• Record 61 of

    Title:Time-bin entangled photons for scalable quantum information processing
    Author Full Names:Sciara, Stefania(1); Yu, Hao(1,2); Chemnitz, Mario(1,3,4); Monika, Monika(1,5); Nosrati, Farzam(1,6); George, Agnes(1); Montaut, Nicola(1); Fischer, Bennet(1,3); Crockett, Benjamin(1); Helsten, Robin(1); Wetzel, Benjamin(7); Goebel, Thorsten A.(8); Krämer, Ria G.(4); Little, Brent E.(9); Chu, Sai T.(10); Nolte, Stefan(4,8); Wang, Zhiming(2); Azaña, José(1); Munro, William J.(11); Moss, David J.(12); Peschel, Ulf(5); Franco, Rosario Lo(6); Morandotti, Roberto(1)
    Source Title:Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, SPPCom 2024 in Proceedings Advanced Photonics Congress 2024 - Part of Optica Advanced Photonics Congress
    Document Type:Conference article (CA)
    Conference Title:2024 Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, SPPCom 2024
    Conference Date:July 28, 2024 - August 1, 2024
    Conference Location:Quebec City, QC, Canada
    Abstract:Encoding information in photonic time bin enables quantum technologies compatible with both integrated and fiber frameworks. Here, we demonstrate time-bin entangled qudits in a programmable photonic chip and in a fully fibered coupled loop system. © Optica Publishing Group 2024, © 2024 The Author(s)
    Affiliations:(1) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, 1650 Lionel Boulet, Varennes; QC; J3X 1P7, Canada; (2) Shimmer Center, Tianfu Jiangxi Laboratory, Chengdu; 641419, China; (3) Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Albert-Einstein Strasse 9, Jena; 07745, Germany; (4) Friedrich-Schiller-University, Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15, Jena; 07745, Germany; (5) Institute of Solid State Theory and Optics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, Jena; 07743, Germany; (6) Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo; 90128, Italy; (7) Xlim Research Institute, CNRS UMR 7252, University of Limoges, Limoges; 87000, France; (8) Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Center of Excellence in Photonics, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 7, Jena; 07745, Germany; (9) QXP Technology Inc., 15 Shanglinyuan 1st RD, High-tech Zone, Xi'an, China; (10) Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong; (11) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Okinawa, Onna-son; 904-0495, Japan; (12) Optical Sciences Centre, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn; VIC; 3122, Australia
    Publication Year:2024
  • Record 62 of

    Title:Time-bin entangled photons for scalable quantum information processing
    Author Full Names:Sciara, Stefania(1); Yu, Hao(1,2); Chemnitz, Mario(1,3,4); Monika, Monika(1,5); Nosrati, Farzam(1,6); George, Agnes(1); Montaut, Nicola(1); Fischer, Bennet(1,3); Crockett, Benjamin(1); Helsten, Robin(1); Wetzel, Benjamin(7); Goebel, Thorsten A.(8); Krämer, Ria G.(4); Little, Brent E.(9); Chu, Sai T.(10); Nolte, Stefan(4,8); Wang, Zhiming(2); Azaña, José(1); Munro, William J.(11); Moss, David J.(12); Peschel, Ulf(5); Franco, Rosario Lo(6); Morandotti, Roberto(1)
    Source Title:Specialty Optical Fibers, SOF 2024 in Proceedings Advanced Photonics Congress 2024 - Part of Optica Advanced Photonics Congress
    Document Type:Conference article (CA)
    Conference Title:2024 Specialty Optical Fibers, SOF 2024
    Conference Date:July 28, 2024 - August 1, 2024
    Conference Location:Quebec City, QC, Canada
    Abstract:Encoding information in photonic time bin enables quantum technologies compatible with both integrated and fiber frameworks. Here, we demonstrate time-bin entangled qudits in a programmable photonic chip and in a fully fibered coupled loop system. © Optica Publishing Group 2024, © 2024 The Author(s)
    Affiliations:(1) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, 1650 Lionel Boulet, Varennes; QC; J3X 1P7, Canada; (2) Shimmer Center, Tianfu Jiangxi Laboratory, Chengdu; 641419, China; (3) Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Albert-Einstein Strasse 9, Jena; 07745, Germany; (4) Friedrich-Schiller-University, Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15, Jena; 07745, Germany; (5) Institute of Solid State Theory and Optics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, Jena; 07743, Germany; (6) Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo; 90128, Italy; (7) Xlim Research Institute, CNRS UMR 7252, University of Limoges, Limoges; 87000, France; (8) Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Center of Excellence in Photonics, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 7, Jena; 07745, Germany; (9) QXP Technology Inc., 15 Shanglinyuan 1st RD, High-tech Zone, Xi'an, China; (10) Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong; (11) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate University, Onna-son, Okinawa; 904-0495, Japan; (12) Optical Sciences Centre, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn; VIC; 3122, Australia
    Publication Year:2024
  • Record 63 of

