• Record 37 of

    Title:Multi-spectral radiation thermometry of space point targets based on spectral image pixel binning
    Author Full Names:Dong, Pengkai; Zhou, Liang; Liu, Zhaohui; Cui, Kai
    Source Title:APPLIED OPTICS
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:The temperature characteristics of space point targets are essential indicators of their operational status and performance. To address the issue of significant temperature measurement errors in space point targets caused by low temperatures and a low imaging signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we propose a mathematical model for multi-spectral radiation thermometry, derived from the principles of dual-band radiation thermometry. Furthermore, a multispectral image pixel binning method is introduced to enhance the SNR and minimize measurement errors. The experimental results indicate that the proposed multi-spectral radiation thermometry outperforms dual-band radiation thermometry. After merging 2 to 20 pixels, multi-spectral radiation thermometry in the 3.75-4.1 and 4.3-4.62 mu m bands demonstrates an enhanced SNR and reduced temperature measurement errors. For a 378.15 K blackbody, the relative errors decrease from 1.52% and 2.19% to 0.26% and 0.74%, respectively, after merging six and eight pixels in the two different bands, compared to unmerged images. This method provides a valuable reference for developing techniques to enhance the SNR and improve temperature measurement accuracy for space point targets. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group. All rights, including for text and data mining (TDM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) training, and similar technologies, are reserved.
    Addresses:[Dong, Pengkai; Zhou, Liang; Liu, Zhaohui; Cui, Kai] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, 17 Xinxi Rd, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Dong, Pengkai] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China; [Dong, Pengkai; Zhou, Liang; Liu, Zhaohui; Cui, Kai] Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Space Precis Measurement Technol, l7 Xinxi Rd, Xian 710119, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:7900
    End Page:7908
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.537027
  • Record 38 of

    Title:Error analysis based on a tunable wave plate polarization interferometric imaging spectrometer
    Author Full Names:Tang, Feng; Zhang, Biyun; Zhang, Chunmin; Ma, Zhen; Ke, Ke; Wang, Yanqiang
    Source Title:APPLIED OPTICS
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Interference imaging spectroscopy combines modern imaging technology with spectral technology, holding significant importance for object imaging and spectral detection. This article introduces the principle of an adjustable wave plate polarization interferometric imaging spectrometer. The example design specifications are set for an observation wavelength range of 450-780 nm and a maximum resolution of 2 nm at 450 nm, with a 0.5 in detector as the base for calculating the specific dimensions of the Soleil-Babinet compensator. An investigation was conducted on the issues of nonuniform sampling, as well as three types of mechanical errors: flatness, wedge angle tolerance, and optical axis orientation accuracy. Emphasis was placed on discussing the impact of these errors on the instrument's optical path difference and spectral reconstruction accuracy. This research provides theoretical guidance for the design and engineering of this miniaturized imaging spectrometer. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group. All rights, including for text and data mining (TDM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) training, and similar technologies, are reserved.
    Addresses:[Tang, Feng; Zhang, Chunmin; Ke, Ke; Wang, Yanqiang] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Phys, Xian 710049, Peoples R China; [Tang, Feng; Zhang, Chunmin; Ke, Ke; Wang, Yanqiang] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Inst Space Opt, Xian 710049, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Biyun] BA Trading Guangzhou Co Ltd, Guangzhou 510000, Peoples R China; [Ma, Zhen] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Xi'an Jiaotong University; Xi'an Jiaotong University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:8016
    End Page:8026
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.538907
  • Record 39 of

