui(1); Ye, Tong(1); Zhao, Wei(1)
    Source: Chinese Physics Letters  Volume: 27  Issue: 10  DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/27/10/108701  Published: October 2010  
    Abstract:Radially polarized beams, focused by a high numerical aperture (NA) objective, have non-propagating fields along the propagation axis in the focal region, which leads to a higher axial trapping efficiency in comparison with linearly polarized beams. We propose a design for converting a lowest-order radially polarized beam (RTEM01) to a double-ring radial polarization distribution (DR R-TEM01) through a specially designed polarization rotator. The phases of the two rings of this beam differ by π. Numerical results evaluated by rigorous T-matrix method show that the DR R-TEM 01 beam can improve the axial trapping efficiency compared with the R-TEM01 beam, provided that the size of trapped particles is of order of the wavelength of the beam. © 2010 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.
    Accession Number: 20220711652425
  • Record 236 of

    Title:Experimental research for broadband spatial heterodyne spectroscopy
    Author(s):Feng, Yutao(1); Bai, Qinglan(1); Yan, Peng(1); Hu, Bingliang(1); Wen, Desheng(1)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 7850  Issue:   DOI: 10.1117/12.870229  Published: 2010  
    Abstract:Spatial heterodyne spectrometers have been used in multiple scientific studies since their invention and early development. Broadband spatial heterodyne spectrometers also have the advantages of large etendue, high spectral resolving powers, and high data collection rates as traditional spatial heterodyne spectrometer. Basic theory, design and performance parameters, breadboard experiment for a broadband, high-resolution spatial heterodyne spectrometer are reported. The experimental spatial heterodyne spectrometer achieves a design resolution 0.39cm-1. Firstly, it is demonstrated that broadband spatial heterodyne spectrometer have the advantages of wide spectral coverage and high spectral resolving power simultaneously; secondly, the effects of optical defects on the system are discussed; thirdly, Two dimension interference data procession also is mentioned. © 2010 SPIE.
    Accession Number: 20110213573310
  • Record 237 of

    Title:Wavelength dependence four-wave mixing spectroscopy in a micrometric atomic vapour
    Author(s):Yuan-Yuan, Li(1,2); Li, Li(1); Yan-Peng, Zhang(3); Si-Wen, Bi(2)
    Source: Chinese Physics B  Volume: 19  Issue: 9  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/9/090702  Published: September 2010  
    Abstract:This paper presents a theoretical study of wavelength dependence four-wave-mixing (FWM) spectroscopy in a micrometric thin atomic vapour. It compares three cases termed as mismatched case I, matched case and mismatched case II for the probe wavelength less, equal and greater than the pump wavelength respectively. It finds that Dickenarrowing can overcome width broadening induced by Doppler effects and polarisation interference of thermal atoms, and high resolution FWM spectra can be achieved both in matched and mismatched wavelength for many cases. It also finds that the magnitude of the FWM signal can be dramatically modified to be suppressed or to be enhanced in comparison with that of matched wavelength in mismatched case I or II. The width narrowing and the magnitude suppression or enhancement can be demonstrated by considering enhanced contribution of slow atoms induced by atom-wall collision and transient effect of atom-light interaction in a micrometric thin vapour. © 2010 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.
    Accession Number: 20104813435464
  • Record 238 of

    Title:Experimental investigation of square dissipative soliton generation and propagation
    Author(s):Mao, Dong(1); Liu, Xueming(1); Wang, Leiran(1); Lu, Hua(1)
    Source: Applied Optics  Volume: 49  Issue: 25  DOI: 10.1364/AO.49.004751  Published: September 1, 2010  
    Abstract:We have experimentally investigated the generation and propagation of square dissipative solitons emitted from an erbium-doped fiber laser with large normal cavity dispersion. The square pulse exhibits an approximately Gaussian spectral profile and large frequency chirp on its edges. When the square pulse propagates through a segment of single-mode fiber (SMF), it can be shaped to a Gaussian pulse and the corresponding spectrum will have a redshift with a prolonged wing on the longer wavelength. Our experiments show that the pulse evolution in the SMF is determined by the combined effects of the fiber dispersion, intrapulse Raman scattering, and the pulse initial chirps. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
    Accession Number: 20104113284185
  • Record 239 of

    Title:Optimization of supercontinuum generation in air-silica nanowires
    Author(s):Lu, Hua(1); Liu, Xueming(1); Gong, Yongkang(1); Hu, Xiaohong(1); Li, Xiaohui(1)
    Source: Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics  Volume: 27  Issue: 5  DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.27.000904  Published: May 1, 2010  
    Abstract:An effective hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) for optimizing air-silica nanowires, the incident pulse, and supercontinuum (SC) generation, is proposed in this paper. Based on the proposed algorithm, the dispersion and nonlinearity of air-silica nanowires, as well as the duration and chirp of incident pulses, are optimized to achieve SC generation with a broader, smoother, and more intense spectrum. It is found that the optimized spectrum becomes smoother from 740 to 1500 nm and is broadened by 300 nm. Meanwhile, the spectral intensity in the range of 450-945 nm is significantly increased by a factor of 10. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
    Accession Number: 20103413166184
  • Record 240 of

    Title:Compact tunable 10 w picosecond source based on yb-doped fiber amplification of gain switch laser diode
    Author(s):Liu, Hongjun(1); Gao, Cunxiao(1); Tao, Jintao(1); Zhao, Wei(1); Wang, Yishan(1)
    Source: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology  Volume: 64  Issue:   DOI:   Published: 2010  
    Abstract:A compact tunable 10 W picosecond source based on Yb-doped fiber amplification of gain switch laser diode has been demonstrated. A gain switch semiconductor laser diode was used as the seed source, and a multi-stage single mode Yb-doped fiber preamplifier was combined with two large mode area double-clad Yb-doped fiber main amplifiers to construct the amplification system. The tunable pulses with high stability and excellent beam quality (M2
    Accession Number: 20104213309880