    Title:Space advanced technology demonstration satellite
    Author Full Names:Zhang, XiaoFeng(1); Chen, Wen(1); Zhu, XiaoCheng(1); Meng, Na(1); He, JunWang(1); Bi, XingZi(1); Zhang, YongHe(1); Shi, Qi(1); Li, Fei(1); Liu, Rui(1); Feng, ZhengGong(1); Liu, Liu(1); Li, JinSong(1); Wu, HaiChen(1); Xu, DongXiao(1); Li, TaiJie(1); Huang, JiangJiang(1); Liu, Shuo(1); Li, TianTong(1); Yu, XianSheng(1); Gao, Yang(1); Zhou, Heng(1); Ban, HanYu(1); Zhang, YanLi(1); Zhang, YueTing(1); Yang, YingQuan(1); He, Tao(1); Duan, XuLiang(1); Chen, Xin(1); Wang, YaMin(1); Sun, AnTai(1); Zhang, KuoXiang(1); Sun, Ying(1); Wang, YaoBin(1); Fan, ChengCheng(1); Xiong, ShaoLin(2); Li, XinQiao(2); Wen, XiangYang(2); Ling, ZhiXing(3); Sun, XiaoJin(4); Zhang, Chen(3); Bai, XianYong(3); Wang, ZhanShan(5); Deng, YuanYong(3); Tian, Hui(6); Yang, JianFeng(7); Xue, HongBo(8); Sang, Peng(8); Liu, JinGuo(9); Zheng, HuiLong(10); Zhu, Xiang(8); He, JianWu(11); Li, Hui(12); Xu, LuXiang(13); Xu, ShuYan(14); Chen, WenWu(15); Liu, ZhenDong(15); Wang, ZhaoLi(16); Mao, XiangLong(7); Gao, Rong(7); Li, ZongXuan(17); Ding, GuoPeng(1); Wang, XinYu(1); Dou, RunJiang(18); Weng, LuBin(19); Luo, Hao(20); Wang, YaPing(1); Liang, XianFeng(8); Fang, ZiRuo(1)
    Source Title:Science China Technological Sciences
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:The Space Advanced Technology demonstration satellite (SATech-01), a mission for low-cost space science and new technology experiments, organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was successfully launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of ∼500 km on July 27, 2022, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre. Serving as an experimental platform for space science exploration and the demonstration of advanced common technologies in orbit, SATech-01 is equipped with 16 experimental payloads, including the solar upper transition region imager (SUTRI), the lobster eye imager for astronomy (LEIA), the high energy burst searcher (HEBS), and a High Precision Magnetic Field Measurement System based on a CPT Magnetometer (CPT). It also incorporates an imager with freeform optics, an integrated thermal imaging sensor, and a multi-functional integrated imager, etc. This paper provides an overview of SATech-01, including a technical description of the satellite and its scientific payloads, along with their on-orbit performance. © 2023, Science China Press.
    Affiliations:(1) Innovation Academy for Microsatellites, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai; 201203, China; (2) Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China; (3) National Astronomical Observatory of China, Beijing; 100101, China; (4) Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai; 200083, China; (5) Institute of Precision Optical Engineering, School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai; 200092, China; (6) School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing; 100871, China; (7) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China; (8) National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100190, China; (9) Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang; 110016, China; (10) Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100190, China; (11) Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100190, China; (12) Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai; 200032, China; (13) Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou; 310024, China; (14) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; 569830, Singapore; (15) Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian; 116023, China; (16) Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China; (17) Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun; 130033, China; (18) Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100083, China; (19) Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100190, China; (20) School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou; 310058, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:240-258
    DOI Link:10.1007/s11431-023-2510-x
  • Record 64 of