    Title:Structural design and cryogenic stability analysis for long-wave infrared spatial heterodyne spectrometers
    Author Full Names:Wu, Yang; Feng, Yutao; Han, Bin; Wu, Junqiang; Sun, Jian
    Source Title:APPLIED OPTICS
    Document Type:Article
    Keywords Plus:SPECTROSCOPY
    Abstract:Under cryogenic conditions, long-wave infrared spatial heterodyne spectrometers (LWIR-SHSs) may exhibit variations in the inclination, frequency, and distortion of their interference fringes, which can affect the system's performance. To address the stability issues associated with cryogenics, an analysis and simulation of the optomechanical system's performance were conducted under such conditions. Employing a structural thermal optical performance (STOP) analysis, an integrated micro-stress dynamic flexible support structure for the LWIR-SHS was designed. The optimized system ensured stable operation under cryogenic conditions, maintaining the relative positional deviation of the key components below 0.00146 mm, the relative angular deviation within 25.98400, and the inclination of interference fringes in both simulation and tests less than 21 degrees. Furthermore, in comparison to the initial system, the interference fringe distortion also decreased significantly. Cryogenic testing of the entire system validated the optimized structure's effectiveness in minimizing variations of the interferogram, aligning with simulation predictions. This outcome demonstrates the optimization strategy's substantial impact on enhancing both the structural stability and operational performance of the cryogenic infrared optical system. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group. All rights, including for text and data mining (TDM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) training, and similar technologies, are reserved.
    Addresses:[Wu, Yang; Feng, Yutao; Han, Bin; Wu, Junqiang; Sun, Jian] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Wu, Yang] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:8044
    End Page:8053
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.540922
  • Record 40 of

    Title:Response of fs-Laser-Irradiated Diamond by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
    Author Full Names:Bernal, Franky; Riffe, Erika J.; Devlin, Shane W.; Hamel, Sebastien; Lindsey, Rebecca K.; Reid, Alexander H.; Mo, Mianzhen; Luo, Duan; Kramer, Patrick; Shen, Xiaozhe; Nadarajah, Athavan; Stacey, Alastair; Prawer, Steven; Whitley, Heather D.; Schwartz, Craig P.; Saykally, Richard J.
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Structural details of the proposed solid-liquid phase transition of carbon have remained elusive, despite years of study. While it is theorized that novel carbon materials form from a liquid precursor, experimental studies have lacked the temporal and spatial resolution necessary to fully characterize the purported liquid state. Here we utilize megaelectronvolt-ultrafast electron diffraction (MeV-UED) to study laser irradiated submicron diamond thin films in a pump-probe scheme with picosecond time resolution to visualize potential structural changes of excited diamond. We probe the structure of diamond using a combination of fluences (13, 40 J/cm(2)) and time delays (10, 25, 100 ps), but observe negligible changes in the static diffraction pattern of diamond and an overall decrease in diffraction intensity up to 100 ps after the excitation pulse. We thus conclude that no appreciable amount of liquid or graphitized carbon is present and highlight the structural resilience of bulk diamond to intense 800 nm ultrafast laser pulses.
    Addresses:[Bernal, Franky; Riffe, Erika J.; Devlin, Shane W.; Saykally, Richard J.] Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Chem, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA; [Bernal, Franky; Devlin, Shane W.; Saykally, Richard J.] Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Chem Sci Div, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA; [Devlin, Shane W.; Schwartz, Craig P.] Univ Nevada, Nevada Extreme Condit Lab, Las Vegas, NV 89154 USA; [Hamel, Sebastien; Lindsey, Rebecca K.; Whitley, Heather D.] Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, Livermore, CA 94550 USA; [Lindsey, Rebecca K.] Univ Michigan, Dept Chem Engn, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA; [Reid, Alexander H.; Mo, Mianzhen; Luo, Duan; Kramer, Patrick; Shen, Xiaozhe] SLAC Natl Accelerator Lab, Menlo Pk, CA 94025 USA; [Luo, Duan] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt Precis Mech, Key Lab Ultrafast Photoelect Diagnost Technol, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Nadarajah, Athavan; Prawer, Steven] Univ Melbourne, Sch Phys, Parkville, Vic 3010, Australia; [Stacey, Alastair] RMIT Univ, Sch Sci, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia; [Stacey, Alastair] Princeton Univ, Princeton Plasma Phys Lab, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA
    Affiliations:University of California System; University of California Berkeley; United States Department of Energy (DOE); Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE); University of Nevada Las Vegas; United States Department of Energy (DOE); Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; University of Michigan System; University of Michigan; Stanford University; United States Department of Energy (DOE); SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; University of Melbourne; Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT); Princeton University; United States Department of Energy (DOE); Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:18651
    End Page:18657
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c05999
  • Record 41 of