    Title:Rotary error modeling and assembly optimization of parallel structure shafting
    Author Full Names:Dong, Yi-Ming(1,2,3); Jiang, Bo(1,3); Li, Xiang-Yu(1,3); Xie, You-Jin(1,3); Lv, Tao(1,3); Ruan, Ping(1,3)
    Source Title:Chinese Optics
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:In order to improve the shafting motion accuracy of two-dimensional turntables such as photoelectric theodolites, we establish a mathematical model considering both the structural error of parts and the coupling amplification effect based on Jacobian-Torsor theory. Aiming at a shafting structure with one fixed end and one swimming, an analysis method of partial parallel structure was proposed. Through numerical simulation analysis, the impact of each part’s structural errors on the motion accuracy of the shafting and the optimal shafting assembly scheme were obtained. The results of assembly and adjustment of a photoelectric theodolite with an optical diameter of 650 mm show that assembly optimization improved the motion accuracy of the shaft system by 32.1%. The precision model and optimization method of shafting motion provide a theoretical basis for the shafting adjustment and tolerance design of two-dimensional turntables such as photoelectric theodolites. © 2024 Editorial Office of Chinese Optics. All rights reserved.
    Affiliations:(1) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China; (2) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China; (3) Key Laboratory of Space Precision Measurement Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:586-594
    DOI Link:10.37188/CO.2023-0171
  • Record 65 of

    Title:Fast sampling based image reconstruction algorithm for sheared-beam imaging
    Author Full Names:Chen, Ming-Lai(1,2,3); Ma, Cai-Wen(1,2,3); Liu, Hui(1,2,3); Luo, Xiu-Juan(1,2,3); Feng, Xu-Bin(1,2); Yue, Ze-Lin(1,3); Zhao, Jing(1,3)
    Source Title:Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:Sheared-beam imaging (SBI) is an unconventional ground-based optical imaging technique. It breaks through the traditional optical imaging concept by using three coherent laser beams, which are laterally displaced at the transmit plane, to illuminate the target, reconstructing the target image from echo signals. However, the echo data sampling of the imaging system is still not fast enough to reconstruct the high resolution and clear image of the target when imaging the target that is at rapidly changing position and attitude. In order to solve this problem, in this work an image reconstruction method is proposed based on five-beam fast sampling. An emitted beam array arranged in the cross shape with a central symmetrical structure is proposed, and the encoding and decoding method of the imaging system are changed. With a single exposure, the echo signals carry more spectrum information of the target, and the number of reconstructed images can be increased from 1 to 8, which quickly suppresses the speckle effect of the reconstructed image. Firstly, the principle of the imaging technique based on fast sampling is presented. Then, an image reconstruction algorithm based on fast sampling is studied. Eight groups of phase differences and amplitude information of the target can be extracted from echo signals. The wavefront phases are solved by the least-squares method, and wavefront amplitude can be obtained by the algebraic operation of speckle amplitude. The target image is reconstructed by the inverse Fourier transform. The simulation results show that comparing with the traditional three-beam image reconstruction method, the sampling times of echo data needed to obtain the same quality image are reduced from 20 to 5, which greatly reduces the sampling times of echo data and improves the sampling rate of echo data. © 2024 Chinese Physical Society.
    Affiliations:(1) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Space Precision Measurement Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China; (3) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Article Number:024202
    DOI Link:10.7498/aps.73.20231254
  • Record 66 of

    Title:Switchable hybrid-order optical vortex lattice
    Author Full Names:Qin, Xueyun(1); Zhang, Hao(1); Tang, Miaomiao(1); Zhou, Yujie(1); Tai, Yuping(1,2); Li, Xinzhong(1,2)
    Source Title:Optics Letters
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:Optical vortex (OV) modulation is a powerful technique for enhancing the intrinsic degrees-of-freedom in structured light applications. Particularly, the lattices involving multiple OVs have garnered significant academic interest owing to their wide applicability in optical tweezers and condensed matter physics. However, all OVs in a lattice possess the same order, which cannot be modulated individually, limiting its versatile application. Herein, we propose, to our knowledge, a novel concept, called the hot-swap method, to design a switchable hybrid-order OV lattice, in which each OV is easily replaced by arbitrary orders. We experimentally generated the switchable hybrid-order OV lattice and studied its characteristics, including interferograms, retrieved phase, energy flow, and orbital angular momentum. Furthermore, the significant advantages of the switchable hybrid-order OV lattice are demonstrated through the independent manipulation of multiple yeast cells. This study provides a novel scheme for accurate control and modulation of OV lattices, which greatly facilitates the diverse applications of optical manipulation and particle trapping and control. © 2024 Optica Publishing Group.
    Affiliations:(1) School of Physics and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang; 471023, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi’an; 710119, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:2213-2216
    DOI Link:10.1364/OL.515906
  • Record 67 of

    Title:Low-Light Image Enhancement Via Illumination Optimization and Color Correction
    Author Full Names:Zhang, Wenbo(1,7); Wu, Jianjun(3); Xu, Liang(2); Shi, Xiaofan(4); Huang, Wei(5); Li, Yanli(6)
    Source Title:SSRN
    Document Type:Preprint (PP)
    Abstract:The issue of low-light image enhancement is investigated in this paper. Specifically, a trainable low-light image enhancer based on illumination optimization and color correction, called LLOCNet, is proposed to enhance the visibility of such low-light image. First, an illumination correction network is designed, leveraging residual and encoding-decoding structure, to correct the illumination information of the $V$-channel for lighting up the low-light image. After that, the illumination difference map is derived by difference between before and after luminance correction. Furthermore, an illumination-guided color correction network based on illumination-guided multi-head attention is developed to fine-tune the $HS$ color channels. Finally, a feature fusion block with asymmetric parallel convolution operation is adopted to reconcile these enhanced features to obtain the desired high-quality image. Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results show that the proposed network favorably performs against other state-of-the-art low-light enhancement methods on both real-world and synthetic low-light image dataset. © 2024, The Authors. All rights reserved.
    Affiliations:(1) Aeronautical Optoelectronic Technology Laboratory, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (2) Aeronautical Optoelectronic Technology Laboratory, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (3) Aeronautical Optoelectronic Technology Laboratory, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (4) Aeronautical Optoelectronic Technology Laboratory, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (5) Aeronautical Optoelectronic Technology Laboratory, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (6) School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), Xi’an; 710072, China; (7) Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
    Publication Year:2024
    DOI Link:10.2139/ssrn.4921609
  • Record 68 of

    Title:Design of an optical passive semi-athermalization zoom lens
    Author Full Names:Yan, Aqi(1,2); Chen, Weining(1,2); Li, Qianxi(1,3); Guo, Min(1); Wang, Hao(1,2)
    Source Title:Applied Optics
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:Traditional zoom lenses cannot clearly image during the entire zoom process when the ambient temperature changes and needs to focus frequently at middle focal length positions. An innovative design method called the optical passive semi-athermalization (OPSA) design for zoom optical systems is proposed which, based on the difference in the focusing sensitivity of the focusing group at short and long focal length positions, seeks out sensitive groups that have a greater impact on the imaging quality at the short focal position. By changing the temperature characteristics of the temperature-sensitive lenses in these groups, an OPSA zoom optical system can be realized, which exhibits a compact structure and excellent imaging quality. Under the ambient temperature of −40◦C to +60◦C, the OPSA zoom lens needs to refocus only once at the long focal length position, which can ensure an image clearly during the entire zoom process. Remarkably, this innovative method not only mitigates the frequent focusing challenges in traditional zoom lenses, but also contributes to the diminutive size. © 2024 Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). All rights reserved.
    Affiliations:(1) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (2) Xi’an Key Laboratory of Aircraft Optical Imaging and Measurement Technology, Shaanxi, Xi’an; 710119, China; (3) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:3479-3488
    DOI Link:10.1364/AO.517025
  • Record 69 of