    Title:Attosecond-precision timing jitter measurement based on temporal sampling method
    Author Full Names:Liu, Keyang; Li, Jinhui; Wang, Xingguo; Wang, Xianglin; Wang, Yishan; Zhao, Wei; Cao, Huabao; Fu, Yuxi
    Source Title:OPTICS EXPRESS
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:We propose a timing jitter measurement scheme based on the temporal sampling method. This scheme offers a wide dynamic range and high measurement accuracy for measuring timing jitter between pulses, allowing for attosecond precision in measuring timing jitter of ultrashort pulses with short and long pulse duration. By utilizing a balanced measuring configuration, this scheme is naturally immune to the environmental and laser amplitude noises, and has been successfully used to measure timing jitter of two femtosecond pulses. This scheme can be utilized to measure and control timing jitter in the beam combining systems for generation of ultrafast laser, with high average and peak powers. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
    Addresses:[Liu, Keyang; Li, Jinhui; Wang, Xingguo; Wang, Xianglin; Wang, Yishan; Zhao, Wei; Cao, Huabao; Fu, Yuxi] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Ctr Attosecond Sci & Technol, Xian 710119, Shaanxi, Peoples R China; [Liu, Keyang; Li, Jinhui; Wang, Xingguo; Wang, Xianglin; Wang, Yishan; Zhao, Wei; Cao, Huabao; Fu, Yuxi] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:39593
    End Page:39599
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.541203
  • Record 42 of

    Title:Turnkey generation of MIR soliton and NIR second-harmonic microcombs
    Author Full Names:Shi, Lei; Ming, Xianshun; Yu, Hengshen; Ma, Kai; Sun, Qibing; Wang, Leiran; Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Wenfu
    Source Title:OPTICS EXPRESS
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Mid-infrared (MIR) microcombs exhibit remarkable advantages for trace molecule detection, facilitating fast and precise spectral analysis. However, due to limitations in tunability and size of available MIR pump sources, it is difficult to achieve compact MIR mode-locked microcombs using traditional methods. Here, we propose the turnkey generation of MIR soliton and near-infrared second-harmonic microcombs in a single microresonator. The self-starting method based on self-injection locking eliminates the complex tuning process and is compatible with modular packaged MIR distributed-feedback lasers. By simultaneously leveraging second- and third-order nonlinearities, frequency up-conversion can be achieved without relying on external nonlinear media, facilitating the integration of f-2f self-referencing. Additionally, the direct turnkey generation of breathing solitons and two-soliton states has been achieved. Meanwhile, a new method is proposed that allows for quickly switching between different soliton states by simply changing the pump power. We provide operational guidelines and explain its operating mechanism. Dynamical analysis shows that the detuning automatically converges to the red detuning region corresponding to the target soliton state. Our work provides a full-system miniaturized mode-locking scheme for MIR microcombs and offers new potential for fast switching of soliton states and self-referencing of single-resonator. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
    Addresses:[Shi, Lei; Ming, Xianshun; Yu, Hengshen; Ma, Kai; Sun, Qibing; Wang, Leiran; Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Wenfu] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Shi, Lei; Yu, Hengshen; Sun, Qibing; Wang, Leiran; Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Wenfu] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:39860
    End Page:39872
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.535316
  • Record 43 of