    Title:SMALE: Hyperspectral Image Classification via Superpixels and Manifold Learning
    Author Full Names:Liao, Nannan(1); Gong, Jianglei(1,2); Li, Wenxing(1); Li, Cheng(3); Zhang, Chaoyan(1); Guo, Baolong(1)
    Source Title:Remote Sensing
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:As an extremely efficient preprocessing tool, superpixels have become more and more popular in various computer vision tasks. Nevertheless, there are still several drawbacks in the application of hyperspectral image (HSl) processing. Firstly, it is difficult to directly apply superpixels because of the high dimension of HSl information. Secondly, existing superpixel algorithms cannot accurately classify the HSl objects due to multi-scale feature categorization. For the processing of high-dimensional problems, we use the principle of PCA to extract three principal components from numerous bands to form three-channel images. In this paper, a novel superpixel algorithm called Seed Extend by Entropy Density (SEED) is proposed to alleviate the seed point redundancy caused by the diversified content of HSl. It also focuses on breaking the dilemma of manually setting the number of superpixels to overcome the difficulty of classification imprecision caused by multi-scale targets. Next, a space–spectrum constraint model, termed Hyperspectral Image Classification via superpixels and manifold learning (SMALE), is designed, which integrates the proposed SEED to generate a dimensionality reduction framework. By making full use of spatial context information in the process of unsupervised dimension reduction, it could effectively improve the performance of HSl classification. Experimental results show that the proposed SEED could effectively promote the classification accuracy of HSI. Meanwhile, the integrated SMALE model outperforms existing algorithms on public datasets in terms of several quantitative metrics. © 2024 by the authors.
    Affiliations:(1) Institute of Intelligent Control and Image Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an; 710071, China; (2) China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing; 100094, China; (3) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Article Number:3442
    DOI Link:10.3390/rs16183442
  • Record 70 of

    Title:Fabrication of large aspect ratio single crystal diamond microchannel by femtosecond laser
    Author Full Names:Wang, Ning(1,2); Zhang, Jingzhou(1,2); Zhao, Hualong(1,2); Zhao, Wei(1)
    Source Title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
    Document Type:Conference article (CA)
    Conference Title:2023 Advanced Fiber Laser Conference, AFL 2023
    Conference Date:November 10, 2023 - November 12, 2023
    Conference Location:Shenzhen, China
    Conference Sponsor:Chinese Society for Optical Engineering
    Abstract:As heat dispersing materials, Diamond has high thermal conductivity, extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion, low coefficient of friction, and good chemical stability, which have broad application prospects in the field of high-power device heat dissipation. This study aims to address the inability of traditional laser processing methods to meet the processing requirements of high aspect ratio diamond heat dissipation microchannels. Based on a femtosecond laser fiveaxis machining system, a five-axis attitude alternating machining method is used to study the forming size, surface roughness, and aspect ratio of femtosecond laser surface microchannels, and to compare it with the direct machining method using a galvanometer. The experimental results show that using a super depth of field optical microscope for detection, the cross-sectional shape of diamond microchannels processed using a galvanometer direct machining method is triangular, with an edge unilateral taper of 62°. The cross-sectional shape of diamond microchannels processed using a five axis attitude alternating machining method is ladder shaped, with a maximum edge unilateral taper of 88°, approaching a vertical state of 90°. As the width of microchannels increases, the unilateral taper value increases. By using a confocal microscope, the roughness of diamond microchannels processed using a galvanometer direct machining method is Ra0.88, and the optimal roughness of diamond microchannels processed using a five axis attitude alternating machining method is Ra0.29. The use of five-axis attitude alternating machining method is superior to the use of galvanometer direct machining in terms of unilateral taper and roughness. Finally, diamond rectangular microchannels were prepared using a five axis attitude alternating machining method, with a maximum aspect ratio of 10.7:1 and a maximum depth of 1.072mm. © COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
    Affiliations:(1) Xi an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi an; 710119, China; (2) Photonic Manufacturing Systems and Applications Research Center, Xi an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi an; 710119, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Article Number:131040B
    DOI Link:10.1117/12.3016198
  • Record 71 of

    Title:Non-Cooperative Target Ranging Based on High-Orbit Single-Star Temporal–Spatial Characteristics
    Author Full Names:Zhang, Derui(1,2,3); Wang, Hao(1); Zhao, Qing(1)
    Source Title:Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:A visible light camera payload with star-sensitive functionality was installed to measure the distance between a non-cooperative target satellite and a high-orbit satellite. The rotation matrix was used to calculate the pointing vector from the center of the satellite’s star-sensitive camera axis to the target satellite. Multiple position imaging was achieved, and the moving window approach was used to establish two sets of equations relating the pointing vectors to the positions of binary satellites. To simplify the calculations, the target satellite’s eccentricity was assumed to be small (0 to 0.001), allowing elliptical orbits to be approximated as circular. Additionally, short-interval (1-min) imaging measurements were taken, assuming a small inclination of the target satellite (0.0° to 0.4°). This resulted in the construction of a ranging model with high accuracy, producing a ranging error of less than 5% of the actual distance. © 2024 by the authors.
    Affiliations:(1) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China; (2) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China; (3) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Article Number:11232
    DOI Link:10.3390/app142311232
  • Record 72 of

    Title:Spectral-interferometry-based diff-iteration for high-precision micro-dispersion measurement
    Author Full Names:Du, Wei(1); Huang, Jingsheng(1); Wang, Yang(2); Zhao, Maozhong(1); Li, Juan(1); He, Juntao(1); Wang, Jindong(1); Zhang, Wenfu(2); Zhu, Tao(1)
    Source Title:Photonics Research
    Document Type:Journal article (JA)
    Abstract:Precise measurement of micro-dispersion for optical devices (optical fiber, lenses, etc.) holds paramount significance across domains such as optical fiber communication and dispersion interference ranging. However, due to its complex system, complicated process, and low reliability, the traditional dispersion measurement methods (interference, phase shift, or time delay methods) are not suitable for the accurate measurement of micro-dispersion in a wide spectral range. Here, we propose a spectral-interferometry-based diff-iteration (SiDi) method for achieving accurate wide-band micro-dispersion measurements. Using an optical frequency comb, based on the phase demodulation of the dispersion interference spectrum, we employ the carefully designed SiDi method to solve the dispersion curve at any position and any order. Our approach is proficient in precisely measuring micro-dispersion across a broadband spectrum, without the need for cumbersome wavelength scanning processes or reliance on complex high-repetition-rate combs, while enabling adjustable resolution. The efficacy of the proposed method is validated through simulations and experiments. We employed a chip-scaled soliton microcomb (SMC) to compute the dispersion curves of a 14 m single-mode fiber (SMF) and a 0.05 m glass. Compared to a laser interferometer or the theoretical value given by manufacturers, the average relative error of refractive index measurement for single-mode fiber (SMF) reaches 2.8 × 10-6 and for glass reaches 3.8 × 10-6. The approach ensures high precision, while maintaining a simple system structure, with realizing adjustable resolution, thereby propelling the practical implementation of precise measurement and control-dispersion. © 2024 Chinese Laser Press.
    Affiliations:(1) Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology & System (Ministry of Education), Chongqing University, Chongqing; 400044, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an; 710119, China
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:1362-1370
    DOI Link:10.1364/PRJ.523314