    Title:Ultrafast laser triggering nanocrystallization inside Nd-doped photo-thermo-refractive glass and its application in Q-switched laser
    Author Full Names:Wang, Xu; Li, Guangying; Zhang, Guodong; Wang, Jiang; Zhang, Yunjie; Cheng, Guanghua
    Source Title:OPTICS EXPRESS
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass doped with rare-earth ions has attracted considerable attention due to its excellent linear photosensitivity and laser performance. This study investigates the nonlinear photosensitive nanocrystallization induced by ultrafast laser irradiation in Nd-doped PTR glass. Phase contrast microscopy reveals that both Gaussian and Gaussian-Bessel beams can modulate the refractive index positively or negatively, depending on specific conditions. Notably, Gaussian-Bessel beams can significantly extend the thickness of the laser-modified layer. Optical spectra indicate the formation of silver nanoparticles, with concentration increasing as pulse energy increases. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy confirm the precipitation of nanocrystals with the composition of NaF following laser irradiation and thermal treatment, consistent with conventional PTR glass. The nonlinear optical characteristics of the treated sample are evaluated and successfully applied in a passive Q-switched laser, exhibiting both gain characteristics and saturable absorption. This study provides an effective strategy for multifunctional integrated on-chip devices that possess high damage thresholds and enhanced stability.
    Addresses:[Wang, Xu] Xian Shiyou Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710065, Peoples R China; [Li, Guangying] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Guodong; Wang, Jiang; Cheng, Guanghua] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Artificial Intelligence Opt & Elect, Xian 710072, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Yunjie] Xian Polytech Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710048, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Xi'an Shiyou University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics; Northwestern Polytechnical University; Xi'an Polytechnic University
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:38931
    End Page:38941
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.537472
  • Record 44 of

    Title:Research on subsurface damage mechanism and suppression method of ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding of sapphire components under extreme service environment
    Author Full Names:Sun, GuoYan; Zhang, Wanli; Wang, JianYong; Ding, JiaoTeng; Wang, Bo; Shi, Feng
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Single-crystal sapphire (alpha-Al2O3) has a wide range of applications in a variety of extreme environments due to its excellent mechanical and chemical properties as well as its stability under extreme service conditions. In addition, sapphire is a hard and brittle material, which makes it difficult to avoid the introduction of subsurface damage during processing, and the existence of a subsurface damage layer seriously affects the performance of the optical system. Therefore, this study focuses on the mechanism of subsurface damage in sapphire grinding, the suppression of damage depth, and the accurate and fast prediction of damage depth. A subsurface damage model for ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding of sapphire was established by combining ultrasonic vibration single abrasive grain kinematics and dynamics analysis. The mechanism of ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding was investigated by combining force and acoustic emission (AE) signals. And the effects of ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding on the surface quality, subsurface damage form, and depth were analyzed. A comprehensive prediction model of SSD based on surface roughness (Sz) was established by combining indentation fracture mechanics and Gaussian process regression. Finally, by analyzing the influence law of each process parameter on the subsurface damage depth (SSD), the grinding process parameters were optimized, and the subsurface damage suppression strategy was proposed. This study provides theoretical guidance for the high-efficiency and low-damage grinding of sapphire.
    Addresses:[Zhang, Wanli; Wang, Bo; Shi, Feng] Natl Univ Def Technol, Coll Intelligence Sci & Technol, 109 Deya Rd, Changsha 410073, Peoples R China; [Sun, GuoYan; Ding, JiaoTeng] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Wang, JianYong] AVIC, Luoyang Inst Electroopt Equipment, Luoyang 471009, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Wanli; Wang, Bo; Shi, Feng] Natl Univ Def Technol, Coll Intelligence Sci & Technol, Lab Sci & Technol Integrated Logist Support, 109 Deya Rd, Changsha 410073, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Wanli; Wang, Bo; Shi, Feng] Hunan Key Lab Ultraprecis Machining Technol, Changsha 410073, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:National University of Defense Technology - China; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC); National University of Defense Technology - China
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:2215
    End Page:2242
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-024-14491-x
  • Record 45 of

    Title:Artificial potential field-empowered dynamic holographic optical tweezers for particle-array assembly and transformation
    Author Full Names:Li, Xing; Yang, Yanlong; Yan, Shaohui; Gao, Wenyu; Zhou, Yuan; Yu, Xianghua; Bai, Chen; Dan, Dan; Xu, Xiaohao; Yao, Baoli
    Source Title:PHOTONIX
    Document Type:Article
    Keywords Plus:FORCE; TRAP
    Abstract:Owing to the ability to parallel manipulate micro-objects, dynamic holographic optical tweezers (HOTs) are widely used for assembly and patterning of particles or cells. However, for simultaneous control of large-scale targets, potential collisions could lead to defects in the formed patterns. Herein we introduce the artificial potential field (APF) to develop dynamic HOTs that enable collision-avoidance micro-manipulation. By eliminating collision risks among particles, this method can maximize the degree of parallelism in multi-particle transport, and it permits the implementation of the Hungarian algorithm for matching the particles with their target sites in a minimal pathway. In proof-of-concept experiments, we employ APF-empowered dynamic HOTs to achieve direct assembly of a defect-free 8 x 8 array of microbeads, which starts from random initial positions. We further demonstrate successive flexible transformations of a 7 x 7 microbead array, by regulating its tilt angle and inter-particle spacing distances with a minimalist path. We anticipate that the proposed method will become a versatile tool to open up new possibilities for parallel optical micromanipulation tasks in a variety of fields.
    Addresses:[Li, Xing; Yang, Yanlong; Yan, Shaohui; Gao, Wenyu; Zhou, Yuan; Yu, Xianghua; Bai, Chen; Dan, Dan; Xu, Xiaohao; Yao, Baoli] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Li, Xing; Gao, Wenyu; Zhou, Yuan; Yao, Baoli] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
    Publication Year:2024
    Article Number:32
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s43074-024-00144-5
  • Record 46 of

    Title:Non-Ambiguous Range Extension by a Frequency Scanning Soliton Microcomb
    Author Full Names:Shi, Wenqi; Wang, Yang; Wang, Weiqiang; Chen, Kairong; Cao, Yulian; Zhang, Wenfu; Liu, Jianguo
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Laser based range measurement system plays an important role in both scientific and industrial areas. Soliton microcomb (SMC) based dispersive interferometry (DPI) method has shown the advantages of high speed, high precision, and compact size in ranging systems. However, due to the high repetition rate of SMCs, it results in a small non-ambiguous range (NAR), which impacts the practical application of SMC based ranging systems. Furthermore, when the measured distance is close to N times NAR, it is difficult to extract the distance information including the delay time and direction. Here, we introduce frequency scanning and prime number algorithm to an SMC based DPI ranging system. The frequency of SMC can be scanned over one free spectral range (FSR) by sweeping the pump frequency and the resonance of the microresonator synchronously. The interference spectra are recorded when the frequency is scanned every 1/i(m)(i(m)= 2, 3, 5, 7 ..., a list of primes) FSR, and the NAR can be extended by similar to root 2 Pi i(m) times through interpolating the recorded interference spectra. We experimentally verify the feasibility of the proposed ranging system, and the NAR is extended by 3 times. Furthermore, we extract a small delay time of 6.859 fs with a standard deviation of 1.128 mu m, which cannot be determined by the SMC with original repetition rate. The proposed ranging system can extend the NAR without any auxiliary rough measurement systems, and the detectable distance over the full range can be achieved.
    Addresses:[Shi, Wenqi; Chen, Kairong; Cao, Yulian; Liu, Jianguo] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Semicond, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China; [Shi, Wenqi; Chen, Kairong; Cao, Yulian; Liu, Jianguo] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Coll Mat Sci & Optoelect Technol, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China; [Wang, Yang; Wang, Weiqiang; Zhang, Wenfu] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Wang, Weiqiang] Shaanxi Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Elect Informat & Artificial Intelligence, Xian 710021, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Semiconductors, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Shaanxi University of Science & Technology
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:7253
    End Page:7259
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2024.3415161
  • Record 47 of

    Title:A 90 SrHfO3-based betavoltaic/beta-photovoltaic dual-effect integrated nuclear battery
    Author Full Names:Cui, Qiming; Lu, Jingbin; Zhang, Yu; Yuan, Xinxu; Li, Chengqian; Zhao, Yang; Zheng, Renzhou; Li, Xiaoyi; Liu, Yuxin; Liu, Xinrui
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:In this paper, the secondary conversion idea is used to reduce the self-absorption effect of the radioactive source by combining the radioactive source with the scintillation material, so as to enhance the energy conversion efficiency of the battery. A theoretical model of a dual-effect integrated nuclear battery based on (SrHfO3)-Sr-90 doped with Ce is proposed. The emission photon and electron spectra of the beta-luminescent integrated radioactive source (SrHfO3)-Sr-90 have been calculated by GEANT4. The average outgoing electron energy of SrHfO3 was calculated, and the thickness of the energy reducing material was determined. The effect of structural parameters of GaAs materials on the dual-effect integrated nuclear battery was analyzed to obtain the optimal output performance according to theoretical calculation. From the perspective of conversion efficiency, the activity density and thickness of (SrHfO3)-Sr-90 are determined to be 1.6 Ci/cm(2) and 53.6 mu m. At this time, the thickness of SrHfO3 is 1.28 mm. The total maximum output power density of the optimized dual-effect integrated nuclear battery is 9.31 mu W/cm(2), and the energy conversion efficiency is 0.18 %. At this point, the doping concentrations of GaAs are N-a = 1.26 x 10(17) cm(-3) and N-d = 6.31 x 10(18) cm(-3), and x(j) is 0.05 mu m. Compared with nonintegrated batteries, the output performance is significantly improved.
    Addresses:[Cui, Qiming; Lu, Jingbin; Zhang, Yu; Yuan, Xinxu; Li, Chengqian; Zhao, Yang; Li, Xiaoyi; Liu, Yuxin; Liu, Xinrui] Jilin Univ, Coll Phys, Changchun 130012, Peoples R China; [Zheng, Renzhou] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Jilin University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics
    Publication Year:2024
    Article Number:163902
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0230622
  • Record 48 of

    Title:Enhanced uniformity of zirconia coating for high power lasers via solvent replacement and PEG-doping
    Author Full Names:Hu, Wenjie; Zhang, Ce; Li, Nini; Wu, Shengli; Xu, Yao
    Document Type:Article
    Abstract:Zirconia coating has a lot of promise when it comes to enhancing the optical performance and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of the mirror in laser systems. In this work, a high LIDT ZrO2 coating was created using the sol-gel spin coating technique. The anhydrous ethanol solvent was substituted with alcohol ether solvent, and the spin coating technique was employed to achieve a macro homogeneous and flawless ZrO2 coating. Additionally, organic polymer polyethylene glycol (average Mn 200, PEG200) doping was used to achieve the uniform ZrO2 coating with LIDT. ZrO2-PEG composite coatings with consistent LIDT and exceptional optical properties were created. Alcohol ether solvents helped the sol produce a more homogeneous gel coating on the substrate, as demonstrated by the ZrO2 coating microscope pictures. The LIDT with a 0.5 wt.% PEG200 content was the most uniform. PEG200 organic molecules were able to alter the link state of the ZrO2 particles. The macroscopic mechanical characteristics of the coatings revealed that the hardness and elastic modulus of the ZrO2-PEG composite coating were mostly influenced by the PEG200 content. When the PEG200 content was 0.3 wt.%, the hardness and elastic modulus of the ZrO2-PEG composite coating were the lowest with the highest of the LIDT at 39.253.13J/cm(2) (@ 1064nm, 11ns, 1 mm(2)). [Graphical Abstract]
    Addresses:[Hu, Wenjie; Li, Nini; Xu, Yao] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian, Peoples R China; [Hu, Wenjie; Wu, Shengli] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Key Lab Phys Elect & Devices, Minist Educ, Xian, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Ce] Shaanxi Univ Sci & Technol, Shaanxi Collaborat Innovat Ctr Ind Auxiliary Chem, Inst Frontier Sci & Technol Transfer, Xian, Peoples R China
    Affiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Xi'an Jiaotong University; Shaanxi University of Science & Technology
    Publication Year:2024
    Start Page:790
    End Page:800
    DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10971-024-06586-4